State of affairs of The (anti) Hindu by an - TopicsExpress


State of affairs of The (anti) Hindu by an autocratic editor, pseudo-sickularist, anti-Hindu, Anti-culture, Anti-Dharma ....may be started reaping the fruits of the hate, fallacies, half-truths, boot licking news in favour of commies, church and islam....hope more arrows are shot at the anti-Hindu madam and her jalra chelas both at management and at editorial.... where @rahulpandita signs off in style from The Hindu. revelatory resignation letter to @MaliniP Dr. Parthasarthy, I think I made my point quite clear in my email to the editor-in-chief. In the current situation what the Op-ed page really needs is a bunch of interns who can seek instructions from you on an hourly basis and then get in touch with the authors on your behalf. An Op-ed editor, the way I see it, has to be given some broad guidelines in the beginning and then left free to run the page. But there is absolutely no freedom for the current editors to do so. Every article that comes to us or has to be commissioned has to go through your approval. And it really depends on what you think at that point. To tell you the truth, it is just a waste of talent, as far as I am concerned. I came to The Hindu to steer some top-notch reportage and to strengthen the edit pages - by making it more accessible and more nuanced. But I am bogged down with this hourly need to consult you, and with the practice of selecting articles on the basis of whether youve been addressed as Malini or Maam in the covering letters. I am also sick of this constant play of yours: to pitch one person against another for one week, and then reverse it in the next. One is also tired of your changing goalposts. The Sunday Anchor has to be reportage-driven, and then suddenly it becomes policy-driven, and then suddenly, depending on what you hear or get impressed with, it has to be made reportage-driven again. I am a hardcore journalist and I came to journalism with a certain anger, with a certain cockiness. I have seen people dying in front of my eyes, their entrails in their hands. I have had guns pointed to my temple. Getting my blood pressure high in a conflict zone is a part of my life. But I do not like to get my blood pressure high while sitting in a cabin, waiting for a phone call from yours, of which Ill not understand a word. I have resigned with immediate effect. And that is what I have conveyed to the editor-in-chief. Warmly, Rahul Pandita told The News Minute that he had differences over editorial autonomy and a majority of editors do not have the courage to stand up for their rights. I quit because the journey had become too pointless. I had differences over editorial autonomy with the editor, Malini. There was hardly any excitement and it became too boring for me. There is freedom to pursue stories, but inside, there is no autonomy or freedom for the editors. But that is also because the majority of editors are pusillanimous and do not have the courage to stand up for their rights. It is the responsibility of every editor to tell the owner-editor where he or she may be wrong instead of agreeing to everything with a yes maam, yes maam I wish the paper all best for the future. But, sadly, it has slipped into a coma of sorts currently. Im still very fond of The Hindu and wish it all best.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 12:06:12 +0000

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