THE CONTROL FREAKS WORST CASE SCENARIO: WHAT IF AZANIA WORLD-WIDE PAN-AFRAKAN CONVENTION SCHEDUELED FOR JUNE, 12 -19, 2015 ….? The only stupid people in the world today are the majority of Black people. You are stupid because these political and religious faggots that have been selected as your leaders are even more stupid. Your political and religious misleaders don’t want to face the fact that the Afrakan Nation have a natural enemy and that enemy is the kkkrackkkers, and you, their followers, refused to open your eyes because your misleaders told you to turn a blind eye to the idea that you have a natural enemy. Without exception, every single, last one of them is your enemy even if they are your so-called friend, spouse or relative. What your feeble mind failed to grasp is if you take this same kkkrackkker friend, spouse or relative and give them the same prestige, power, and privileges as the global white elites, they are going to do precisely the same thing. If your so-called white friends can call you a nigger in front of your face or behind your back; call the cops on you; or beat you to a pulp, what makes you think given the chance, they won’t exterminate your dumb behind? Your peckerwood friends, spouse or relatives, given that kind of fame and fortune would do nothing different to what their families in power are now doing to us. They would carry out the same agenda to exterminate all of us just to steal our continent, Alkebulan. My people don’t think. The political and religious misleader whose logic is weird; thinking is muddled; and minds are warped have dumb down my people through institutions like CIJ. Look at it. They get my beloved Black people to believe that there is only one devil that is responsible for all the evil in the world while it shows clearly in your Bible that Lucifer and his angels were ran out of heaven. Kind attracts kind. Commonsense: if Lucifer was a devil, those that followed him in his rebellion against the Almighty Amen-Ra, are devils too. The idea that was planted in your Black head that there is only one devil is to get you to overlook the other devils. And that is precisely what you have been doing in your defense of all white people are not bad. I know some good white people. We are all God’s children. I love everybody. We are human beings too, and all the asinine arguments you can come up with only to not recognize your natural enemy as a race of devils. Our enemies are a set of control freaks. You my people are quick to expose and disposed of your spouse if they are a control freak but yet you are very comfortable living under the kkkrackkkers, masters of the control freaks. Again, weird logic, you must break away from this irrational mindset. This beast, your control freaks, must know everything about us. It studied us like other wild animals study its prey to anticipate our next move and pounce on us in advance without warning like a true predator. Leaving the dumb Necronegroes with their hollow cries of we are all humans; why can’t we all get along; I love everybody; we are all god’s children; and Jesus is coming soon – wondering and screaming out loud: why and how did that happened? This sad, silly and pathetic thing, the Necronegro, cannot see he is a victim of Darwinism. The Necronegro doesn’t know who Charles Darwin is. The Necronegro does not overstand from the environment which this devil Charles Darwin came; he had to come up with the theory “SURVIVAL THE FITTEST”, which spread to the rest of the world to enslave the entire world. Survival the fittest and we are the only people on planet earth that are not fit because this beast deliberately made us weak to consume us like a meal to a predator. The info line of these control freaks are buzzing off the hook. All the chat and feedback they are getting are about Azania, 2015. They already knew delegates from over 60 different nationalities plan to attend this historic gathering of bringing indigenous and Diaspora Afrakans together. At this early stage, these kkkrackkers already calculated that this gathering is going to be huge. It is going to be the biggest thing to hit the Afrakan continent since the AIDS virus, which they putted there to spread, weaken and destroy the Afrakan Race. The what-if-minds of these control freaks worse than this evil and wicked biblical beast have kicked into overdrive: What if more than 2 million Afrakans showed up? Worst case scenario: Things can quickly and easily get out of control. We do not have the man power to control 2 million hardcore Pan-Afrakan Nationalists. If the crowd gets unruly and start demanding the liberation of South Afraka, who is going to give the orders to open fire on US, Canadian, Nigerian, Ghanaian, Kenyan, British and other European citizens? This does not look. We have to relay our findings to our bosses. These kkkrackkkers that fought so hard and long to keep the indigenous and diasporan Afrakans apart are now shivering like a wet cat in a tree in the middle of a hurricane. These peckerwoods are now pissing in their pants and shitting in their shoes, sandals and sneakers in fear of a strong Unites Afrakan Nation. Let us give it to them at Azania, 2015. Ptah Maakhrw Ra Amen, Elder at APCE, Minister, Gatekeeper & Warlord on the frontline for the Liberation and Unification of the Afrakan Nation (LUAN). Amen-Ra!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:37:32 +0000

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