THE QUANTUM VACUUM “The field”. Also known as the “zero - TopicsExpress


THE QUANTUM VACUUM “The field”. Also known as the “zero point field” or “the vacuum”. It’s a big concept and understanding it is a crucial component of the Reorganizational Healing model. Understanding the field is not necessarily complicated, although it does require a new mode of thinking and experiencing that is not the standard mode that most people operate in. Through history and scientific study, research and experimentation humans typically focus on the “thing”. The “thing” is the observable matter. This could be a cell in biology, a cloud in earth studies or the atom in physics. Well, the last hundred years or so have yielded some very interesting discoveries about this matter. One of the most interesting things is matter is mostly space. To be exact an atom is 99.9999999999996% empty1. An interesting question arises here. If the atom is comprised of that much “empty” space then why are we focusing so much on the physical components of the protons, neutrons and other particles? More interestingly to us, what does this have to do with the people we serve? Let’s uncover the answers together. A very controversial figure has emerged in the last few years who is presenting some interesting information regarding the vacuum. His name is Nassim Haramein and he is a self-educated physicistwho is proposing a unified field theory that is heavily reliant on geometry similar to the work of the famous Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller. Haramein’s theories are creating a lot of backlash from the physics community but as George Bernard Shaw said: “New opinions often appear first as jokes and fancies, then as blasphemies and treason, then as questions open to discussion, and finally as established truths.” This article isn’t intended to endorse the accuracy of the theories but instead say “what if”. If they are true then there are some very interesting points that Haramein makes about the field that dovetail very nicely with the Reorganizational model. This view centers around a method of number treatment that physicist use to address large numbers. This process is called renormalization. Renormalization for quantum physics occurs when calculating the mass that exists in a particular amount of “empty” space. This is done but using the planck distance of a wavelength that has a specific known mass. Saving you from all the technical mathematics (which you can refer to in the references) what is described in this equation is that the mass of a cubic centimeter of “empty” space is 1093 g/cm3. That is a tremendously large number. So large in fact that according to this calculation the mass of a single cubic centimeter of empty space weighs more than all the matter in the universe. The mass of the known universe is typically calculated to 1059kg. There is obviously some discrepancy here, right? Well this is the assumption that most physicists have made and its an easy assumption to understand. How could it be that the mass of a single cubic centimeter of empty space weighs more than all the matter in the entire universe (that the cubic centimeter is contained in!)? Because this number doesn’t make rational sense in the observable universe it is renormalized making it substantially smaller. Haramein offers this simple yet revolutionary solution. He suggests that each proton at the center of an atom acts a miniature black hole. The symmetry of the image is quite elegant. All of matter is tiny super heavy black holes surrounded by electrons moving nearly at the speed of light, it’s a perfect paradox. As you know that divine speaks in paradoxes. Haramein suggests that all of these proton black holes are interconnected forming the vacuum, zero-point field or “the field”. Because all matter contains protons we start to see a possible explanation for spiritual masters throughout the ages telling us that we are all one, as well as some traditions that talk about emptiness or the void. This theory is new, very new, it remains to be seen if it can be further validated. The vast space inside of an atom, on the other hand, is widely accepted. Let’s re-pose the question we started with. If there is so much space, why only focus on the matter? Donald Epstein, developer of Reorganizational Healing and Living has often talked about content and context. The matter is the content and the space is the context. You can’t have one without the other and in fact, the matter and the space are inextricably linked. It is easy to see the content (matter) but can you simultaneously see the context. Without awareness of both the view is incomplete. In the Reorganizational conversation we can say this: The field defines the matter because the field organizes the matter. It is the energy of the field that creates all the context necessary for the content to move and interact just as it needs to. This is a main theme in the ROH / ROL model. A body may have a disease process but that disease process may be happening because the person is not being who they must be in their life. Content and Context. You can feel this field moving in your life when you are suddenly drawn to drive a new way home that brings upon a beautiful sunset or to be sure to share a kind word with someone who looks sad knowing that will ripple through their life and others. Or it may show up making difficulty when it is time for you to end something so you can move on to your next lesson or evolution. The energy you bring to the field is what is important in defining your experience of life. If you are operating at the exact same energy level as the field then you will exchange information but there is no net sum change of energy. You just float along in life with some ups and some downs but overall fairly static. This is called energy neutral. There are periods in your life when you feel as though you’re getting dragged along by the universe. This is painful because you don’t have enough energy to match the field and this is energy poor. When you are energy rich you become the dominant oscillator and you effect local, global and universal changes in the field and in other’s lives. The energy you bring to the field directly affects what the field brings to you. Whether the proton acts like a black hole or not the theory of the quantum vacuum is here to stay. A unified field theory offers a way to draw a coherent string of knowledge through all of science and most of these theories start knocking on the door of the deepest truths of the sages. And, we have that packaged in already applicable form called Reorganizational Healing and Living.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 11:57:04 +0000

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