THE RAT RACE TRUTH HONOR ENDURANCE RESTORING AMERICANA TOUR REVITALIZING AMERICAN CULTURE AND ENTHUSIASM THE RAT PACK Truth Honor Exceptional ism Rebuilding Action Tenacious pride Accountability Connected Knowledge These are more than just words, these help to make the mission statement of my foundation. Our country is in deep trouble and there is a myriad of reasons for this, but I also believe that the human spirit that helped create the greatest system in the world is alive and well. It has been attacked and ridiculed, but if we look back never were we standing against our neighbors, until recently! Our kids may get into scraps one day and be best friend the next, not being put in the ground! Yes kids can be evil and mean spirited, especially in mob type situations, but it is a precursor to life, as much as anyone wants to protect another from life problems, it is impossible to shelter a person from the pains and heartbreak that life will throw at you, 2 schools of thought protect as long as you can and hope they have the skills to endure when lifes thrown at them, or help a person deal with problems not sheltering them from lifes issues at all. These are the two extremes; many times money is a contributing factor in the process as well! I am not here to fix all the world’s problems, but I would like to take a Stan at fixing or lessening them as much as possible. The reasons are not important, but finding solutions is, and it is obvious that the government is unable to repair our crumbling culture. By Government statistics, 24 veterans a day commit suicide, there are many reasons for this, but one big one is that they were trained to be well oiled working teams that their lifes depended on relying their team mates had just as much on the line and had your back, because you had to have theirs! From the day they sign on the dotted line they sign away a part of their lifes they never get back. They are indoctrinated run through the ringer, their identity is transformed and they become a machine. From there they are placed in an intolerable situation of 24-7-365 being on high alert. It doesnt let up, if you do, you die! And the sad part is many do, on their first days of duty or the last few days, because they let up! So these men and women train live work play and die together, they may watch and see a 7 year old kid walk into a group of them innocently only to see that split second before the suicide jacket goes off, maybe you are lucky and survive, but in surviving you know that your friend the person who saved your back multiple time lays as the life slowly drains from their body, you think about the loved ones that kept him going and how they were looking forward to going home in only a few day, and you think its all your fault, you carry this throughout the rest of your life every day, and just like a prisoner your number comes up and they boot you to the curb! They ask you to give your heart and soul to their misguided belief of what is just and right and without question you go in and do what nobody should ever be expected to do, only to be put on a plane flown back to the States and its all over! Oh sure you can go stand in lines and file for disability, but the process is long hard and demeaning, even more so to a person who has given their all to their country! This is my target group! I want to bring these men and women back together and team them up to work together train together live together and are a productive member to society together! The skills discipline and tenacity they carry are assets in my program, the world does work on an 8 hour clock, hungry, homeless and people with needs can come at any time! Sure there are organizations that provide aid, and assistance, but I am seeking to change lives one vet at a time! Yes. I understand many if not all have PTSD, I get it! The educational world looks at them and sees broken! I look and say they have adapted, best they can, they are not broken, nor do they need to be treated as such! They need help reprogramming their emotions and feelings back to a non-threatening culture. I certainly want a mental health component to protect them from injuring themselves and others, but I dont see an hour or 2 once a week 2 weeks or 6 months is beneficial to anyone. Oh yes and they can be given meds to minimize the symptoms, but you are taking well prideful oiled machines and turning them into cast off pathetic useless human beings! no that isnt the intent, but as they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions! Enough background and why! The Program, a working group home that goes out into our communities and fills in holes where other programs dont cant or wont deal with. But first we need to deal with rebuilding the skills they were trained by. I would like to buy a bankrupt hotel/motel with a common entrance for everyones protection. We will start a regiment train and become a team I like a 6 month introduction program for the first phase. We will closely monitor and have cameras set up for recording behaviors for treatment purposes. I know there will be problems and issues, it is also my belief that if we can find PTSD triggers we could effectively intervene and do some behavior modification therapy to help them deal differently. while think of this issue, my best example is Pavlovs dog Pavlov stopped when he proved the defeated behavior, but what if when the dog curled up in the corner and the door opened couldnt that open up, a whole new realm of possibilities, rather than frantically pushing the lever, the dog may be looking in the room for a different way out. also during this 6 month period will be evaluations and skills testing again, it is my belief if a person is put in a position to succeed they will thrive, but when having to adapt to a program they have little or no skills they will fail, and if not take much longer to learn! During this period we will be learning about the community that we are placed in, the needs and how to best interact with the community to bring them back together. One community may need a park repaired; another may have elderly on social security that have homes needing repair. Another may have a large homeless hungry population We Lear about this community and go into it filling the holes where others arent I watched a program that said thousands of pounds of perfectly good food is thrown away daily! A tomato that is mail formed an egg that doesnt fit into a carton and this food goes into our waste disposal. I read a story of a couple in Houston who were using their own monies to feed the homeless of Houston the City came and shut them down because the meals werent being made in a commercial kitchen! They have not been feeding the homeless anymore, but they are still working with the homeless population in Houston. I am looking to call this a 21 century charity, charity in the past was given until it hurts, have a marathon a gambling night something which raises funds but has little if any social impact! Why not help an elderly person who wants to clean out their garage have a vet or 2 get help and what the person want to throw away or get rid of take and reuse rather than fill our garbage facilities. After the six month period and a two year work period we will evaluate the participant and discuss with them what they would like to do from here! If they want to take the skills and move on, by all means they can. If they want to stay in the program they can and we will use these men and women to expand our program into other communities. Or a third option, if they want to start a business of their own, we help them do that and work with them in partnership.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 18:43:27 +0000

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