Super bowl Sunday is upon us. So is Groundhog’s day and so is - TopicsExpress


Super bowl Sunday is upon us. So is Groundhog’s day and so is The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. I don’t know how many people will be watching Punxsutawney Phil emerge from his den to see or not see his shadow. Apparently there are approximately 2.1 billion Christians in the world and so I am optimistic that most of those will be celebrating the presentation of Jesus at the temple or at least saying a prayer tomorrow. And there are 100 million or so people who will hopefully be watching Peyton Manning, a legend in Tennessee football, win his second super bowl. I recently read an article by an Austin native entitled “I love football but is it killing my soul”. The author raises the question of our souls and football. He asks good questions like, “Is it okay that players injure themselves for our entertainment?” I played soccer in high school and college, albeit to maybe only a few people’s entertainment and I blew out my knee many years ago playing in that sport. I don’t think anyone was entertained; I certainly hope not. Those sorts of things happen to be an unfortunate by product of any sport. I am still sorting out my feelings on the subject of football and my soul but I do think it raises some interesting questions. One of those might be, “do we actually consider what it is we do and whether or not those things are consistent with who we are and specifically who we are as Christians?” And more importantly do we consider whose we are? That is, we are God’s and we are followers of Jesus Christ. Does that make a difference in the things we do, little and big? Thanks be to God. Father Bo+
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 14:06:12 +0000

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