THE EVIDENCE AVAILABLE IN OUR UNIVERSE SHOWS THAT GOD REALLY DOES NOT EXIST 1. The Supernatural Does Not Exist. It’s not just that cows don’t jump over skyscrapers, it’s that they physically can’t. Many believers say that science does not rule out the supernatural. Science applies an empirical method of looking at the evidence in our physical world. Upon examination, the scientific method results in rejecting the supernatural claims of religion the same as it results in ruling out all other paranormal claims. The supposed miracles of the Bible do not have any greater claim on reality than do the claims of UFO abductions. In fact, claims of UFO abductions may be more believable than the supernatural assertions of religion, because a visitation from another planet may not require violation of the laws of nature as do supposed Biblical miracles. 2. Miracles Didn’t Happen Then, And Don’t Happen Now. If miracles occurred in Biblical times, why don’t they occur now? It is highly suspect to claim that all the shock and awe stuff was only performed for the benefit of ancient, primitive people, but denied to us modern folk, today. Miracle claims initially bear witness against themselves, as they claim to violate the very laws of nature that cannot be violated. 3. Dependence Of Consciousness On The Physical Brain, Makes Life After Death Unlikely. If even Alzheimer’s Disease, or an anesthetic, can totally eclipse consciousness, how much more will self awareness by annihilated by death? Everything we know, all expansions of our field of awareness, come about by sensory input into a physical brain. How can this persist when there is no longer a physical body and brain. 4. Existence Of Evil In The World, Both Human-Created And Natural, Is More Likely In A Godless World. An all powerful God would be able to get points across and teach lessons and improve our character without placing us in a world of such tremendous suffering. What benefit is there to the Ebola virus that eats away at people’s flesh? Why did we need Auschwitz? Couldn’t something less horrendous have gotten whatever point across that God was trying to make. For God’s existence to be compatible with the evil in the world, there would have to be no occurrence of evil that is gratuitous and beyond justification. 5. Evolution Is More Likely In A Godless World. While one can simultaneously believe in Darwinian evolution and in God, evolution is more likely in a Godless world. Evolution by natural selection is sloppy and wasteful. More than 99% of all species that ever existed on Earth are now extinct. Matches of DNA sequence show that humans and gorillas shared a common ancestor. 6. Divine Hiddenness: A Personal God That Wanted Loving Relationship With Human Beings Wouldn’t Be So Hidden. Why is God so stingy with direct evidence? Again, the supposed miracles that attest to a supernatural power all happened in ancient, pre scientific, times, in which there existed no means of reliable verification. These supposed miracles are not being duplicated today so that we could see that such things are possible. Scientific errors in the Bible and its other flaws, including the commanding of atrocities, all make Scripture much harder to believe. A loving God would not erect such high barriers to belief and then further compound the difficulty in believing by providing us with such strong evidential circumstances against the supernatural, such as the inviolability of the laws of nature. 7. The Religious Confusion In The World Is Incompatible With A God That Wants Us To Get It Right. If God wants us to choose the best mode of either worship or communion, why is there so much reasonable confusion in the world regarding religions? Why do the yogis of India and the Dalai Lama bring back from their meditations a sense of some all-loving cosmic soup, and yet many Christians believe that anyone who tries to approach God, other than through Jesus, will burn in hell eternally? Biblical contradictions also exacerbate the problem of confusion. A loving God should have commissioned a clearer and less confusing Bible. 8. God’s Existence Cannot Be Rescued By Claiming The Need For A First Cause. As best as we can determine, time and space began with the Big Bang. Prior to the Big Bang, there was no time or space in which sequential causation could have occurred. So, we cannot speak of the universe’s coming into existence as needing a “cause” in the same sense that a tall building in the middle of a city needed a cause. 9. God’s Existence Cannot Be Rescued By Claiming That Life Is So Improbable That It Could Only Come About If The Universe Were Fine Tuned By A Supernatural Force. Believers claim that the constants in the Universe that made it possible for life to emerge are so unlikely that the stage could not have been set by other than a divine being. However, we have nothing to compare our universe to. We cannot point to a million universes and note that they are lifeless and thus affirm that the appearance of life in our universe was so unlikely that a supernatural force had to jump start it. 10. God’s Existence Cannot Be Rescued By Claiming That The Emergence of Life On Earth Demonstrates An Underlying Intelligent Design. The claim that some biological organisms are irreducibly complex fails to account for the redundant gene, a duplication of an existing gene that can experiment with a new function while the old otherwise identical one continues to do its standard work. The claim that the existence of specifiably complex organisms demonstrates the need for an intelligent designer fails because these can be accounted for by the mutations of natural selection. More from Bruce Gleason: Some say that one cannot prove that God doesn’t exist because one cannot prove a negative hypothesis. But of the claim that a God exists includes that he presents supernatural events to us constantly, then one can, by proxy, have an argument proving that God does not exist because of His inactions. I would say that there is evidence (or lack or evidence) of no god. If there were supernatural events happening all around us, we would see it constantly. But there are no events like this other than personal experiences, which can exist within all religions and even some non-believers. If there was a God, his influence upon us would produce events that science would not be able to explain. But all of the natural events can be explained by science, hence there must not be a god
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 15:17:41 +0000

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