THE ROAD TO FORGIVING MICHAEL VICK REACHED A DEAD END THE EXACT SECOND THAT HE BRUTALIZED AN INNOCENT AND TRUSTING ANIMAL. Well, turns out there are quite a few Vick fans here in Bossier City. When I wore my new shirt out, I had a few (lets say) controversial conversations and when it comes to Michael Vick, I dont mence WORDS and I surely DONT SUGARCOAT IT!!!!!! This Rants been building since THEN.... Dog-fighting represents the ultimate betrayal of the unique relationship that exists between humans and animals. Manipulating a dog’s desire to please its owner to perpetuate a life of chronic and acute physical and psychological pain is the most horrific form of animal abuse. If youve ever had the HONOR of sharing your home and heart with a dog, the one thing you know above all else is that a dog unconditionally loves and will do anything for his/her Guardian, including but not limited to sacrificing his/her own life. We as humans have an ethical responsibility to understand that aspect of a dogs personality and ensure that we do nothing to take advantage of it, and Vick failed horribly, for no reason other than BECAUSE HE COULD. One doesnt forgive because its time or because you hope to influence the miscreant to be a better person, nor because it will make you a better person. One forgives because the malefactor is truly remorseful and is ready to change for the better. Vick has NOT shown ONE OUNCE OF REMORSE with the exception of being REMORSEFUL THAT HE GOT CAUGHT. He has shown ZERO interest in the dogs who survived his BARBARIC DOG FIGHTING OPERATION and had he not been COURT ORDERED to pay for their future CARE, her would not have spared a DOLLAR on them. He has once again earned his rank as the most HATED Athlete in Sports by brutalizing and murdering the animals in his care and by doing so in particularly sadistic ways. It is inconceivable to me that anyone could read what he did to the Little Red Dog and think that this SOULESS INDIVIDUAL should be forgiven simply because he is MICHAEL VICK, a NFL Quarterback who SERVED 18 MONTHS in PRISON for INTERSTATE GAMBLING NOT ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!!!! I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS WHO HE IS NOR DO I CARE WHAT COLOR HIS SKIN IS. This is NOT nor has it ever been a RACIAL issue, as people continue to say that it is. ITS about a SICK SOCIOPATH who commited the worst of the worst acts of CRUELTY to COUNTLESS DOGs who looked to him for love and security. Think about the acts of depravity that he practiced on those 15 acres of Virginia Farmland. Think about the dogs who died a horrific death by electrocution, hanging and gunshots to the head. Think about those dogs who looked into the eyes of their murderer wondering WHAT DID I DO WRONG TO DESERVE THIS? I tell you one damn thing that Michael Vick should be fortunate for and thats his LIFE. As much as I hate it, he still wakes up every morning, breathing the same air and you and I, and he still lays his pathetic ass in a warm bed each and every night. Thats more than one can say for THE LITTLE RED DOG. People say Forgive and Forget. Sorry, my heart has absolutely NO room for Forgiveness for Michael Vick. Every time I think about that HOT day in April, 2007, the ANGER AND HEARTBREAK comes roaring back. The things that I saw, up close and personal WILL forever HAUNT me. The images of those poor dogs, chained to the ground, SCARED of US, who were there to help them. The cruelty was -- and still is -- UNFATHOMABLE for me and I can never forget what I saw that day, nor will I ever let the WORLD forget it either. People ask me if and when will I ever have forgiveness for Michael Vick. My answer is always the same: The first PHASE of my FORGIVENESS comes when he can undo the COUNTLESS acts of barbarity that he committed against helpless and otherwise harmless creatures. Acts of BARBARITY that well exceeded for over TWENTY YEARS. The second PHASE of my FORGIVENESS comes when he can resurrect each and every innocent victim that he heinously MURDERED simply because they were NO LONGER of any MONETARY VALUE to him. Michael Vick is nothing more than a selfish, narcissistic parasite that had proven time and time again that the only thing he gives a damn about is MICHAEL VICK and at the end of the day, when its all said and done, We’re NOT obligated to forgive, and it’s essential that we NEVER FORGET. END OF STORY!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 22:48:55 +0000

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