TESTIMONY! TESTIMONY!! TESTIMONY!!!. Though a bit lengthy, Please - TopicsExpress


TESTIMONY! TESTIMONY!! TESTIMONY!!!. Though a bit lengthy, Please read it!: This years birthday anniversary is the best in my life yet and all glory is ascribed unto God. Prior to my birthday, we had a repair work doing on the factory kiln line 1. One fateful day, the contractor gave us(a bsu student and I ) #200 to go for break. But I refuse to go to the canteen with the fellow because I normally brings my food to work, so I saved my own #100. Mean while there is man Abam. B(a causual staff in the same dept with me). Who I just like the first day I met him. So I felt in my heart to give him the money but didnt give him that same day. I went home with the money but the money didnt make any meaning to me though I had needs,it was just in my pocket like that. Some days later when we started working at the pre-heater, I just pull my hands out of my pocket and gave uncle Bem as I call him the money on our way out for break. Since then, Uncle Bem has so much attached himself to me. On the day before my birthday while working at the TDA, Bem called me, sat me down and began to pour out his life to me. How he has lost his first wife,and how his church are upon him for remarrying not following their doctrines threaten to suspend him if he fails to pay #60000 and every due he was owning the church. Uncle Bem also complained how he has lost reasonable amount of money on drinking little by little,that he could have used such amount of money to pay his children school fee and take care of the family. And how he has struggled to stop drinking and taking snuff(rising and falling) continueously and have being having sleepless night. After giving him some words from the bible disputing church doctrines and showing him the futility of struggling with a habit without Christ, he admitted that though he goes to church,he was not born again. Then I lead him to our workshop and prayed with and he accepted Christ into his life.... See what made me happy, on my birthday,yesterday,first thing uncle Bem did that morning unconsciously to him that its my birthday was that he came thanking me and comfirmed Gods word that he slept well like never before and had peace of mind. Now all eyes are on me. Brethren, this the second time #100 is producing this kind of result in my life. Are we buying people with money? No! its just yielding to the leading of our hearts. You can do same with whatever you have no matter how small,if only you can connect to your spirit. It can go a long way to save at least a soul..... You too can be used of God! Same yesterday being my day, the pastor who preaches in our staff bus official approved me to starts preaching too with the bus chairman agreeing to it. I was specially recognised in BCC fellowship yesterday. And the manifestation of all the birthday cakes posted on my wall was that someone gave me a gala which has a cake like make up yester night as a gift..... Guess what? I preach this morning on our way to work and on arriving at the factory there where testimonies of the move of Gods power with people booking appointment with me, thanksgiving and asking the name of my church so on. To crown it all, my I. T supervisor who was in the bus commended me on geting to his office to greet him and has giving me an invitation to his house any time and finally I received over 70 messages,sms and phone calls yesterday and the day before. Thank you all... Praise be to God in the highest!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:07:13 +0000

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