THE UNTESTABLE FAITH OF SCIENTISTS: THAT ALL EVENTS ARE CAUSED BY PRIOR EVENTS; AND THAT ALL CAUSES, ARE, AT BOTTOM, MATERIAL CAUSES - these are the two pillars of the scientific faith. Ruled out of consideration are the notions that spirit, or mind, is primitive (or non-derivative from a material source); and that spirit, or mind, might be a FIRST CAUSE, or a spontaneous and undetermined factor in the unbreakable causal chain so beloved by the mechanical and materialistic determinists. Hobbled by the realization that there is no discernible material substrate at the foundation of reality, scientists now cling all the more fiercely to the only pillar that is left to them - that all events are caused by prior events. This scientistic fideism has now led them into the most unscientific of grounds - to the postulation of the existence of other universes, which are not only unobserved but unobservable. This multiplication of universes beyond necessity is a result of the refusal to allow as real ANY spiritual, mental, or, otherwise, non-material, enitity; moreover, to allow such an entity or entities causal efficacy in the realm of appearances. Yesterday, MIT professor Alan Guth, understandably elated at the discovery of the signature of gravitational waves present at the beginning of the universe (which seemingly confers greater weight to the belief that the universe, at the moment of its origin, was transformed from a infinitely small particle of energy into a universe billions of light years in dimension, and this in a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second), resisted the impulse to credit this transformation to a spiritual source as FIRST CAUSE, and chose instead, characteristic of his kind, to attribute this to the unspecified activity of another universe. Responding to NPRs Robin Young in a March 18 Here and Now interview, he stated: GUTH: . . . this new discovery goes a long way towards confirming inflation. And inflation does have things to say about the rest of the universe. We dont know for sure. The implications are still very much under study. But at least a large fraction of versions of inflation lead to the conclusion that our universe is not unique but rather our universe is just one pocket universe within a vastly larger and perhaps even infinite multiverse. YOUNG: If theres a bang that led to the big bang that led to our universe, theres a bang that could lead to a big bang for other universes. GUTH: Yeah, exactly. Once you describe something in terms of physical laws rather than some philosophical proclamation, physical laws do have an actual tendency of repeating the results over and over again. That last statement is so revealing of scientific faith: one you describe something in terms of PHYSICAL laws rather than some philosophical proclamation, physical laws do have an actual tendency of repeating the results over and over again. So, instead of embracing the possibility of a first cause, Guth has embraced the belief of an infinite chain of big bangs causing other big bangs, and has relegated this universe to the status of a pocket universe, a bit player in a drama that occurs in infinite time and space, an unobservable and untestable and unrepeatable drama more remote than the remotest mythology ever devised. After she declared to Bertrand Russell that the universe rested upon the back of a large turtle, she was then asked what the turtle rested upon. Pausing for a moment, she responded, Its turtles all the way down. What so many scientists are telling us today is not dissimilar. Because of their methological desire to find prior causes, to preserve their belief that all events are caused by prior physical [sic] events and laws, we have the shameless declaration, when asked what caused our universe - Its universes all the way down.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:50:42 +0000

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