Susquehanna Chapter PASR General Membership Meeting October 17, - TopicsExpress


Susquehanna Chapter PASR General Membership Meeting October 17, 2013 Dreyer Hall, Montrose, PA Music was provided by Mr. Nino Benicci and four members of the Montrose Music Department before the meeting was called to order. President Bob McNamara called the meeting to order at 10:40 AM. All pledged the flag and sang The Star Spangled Banner accompanied by MayBelle Golis. There were 30 members present. The minutes of the June 18, 2013 meeting were read by Jane Jerauld. Joan Peters made a motion, seconded by Mary Ketterer, to accept the minutes as corrected. The motion passed. Norma Orner presented the Treasurer’s Report. The operating balance is $5,652.78. The Scholarship balance is $889.50. Major expenses in the last six months include: mailings, scholarship award, the picnic, and the donation to the Susquehanna County Library for the Babies and Books program. Norma read a “Thank You” note from librarian Sue Stone which explained how this money is used. The treasurer’s books will be filed for audit. President’s Report Bob McNamara reported that Carol McNamara will do the newsletter before Thanksgiving. There will be two newsletters per year, and information from the state will be passed on through the newsletter. Postcards seemed to be very effective for the “I Don’t Have to go Back to School” Picnic, and will be used to announce chapter activities. Bob thanked all who helped organize the picnic. Attendance of more than 70 members was exceptional. He offered a special “Thank You” to Dennis and Karen Holbrook for the use of their grill. More active members are needed for the Executive Committee. There are vacant chair positions, and some chairs could use extra help. Remember that our PASR mission is “to serve others in need and help one another enjoy retirement.” Bob would like to update our current Susquehanna County PASR Webpage @ Gary Parker moved to pay Gino Carlotti to update the website, seconded by Bob Orner. The motion passed. Bob has also started a Facebook Page for Susquehanna County PASR @https:facebook/susquehannacountypasr. President Bob attended the State Convention in Lancaster October 6 -9, 2013. Over 500 people attended. He congratulated Gary Parker, the newly elected State Vice President for PASR, and Barbara Kelly, the newly elected State Treasurer for PASR. The following are the new state officers for PASR: President Barry Kelly President-elect Diana Armstrong Vice President Gary Parker Treasurer Barbara Kelly. A few By-Law changes occurred at the state Convention: 1. Regional Directors and Representatives are eligible to succeed themselves for one term. 2. The term of the Executive Director’s contract can be altered to a minimum of one year to a maximum of three years. 3. The budget will be ratified by delegates when a convention is held. There will be no State Convention in 2014. The 2015 convention will be held in Pittsburgh. The new health care law will not affect PSERS HOP. The only change mentioned was a possible 2-3% increase. Reports of Committees RECREO This committee needs a chair. President Bob announced a trip to Kentucky. RESOLUTIONS Janet Small encouraged new members to volunteer to chair this committee. Resolutions are developed at the chapter level, sent to the region level, and then to state for approval. It is not a difficult job. RETIREMENT PLANNING Mary Ketterer collected names and addresses of 40 2013 retirees, Montrose had 8, Blue Ridge 5, Elk Lake 10, Forest City 6, Mountain View 9, and Susquehanna 2. All received information about PASR and free dues for the local chapter. There will be a PSERS meeting at the American Legion on Nov.21, 2013. Mary would like to be replaced as chair of this committee. She stated that the job is not difficult, and that the schools are cooperative concerning names and addresses of retirees. MEDIA Gary Parker reported that he contacts local media about events such as our meeting today. Our chapter met and exceeded the membership goal of 18 new members. The 2014 membership campaign is called “Start the Climb.” The winner of the 500 scratch off tickets was from Region 3, the Pike County Chapter. A profit of $8293.24 from the raffle was presented at the State Convention. Gary explained the purpose of resolutions, which is to give commendation or direction to the Board of Directors at the state level. COMMUNITY SERVICE Linda Lee read “Thank You” notes from the TreHab food bank staff and Susquehanna County Interfaith Back to School Program for our donations to their programs. Over 230 children are scheduled to receive new shoes and socks. Linda presented a certificate to Bob McNamara, Volunteer of the Year, at the Region 3 meeting. She read the certificate and presented him with a pin. Bob had over 730 hours volunteering at various activities. Janet Small will be taking over this committee. