THE NARCISSISTIC WAY TO WINNING IN HANDBALL by Saroya Fanniel Angel Marquezs latest You Tube upload Its not about sportsmanship in streetball handball its about winning, begins with him mentioning that he doesnt condone cheating, yet he goes on to do just that. The VID should be called A Treatise On Cheating Expertly In Handball. I am completely disappointed by this public display, of a man supposedly in his Wisdom Years, behaving like some ranting, young buck blowing off steam. If any other high profile professional sports personality posted something like this it would be committing professional suicide. In the VID, he admits to teaching a get-over strategy to young people. He gives tips on beating the odds, by taking advantage of certain conditions of the court environment, such as the absence of a ref on the back or side line and players that dont know the rules. The only positive statement he made was in regards to using negative side-line chatter to fire up ones mental and physical energy. He says, As a super-star I have refs in my pocket. Theyre easy to intimidate. Okay, Mr. Marquez is a star AND a public figure in the community of Handball, therefore I hold him to a higher standard with the expectations that go along with it. The timbre and manner in which he presents the points and methods of cheating is in a manner of someone who is a consummate cheating and lying for money. That is nothing short of being a Con Artist. CON ARTIST - n. A person who cheats or tricks others by persuading them to believe something that is not true. ~Oxford Dictionaries Online A Confidence Artist is one who plays confidence tricks, which is an attempt to defraud a person or group, after first gaining their confidence. Confidence tricks exploit the [Fear-based] characteristics of the human psyche such as dishonesty, vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, naïveté and greed. ~Derived from WIKI (paraphrased) Notice the word EXPLOIT because I will deal with that later in this dissertation. Firstly, refs are Human Beings; they make mistakes. And yes, they can also fall prey to playing favorites because of that human-ness. Yet, just because a ref is playing foul, doesnt mean one should play the fool and fall into the same behavior. Thats NOT human frailty; thats straight-up ignorance. Especially for a Super Star. Cheating happens whether you like it or not... So Mr. Marquez justifies it, and says we have the right to cheat ALL the time, because we lose a game resulting from a bad call-- or even a biased ref now and then? Stuff happens in Life -- and sometimes its really Fd up. Its NOT the end of the World! A talented player should have no need or reason for cheating save being just plain lazy and insecure; seeking to win the easy way rather than bustin that arse and going for it. A positive response to loss requires us to Man-Up and find some acceptance for the situation or issue. Playing the tit-4-tat game is pure pettiness and makes us bitter. Bitterness is a self-destructive Heart-sickness that only serves to fill us with anger and resentment; it turns one into a bully. More importantly, once a person starts cheating, in any forum, it slowly creeps into every aspect of ones Life. This concept is Psychology 101 Brothers & SiStars, and why an instructional VID showing young people how to cheat is so reprehensible, and the last thing our young people need to have reinforced, especially by someone they admire. Mr. Marquez continues with, There are no Lincolns in this game...there are a few guys that try to be Abraham Lincoln. What Lincoln has to do with Handball is lost upon me, since the latest historical information has made it apparent that Abe wasnt all that honest. Then he gives an example of how he would openly and blatantly lie if someone asked him if he cut down a Cherry Tree: What tree?; unlike George Washington, who supposedly admitted it freely (????). This is a blatant admission to having NO problem with lying to get his way in a game and is beyond comprehension. He marches onward by naming Tyree as being one of those Honest Abes and is susceptible to cheating tactics because hes the consummate sportsman. He also implies that one will lose the game if they display honesty. This is ludicrous and completely untrue; more lies. He closes with an example of he and Bobby playing a game where they traded cheats to prove his point that it happens anyway and Thats just how it is. A pure Confidence Trick: appeal to the Fear-based emotions to catch the opponent up in the same crooked behavior theyre displaying, so that they can feel justified in cheating who they perceive as the adversary. Its exploitation and is the best way to go...if you want to become a bully. In any case, the player he mentioned, Tyree is not only an excellent player, hes a gentleman as well. Something that he and his family can be more than proud of. He is a young man who will become a successful AND respected man going forward into his future. Hes a legend in the making whose integrity will follow him throughout all of his endeavors. This is something that should be cared about because our integrity: our words, deeds and honors, is all we have that is truly, solely and permanently ours in this world of uncertainty and chaos. Money comes and goes; material possessions cant be taken with us into the Transition. It can not buy Love, Happiness or true respect. I thoroughly disagree