~TESTIMONY~ (do not study alone) I think this is the most - TopicsExpress


~TESTIMONY~ (do not study alone) I think this is the most POWERFUL Testimony that I have seen in some time.Thank you for trusting and sharing it Angela Jasik :shared with her permission ! That is a good word Kohen. I have studied so much on my own since I first picked up a Bible. I grew up in a Catholic family, parochial schools until high school when my parents gratefully allowed me to go to public school. I never fit into that faith very well and looking back I realize even then Yah had His hand on my life. I just couldnt accept the guilt, it came from everywhere. The cross still had the savior hanging on it, the stations of the cross, nuns who were quite frankly nuts. I didnt get a God who was supposed to love me so much that His son died a horrible death for me but was so distant and I could have no personal connection with. I got in trouble for asking why I had to tell a priest my sins instead of God and why if I was forgiven I had to do penance as silly as a few rosaries or ten Hail Marys or whatever and it was so random. No one took communion seriously and again came trouble from wanting to know how the priest changed the elements into Jesuss actual body and blood and why I would even want to consume that. Wasnt that cannibalism? And why it was a sin to get drunk but the priest had to finish the sacramental wine and got crocked more times than not. I even felt this inexplicable draw to the Jewish faith that I only now understand. We never opened a Bible, the only one we owned sat on our coffee table collecting dust and was only opened to record significant events. When I got saved it was in a Baptist church and Yah filled me with the Holy Spirit immediately. I devoured the Bible, had dreams and visions and understood what I was reading from the get go. Yah would wake me up for hours at a time and I was so filled with joy at everything I read! Needless to say, being in a Baptist church filled with the Spirit didnt turn out so well for me and I began what some called church hopping but it really was me soaking up what each one had for me and then moving on when I hit a wall as far as growth went. My church journey ended at the United Church of God. We thought we had finally found home, but despite the fact that they taught a lot of truth and kept Sabbath and the Feasts they still had a ceiling for growth. When I hit it I was told to just sit under those wiser than me and not to cause discord with what Yah was continuing to reveal to me or separate from the fellowship. The choice wasnt difficult. Yah has been faithful to lead me and grow me so long as I continued to obey. I wasnt about to quit for traditions and approval of men. So for a little over a year my family has been outside a fellowship. It is why I am grateful for opportunities such as this. I love people and iron sharpens iron. One day I pray Yah will lead us to a fellowship that we can be a part of without feeling as if we have compromised Him. He did lead me to an online group that has been wonderful for continued growth and virtual fellowship. One of my weaknesses is that I dont suffer fools very well and I am very black and white about things. It is one reason I love the Word so much. Yah says what He means and means what He says. This group of people are very much like that as well as continuing to learn and grow and be the watchmen on the wall shouting to all who pass by. Evangelism and discipleship-teaching have always been where my heart is. My bumpy life has made ministering to all kinds of people almost second nature. But as I said I dont suffer fools very well so I have no patience with people who just dont obey or look for short cuts or loopholes. I suppose I tend to have a tongue like Paul. Thank Yah that He gave me a Barnabas for my husband!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:17:38 +0000

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