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT Ellen Holdredge read a “Thank You” note from the library for the basket of books that was donated for the Blueberry Festival. She also thanked members for providing those books and also for the basket for the Literacy Council’s Apple Festival. The Educational Support $150 Grant will go to a Blue Ridge teacher, and applications are available. L/PEC The goal is to have a donation of $99. LEGISLATIVE Mary Ketterer explained the difference between defined contributions and defined benefits. She also gave a Legislative status report and stressed that PASR will advocate that any proposal must be analyzed and scrutinized in full public hearings. Gary Parker addressed the “Right to Know” law. MEMBER BENEFITS AND SERVICES This committee has no chair. President Bob did report that long term care, eye, dental and hearing insurances are available through PASR. MEMBERSHIP Bob Orner reported that we currently have 265 current members: 164 paid members, 46 complimentary members, 7 emeritus members, 2 associate members, and 24 regular members and 22 2012 retirees who did not renew but will be carried for one more year. 24 inactive members, 2011 retirees, were removed from the mailing list. Bob asked that if we know of any members who are 90+ years old to please let him know. NEWSLETTER Carol McNamara will chair this committee. She announced Nov. 15, 2013, as the deadline for information for the next newsletter. She is hoping to mail the newsletter by Nov. 22, 2013. Articles can be sent to her at [email protected]. SOCIAL SERVICES MEMORIAL HONOR FUND Barbara Bush remembered and honored the following deceased members from 2012-2013: Paul Miller Elk Lake July 4, 2012 Ruth E. Regan Montrose July 25, 2012 Charles “Corky” Merrill Montrose July 28, 2012 Harry H. Cooley Mountain View/ Elk Lake August 6, 2012 Leonard M. Hoal Montrose August 16, 2012 Margaret L. Douglas Montrose August 24, 2012 Dr. Donald J. Golden Montrose November 18, 2012 Michael Martin, Jr. Susquehanna January 1, 2013 Helen Carlson Blue Ridge January 3, 2013 Paula Marie Dwen Elk Lake March 20, 2013 Richard C. Wagner Mountain View April 14, 2013 Erwin E. Wilkins Mountain View April 20, 2013 Mary Connelly McCormick Blue Ridge May 23, 2013 Barbara read a brief biography of each person and concluded with the poem Litany of Remembrance by Roland Gettelsohn. After a moment of silence, she made a motion to send a donation of $5 per person to PASR Social Services Memorial Honor Fund. Ellen Holdredge seconded, and the motion passed. New Business The books have been audited and found to be in order. Dennis Holbrook moved, seconded by Janet Small, to approve the audit. The motion passed. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Bob Orner, along with the nominating committee of Norma Orner and Bob McNamara presented the following slate of officers and committee chairs: President: Bob McNamara President-elect: John Manchester Past President: Bob Orner Secretary: Jane Jerauld Community Service: Janet Small Educational Support: Ellen Holdredge L/PEC: Bob McNamara Legislative: Mary Ketterer Media Contact: Gary Parker Member Benefits and Services: Membership: Bob Orner Newsletter: Carol McNamara Nominating: Bob Orner Public Relations: Gary Parker RECREO: Carol McNamara Resolutions: Linda Lee Retirement Planning: Mary Ketterer (until replaced) Social Service Memorial Honor Fund: Barbara Bush Barbara Kelly made a motion, seconded by Barbara Bush, to elect the slate of officers as presented. The motion passed. Joan Peters swore in the officers and chairs. 16 chapters state-wide were recognized for meeting all the goals, and our chapter was one of them. The teacher enrichment grant of $300 goes to a teacher in the Montrose Area School District this year. Ballets for state elections will be mailed by Nov. 6, 2013 and must be returned by Nov. 26, 2013. The 2013 John J. Dillon PSAR Service Award was presented to Norma Jean and Robert Orner. The meeting adjourned at 12:30PM. Dates to Remember: April 17, 2014 Susquehanna County Chapter PASR Executive Board Meeting, Green Gables, 10 AM June 17, 2014 Susquehanna County Chapter PASR General Meeting, location TBA July 8 2014 Susquehanna County Chapter PASR Executive Board Meeting, Green Gables, 10 AM July 10, 2014 PASR Region 3 Picnic August 28.2014 Susquehanna County Chapter PASR Picnic, Salt Springs State Park October 16, 2014 Susquehanna County Chapter PASR General Meeting, Montrose, PA Respectfully Submitted, Jane Jerauld Secretary
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:17:18 +0000

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