with the essence of Mr. Marquezs VID. Besides, its NOT JUST about winning. Ones integrity is all you have; its what brings people into respecting you regardless of what, who or how you play. Reuben Gonzales, National Champion in two kinds of Handball AND World Champ in Racquetball; and Rookie, who has close to a 20 year run of being THE TOP Handball player, DO NOT cheat. Good Sportsmanship should ALWAYS be employed regardless of the disposition of the ref or your opponent. Otherwise the game would be reduced to nothing more than an organized brawl. People like Angel, Buddy and Joe Durso whether they like it or not (as he said a lot more than twice), have a responsibility to be selective in their presentation to the public; especially, when it involves children and youth. With Freedom comes Responsibility; just as it is with fame and notoriety. You can not claim super stardom and then completely ignore the responsibility to present yourself in a positive manner. Everyone makes mistakes yet this is a consistent pattern of behavior with Mr. Marquez. His video archives prove it: a long history of negative reinforcement infused with instructions including ideologies such as The Duck Club and Card. In his VIDs, he usually presents a passive-aggressive, arrogant demeanor; and I can not say what may have triggered it, yet this one is by far his most insolent production to date. He is basically teaching young people to be narcissists. To do whatever it takes to win by employing tactics ranging from arguing, intimidation and lying about calls. In fact, given everything hes presented, I wouldnt be surprised if he routinely walks away, in the midst of a game, when he finds himself in a disadvantaged position. Young people are extremely impressionable. This is why The West 4th Handball Club does NOT subscribe to protocols involving trickery, deceit, coercion or intimidation during our tournaments. Our tagline is This Game is like Life: its how you handle the ball youre given. It reflects our dedication to the support and enlightenment of our Youth by helping them understand the relationship between how they play Handball and how it translates into the thoughts and actions which influence the establishment of their Lifestyle. If you are a cheater in the game, you will cary that mindset into your Life. Mr. Marquezs arrogance is unbridled here because he is in denial. The entire VID is laced with anger. Why hes so filled with it is something hell have to meditate upon. Yet this bitterness hinders his facing the fact that hes become a man whose time is done. Its our youths time now; players like Rookie, who has become a responsible and generous mentor. Its their turn: young, up and coming players like Tyree, Tavo and Gio are the new generation of players who can take Handball into its next stage: off the city courts and into the Olympics. He keeps reiterating, Its is what it is in the street games brother. This street mentality Mr. Marquez advocates bolsters the negative stereo types this society projects upon our youngsters. Its completely antithetical to the Good Sportsmanship attitude required for the Olympic arena and and feeds the negative perceptions held by its representatives and sponsors. This VID is a shameful abuse of his status as a Handball legend. In addition, he appears to have no awareness that this preponderance upon calling a game with over 1000 years of history, including 400 years of being being played in its present form, is destructive. I wonder if he understands the implications in this VID and how it can undermine the work being done by dedicated Handball activists, like Samuel Ortiz, who are busting their arses trying to regain the legitimacy, respect and reverence the game once possessed. Im sure many will think, Whats the problem? This VID isnt a big deal. or So what if I cheat. Yet, remember Mr. Marquez was compelled to prefaced this video with the, Im not... statement, which is a classic defense mechanism that translates to, I AM.... The best way to avoid bad calls or dissuade your opponents cheating, is to know the rules** of this game like the back of your hand. Its not just about having a beamer serve or kill the ball like a roach. If you truly want to be the best player you can be, youll do the necessary work which extends beyond practicing and competing. Know the game; know YOUR game and know your opponents game. Play HARD, play to WIN; yet play FAIR. As the elders, not only in Handball; of our neighborhoods and Collective Communities of Ghaia, we are charged with the responsibility - and honor - of giving back, being of service and Pay It Forward. We are the ones that must renovate and expand the Path of Life for our Youth. The vastness and effortless accessibility of the Internet and World Wide Web make it imperative for us to take care in what we say and do; and do what we say with forethought and humility. We inherited the task of instilling within our Young Ones the kernels of Love, to elevate Kindness and Compassion, as opposed to Fear and its relatives greed, pettiness and jealousy. Theres no time for passing the ball off side; yet who would we pass it too anyway? If not us then who? https://youtube/watch?v=_swt9UqztNU Its not about sportsmanship in streetball handball its about winning **USHA Handball Rules
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 05:43:40 +0000

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