Sukhi Harrison 12 mins · Edited · JAI GURUJI KI---------TODAY - TopicsExpress


Sukhi Harrison 12 mins · Edited · JAI GURUJI KI---------TODAY ITS TIME TO WRITE A LITTLE BIT ON FAITH BELIEF AN SURRENDER---AN A WAY TO MIRACLES UNFOLDING , WHEN YOU REACH GURUJIS DOORSTEP=====AN REFLECTING ON MANY OF THE QUESTIONS AN DOUBTS RAISED INBOX BY MY OWN GURU PAREWAAR MY GURU FAMILY---ALWAYS BELIEVE IN HIM ,HAVE FAITH IN HIM ,ABOVE ALL SURRENDER AN ---ABOVE THESE THREE THINGS GURUJI ONLY EXPECTS LOVE IN RETURN AN MIRACLES UNFOLD----Faith and Believing=== Faith is something we all have. We always have faith in some things at all times. Having faith in something is the act of believing in something so strongly that we don’t even consider it could be any other way. For example we have faith every time we take a breath that there will be oxygen in the atmosphere to fill our lungs. We have faith that when we eat our food our body will properly deliver all of the nutrients needed for our survival. We have faith that when we take medication prescribed by our doctor that our illnesses will be cured. But what happens when we stop believing in certain things or when we start believing in negative and unfavorable realities? The mind is very powerful and what we believe can have physical effects on the body There is a universal power and an unlimited creative potential within all of us that we have just barely begun to explore. The key to accessing that power and potential is faith. When we settle into a lifestyle of faith what we expect to come to us naturally comes to us. We manifest the things we expect and believe are already in existence. Life proceeds as normal when we have absolutely zero doubt that it could be any other way. If we truly expect to be taken care of financially and have zero doubt that it could be any other way, then we will be taken care of financially. If we fear every day that we will not have enough money, then through the Law of Attraction we will attract more of that lack that we fear into our lives. In reality we already have everything that we need. Spirit can never be lacking so when our minds create worrisome stories about lack we must remember that they are only fictional tales. Remember that what we see with our eyes is not a reality but a perceived reality. Unfortunately we don’t have an exact visual depiction of our reality because our eyes and our minds are narrating a different story. Our brains are always adding and subtracting things from our perception which create major limitations in how we view our world. It filters things out that we don’t need to see and it fills in imagery that is absent from our blind spots. There is a reality that exists that we cannot see with our eyes, and what we think is reality isn’t even the correct or whole reality. When we reconnect to the whole of the universe through meditation, we regain our understanding of what is real. What is real is that we are whole and lack nothing. Whenever we have a belief in something and we make that belief a virtual truth in our minds, then that belief can in fact become a reality for us. Whatever we want our physical life to look like we must first contemplate it as a possible reality. Then through faith and believing we can attract this contemplated reality into our lives. “You’ll see it when you believe it”, but our cultural conditioning has us saying just the opposite, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Therein lies the problem. We believe that our external environment is the cause and our internal environment is the effect when in fact the reverse is true. Our external world is a reflection of our internal world. Change the inside and the outside is sure to follow.==this extract is put up for our dear family-our GURU PAREWAAR -Who offten ask aunty whats the difference betwween FAITH AN BELIEF-----------------HOW DO WE BELIEVE-HOW TO HAVE FAITH IN GURUJI---------------------------------------WILL THINGS HAPPEN-------ABOVE ALL THIS LIES THE BIG WORD SURRENGER WHICH WE OFTEN HERE-WHICH IS SO SO IMPORTANT-WHICH HELPS YOUR SPIRIT TO EVOLVE------TO ALLOW GURUJI TO HELP YOU PROTECT YOU LOVE YOU .