Straight: ANIL ROBERTS I have never believed in kicking a man - TopicsExpress


Straight: ANIL ROBERTS I have never believed in kicking a man when he is down…too many of us stand in judgment of one other, until we hit the pavement ourselves; I said that when former Prime Minister, Patrick Manning (who I absolutely disliked as a prime minister) managed to score an own-goal; and I believe that now about my former colleague Anil Roberts…what I WILL say about Anil, however, is that his actions and attitude have left me speechless. Arrogance and ingratitude are two traits that are sure to kick you up your backside someday, and Anil’s day has come…he was RUTHLESS when it came to ANYONE who crossed him and EVERYONE who didn’t have their FACTS. He stood as judge, jury and executioner – a demi-god who never erred. Anil left Gayelle Television…the station that helped mould him into the media superstar that he became, and which is responsible for jumpstarting so many careers in the industry – including mine – and never looked back. No matter how hard heads at the station tried to reach him when he became Sports Minister, Anil was never available…not for an interview; not for financial assistance; not for an endorsement; Anil had bigger fish to fry and better company to fraternise with. I, like so many others, thought Anil would be the best sports minister in this country’s history – hands down…I like so many others, considered Anil to be the people’s champion on issues that affect us all…I, like so many others, can now only say – to use Anil’s old catchphrase - WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!! EMANCIPATION Kafra Khambon and his clip have spent some $6million TT dollars to prance in the road in the name of emancipation celebrations… QUESTION: What exactly are we celebrating? We as African people are physically free, but mentally enslaved…it is OUR black boys who are the killing one another; OUR black boys who star in the magistrates courts. African males make up 80 percent of the prison population mainly on murder charges and aggravated assault; Indian males make up 20 percent of the prison population, mainly for drug trafficking and fraud. 2010 statistics state that of the almost 2,500 murder victims, nearly 2,000 were Africans…and if you think my facts are skewed, check those who are dying like dogs in the road; and those who the police gun down almost daily…but we revelling in the road because we’re emancipated. What is the ethnicity of most of the homeless men and women you see in POS…are they Caucasian? Are they Chinese? Are they Syrian? Are they Indian? THEY ARE AFRICAN…not all, but most…digging in dustbins and begging…men gone mad…either because of drug addiction, because the cares of this life were too great, or for their deeds…Nevertheless we paradin…because we’re emancipated. When the Emancipation Support Committee takes its $6million dollars to warring zones in Laventille and invests it in educational classes of any kind (including life skills and parenting) to help stem the murderous mayhem, and the influx of black boys in jail, then I will take it seriously. When it takes its $6 miillion dollars to help rehabilitate black brothers and sisters currently on the streets, then I will respect them more. In fact, when the Emancipation Support Committee visits the blocks and talks to the young men and women in a show of support for the plight that they face – self-inflicted or otherwise - then they will have MY support. Until then, they’re a waste of time…sorry.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:06:15 +0000

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