THE TURD BLOSSOM AINT NO BLOSSOM...HES ALL TURD Republican strategist/consultant/Fox News analyst Karl Rove has long thrived in gutter politics. His mastery of it was instrumental in getting George W. Bush elected to two terms in the White House. But reports this week that Rove said Hillary Clinton has brain damage are simply beyond the pale, even to those who used to admire him. “Thirty days in the hospital?” Rove said, according to the report. “And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that.” First of all, Rove (who President Bush called Turd Blossom) just flat-out lied about Clintons hospital stay, which was three days, not 30. The rest of Roves statment, which he repeated several times before a live audience, is simply a crass and disgusting attempt to start an unsubstantiated rumor about Clinton because he and the GOP are deathly afraid that Hillary will run for president. He was roundly criticized today, including by members of his own party. Even Newt Gingrich, who is no stranger to character assassination as election strategy, said Rove had gone too far. Perhaps we should be worried less about Clintons mental faculties and more about what is wrong inside the cranium of the man known as Bushs brain. Maybe HIS brain isnt quite right because he doesnt seem to be in touch with reality. Remember that he was the last person in America to realize the obvious fact that President Obama had defeated Mitt Romney on election night in 2012 (we all saw his meltdown live and in living color on Fox News). Now he is making up vicious lies about Mrs. Clinton, no doubt hoping such distasteful politics will dissuade her from running. Thats likely a major mistake from a guy who didnt used to make many. Informed observers know that Hillary is never more determined and effective than when she is being unfairly attacked. Nice move, Turd Blossom. You might have just pounded one of the final nails into the GOP coffin for 2016.
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 23:19:00 +0000

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