=SPIRITUALITY=======IS To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe===What exactly is the state of surrender, and why are we using surrender at every drop of a hat? The awakened ones might say of course, surrender to the source, next question is who is the source? Is it god, universe or a person? Can be anything, anyone according to our belief system; it’s pretty straight. If today we believe that the source is the ‘universe’, than so it maybe since every star, every planet, the whole of constellation revolves in its vast expanse; all of it does affect human attitude and culture. What if you believe that source is a person than yes it is so! That source is maybe the ‘living siddha or ascended master adorning a human body’, if he is the one who ignites the fire in you, so be it. Or else as most of us believe it’s a supernatural power ‘god’, by all means ‘yes’! Whoever it maybe the bottom-line is you do derive your strength from them and you feel happy when you are connected.---------- The State of Surrender ~The world is cruel, insane, I don’t seem to belong. ~Everybody is just trying to be pricey, with no genuineness and no generosity! ~I am always suffering, I am not going to try further. ~So many expectations and there is no respite! ~I am being tested all the time, no effort seem to suffice. ~I don’t know where my life is heading, nothing is really making sense! ~I have ‘given up’. ~I am in love but he /she doesn’t respond! ~The world seems to get these things so easily yet I never seem to ‘survive’. ~I am so unlucky. Does any of this reminds you of ‘yourself’ at some point in life where you were hitting the ‘dead end’ or didn’t know whom to hold on to? I guess many of us will resonate with these situations. As the famous saying goes “When the going gets tough the tough gets going”. Yes life does make you face some ‘hard times’ or shall we say ‘disguised growth opportunity’ But we still have to live, love and sometimes maybe move on. That’s what enriches the soul, that’s what’s called ‘living’. Had it been easy, one would have missed the depth of it! As one may say the “best swimmers are the one’s who stick to the ‘deep’ when the rest are just buoying in the shallows”, ironical statement yet profoundly true. So it is with life! You hold on to it strong when it is the roughest and it will see you through. Even better surrender! So getting back to surrender, honestly speaking it is one of the most powerful vices one can think of, it actually makes you feel ‘liberated’, to say the least. Imagine when nothing ‘binds’ you, you are free and that’s exactly what surrendering does, you are setting a powerful signal to the universe: look ‘now nothing controls me’. You take over and, yes, the universe then unfolds some mind-blowing ‘miracles’. Just be open to ‘receive’ them! It might sound a little gibberish and ‘dreamlike’ but try it with 100% surrender as in with ‘no attachment’ to the outcome and trust me, you will be pleasantly surprised with what unfolds. Many of you reading this may have some questions popping up, things like “if I am unemployed, does that mean by just by surrendering, I will get a job”? Or something like “I just flunked my exams so if I surrender I will pass?” Well, it sounds a little outrageous, but understand ‘surrendering’ doesn’t mean that you stop doing your ‘karma’, i.e your part of the act. You do your part and then surrender. Apply for job everywhere possible, update your skills, network with the right people and then surrender. Don’t get hooked on to the result. In the ‘exam’ case, study wholeheartedly and trust that the universe will deliver the result in the right time! And it will! For sure. As long as you have done your part, that’s what matters. Rest, ‘have faith’ in the universal support, and let things materialize in divine timing smoothly and beautifully. It’s like attachment to your part of work and detachment to the result. Apply this principle in every part of your life and you will come out with ‘flying colors’. Remember, while doing your karma, do it with complete integrity and ‘soulfullness’ and you for sure will rise like a ‘phoenix’! By ‘soulfullness’, I mean immerse your spirit in your work. Let your soul take over and see every act of yours as a ‘piece of excellence’, as a work of ‘class’. And if despite everything done from your end and still surrendering doesn’t yield what you desired, then it’s time you realize either that ‘something’ is not meant to be or universe has a better ‘game plan’ for you, so correct your course or move on!===================================================OM SHANTI -SHANT SHANTI==============ALL I WOULD STRESS AT THIS POINT TO ALL IS HAVE FAITH, BELIEF AN SURRENDER TO GURUJI WHOLELLY-WITHOUT DOUBT -YOU NEED ONLY TO LOVE AN REMEMBER ALL THAT HE DOES FOR YOU IS FOR YOUR BEST-YOU DO WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU AN HE SHALL RECIPROCATE-THATS A PROMISE--MIRACLES SHALL UNFOLD FOR DEFINATE---------------------------------JAI JAI GURUJI KI
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 07:19:42 +0000

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