Summertime is upon us. That means insects and sun. 1. No - TopicsExpress


Summertime is upon us. That means insects and sun. 1. No sunblock on children under the age of 6 months. 2. No insect repellants on kids under 12 months. 3. Waterproof sunblocks are not waterproof. RE-APPLY!! 4. Babies really do not want to go to the beach. But if you must keep them protected from direct sun and sun reflected of the water and the sand. Keep them well hydrated, they loose more water from breathing and thru their skin. 5. Use something like Off Skin-tastic for children, do not use 100% DEET. It is absorbed thru the skin and potentially neuro-toxic. 6. For insect bites believe it or not put a little hydrocortisone cream on them and cover with Vicks. Vicks helps really well for itching. The reaction to insect bites is really fascinating, I will write that next. 7. For bee stings: Ice works really well at first for the pain. If allergic: bee sure your Epi-Pens are up-to-date. Do not be afraid to use it. And do not delay. If you use it, you still need to go to the ER. There is a delayed reaction that can occur 2-6 hours after the initial reaction and it also can be fatal. 8. Keep hydrated!!!!!! Use sunblock and insect repellants. 9. Check for Ticks. I pulled a gigantic wood tick off a girl last night. If this were the Cape one would have to worry about Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Thankfully it is rare around here. Got to go back to work. No rest for the wicked.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 17:13:05 +0000

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