THE HOLY TRINITY IS MAN MADE – NOT BIBLICAL Jesus Christ said, “The first of all commandments is: “The Lord our God is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with your entire mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12: 29-30) COMMENT ...monotheism (a belief that there is only one God) is the central belief of Christianity. All Christians, regardless of denominations, believe that God is one Nowhere, not even in the Bible, is there any saying or gospel the effect that God is tripartite, consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and, as a matter of fact, never did Jesus when on earth teach any such doctrine, but only this: that the Father is God and the only God, and that he, Jesus, is His son and the first fruits of the resurrection from the dead, and that the Holy Spirit is God’s messenger for conveying the Divine Love, and as such, the comforter. Analogy of the Lighted Candle and the Holy Trinity o The candle represents God, the Almighty Father o The light represents Jesus Christ, the Son of God o The heat represents the Holy Spirit The three (3) are one, but they are not the same. Although the light and the heat came from the candle, they are not the candle per se. Meaning, their existence is dependent upon the candle; yet, the candle can exist without them. Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30) The light and heat are perceptive manifestations of the candle. Without them, the candle remains unknown; amid darkness and formlessness, we can neither ‘see’ nor ‘feel’ it. Jesus said, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? (John 14:9) The candle, light, and heat are not co-equal. Essentially, they are unified, but each has separate and distinct attributes from one and the other. The light brings forth the physical representation of the candle, which is ‘unseen’ (formless spirit) in the corporeal world (darkness). Jesus Christ is the exact representation of the Father, who is in heaven, on earth. But, the fact remains that the light is not the candle. Through the heat, we can ‘feel’ the consequential existence of the candle. Its warmth brings us comfort and aliveness; with it, we can perceive the existence of the candle. But then again, though we perceived the candle as the heat, the heat need not be the candle. It can come from other sources (i.e. lamp, sun, etc.). Meaning, God is spirit (heat), but the spirit (heat) need not be Holy or God’s, since man has also a spirit (heat). The spirit represents aliveness (the manifestation of life), but it is not life in itself. Therefore, whenever we perceive light (see) and heat (feel), it does not always represent the lighted candle. This is the mystery of the Almighty God (the candle), the Son (light), and the Holy Spirit (heat). They are one in their objective manifestation in the physical world, but they are not the same in their individual essences and attributes. There is only one Source of all – the Almighty God, the Father, creator of all existence that we have to worship. There’s none else beside Him (God). The Holy Trinity is a mythical creation of our established Religion. It assumes that the three (3) are all Gods, upon which we have to worship. IMAZZO LING (PS.) Above article is a re-post. Nyl Nog has inquired on the subject last September 2, 2014 and the reply was in the comment portion - therefore, it cannot be readily visible to others. I decided to post it in our front-page because this subject is very important to us, being in the spiritual path. IMAZZO LING
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 03:50:24 +0000

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