Stirring the pot again (am I bored?? Do I need a hobby??) So if - TopicsExpress


Stirring the pot again (am I bored?? Do I need a hobby??) So if you dont want a controversial subject......move on. This morning on the alarm clock radio, I woke up to the voices of shouting protesters regarding unionizing the likes of McDonalds and hiking the minimum wage to $15 per hour. They were shouting about how the current wage is not enough to support their kids, pay rent, and pay bills. I have several issues with this. And before some of you go ballistic with me, I do believe that people should have the opportunity to earn a wage that provides them with a comfortable life. This does not mean a 3000 sq ft house, with a Mercedes. This does not mean steak and lobsters for dinner, or going out for lunch and dinner 5 times a week. This does not mean fancy designer clothes, but the basics to get by. If you want more, you have to work harder towards those ends. Minimum wage jobs are to me a minimum for minimum effort. Or a transitional job at most (students, homemakers, retirees etc who want a bit of extra money). Not a career choice. Raising minimum wage to $15 is a dangerous proposition in the long run. Short haul, it will help those working for it. But....the prices of everything will go up. Hours for those employees will decrease and/or jobs will be eliminated. How many mom and pop businesses will be able to pay those they employ? Instead of 4 jobs, maybe they will only be able to offer 2. It will translate to fewer people having more of a workload. Many of us see this already. Budget cutbacks (sort of a parallel to increased wages from an employers standpoint) is often met with fewer positions, but the job still needs to be done. So the remaining employees wind up working harder. Work will, out of necessity, become more automated. We see this already. Self checkouts at grocery stores is one example. How long will it be before you go into a fast food establishment before you are the one hitting the buttons on the register for your hamburger order? Then you will feed your money into the machine and it will spit out your change. Maybe it will also happen where a machine assembles that lousy hamburger too. And all that is left is a skeleton crew to make sure all runs well. That is.....if you can still afford a $20 hamburger that you will have to look under the pickle to find. If you want a good job, you have to learn a skill. Whether you go to college, or learn a trade, you have to have a valuable skill to earn a wage that will be reflective of your hard work and effort. Not to say that minimum wage earners do not work hard, they do. But most (NOT ALL) have not worked hard at their education and skill set. I have even noticed that at times, the cashier only knows enough English to handle the menu and count the change back(when that isnt already automated). I am not for a $15 minimum wage. I am for people learning a skill, and finding jobs that are worth more than the skill lacking jobs that have often been the traditional jobs for students, and those just wanting a few hours for pocket money. Those jobs are not career choices. \ If the job does not provide enough to support the kids you have, why are you having kids in the first place? If the job you have does not provide the money for your home, food and other things you like, then why dont you find a way through education/learning a skill that will help you to those ends? ok...this rant is getting too long. Waiting for the bullets now!! ;)
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:34:36 +0000

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