THE V.A. MESS: SAYING YOU ARE ANGRY IS NOT ENOUGH, MR. PRESIDENT. You know things are bad when you lose Dana Milbank, the WaPo columnist who has been a reliable lapdog for the Obama White House. What people are noticing is that 1) the President simply isnt a good manager. Being angry is not a substitute for actually managing. Pres. Obama doesnt hire very good managers to run his major departments; he doesnt monitor them; and he doesnt hold them accountable. When his top people screw up, the President doesnt know about it until he reads about it in the NYT. Then, he announces he is angry, he wants to investigate, and, ultimately, doesnt do anything about the folks who screwed up. 2) the US government has real problems providing health care, even in a system they totally control. The VA acts exactly like the bloated, unaccountable bureaucracy it is. When it runs out of money, it does what the Brits and Canadians do, it rations health care by waiting. 3) the President stays silent for over three weeks as the scandal grows and Jay Carney spins incredible tales. When Obama finally speaks, he doesnt offer anything concrete other than the usual professors answer (lets do some research). He ignores the whistleblowers, doesnt thank them, and doesnt give them any protection. Yet they are the ones who told us about this mess. 4) its getting hard to decide which scandal is worse. True, the Republicans are politicizing them, but they drag on and on and on because the White House stonewalls every inquiry, sends out Jay Carney to say demonstrably false things, and refuses to provide essential documents to clear up the questions. Subpoenas? We dont answer no stinkin subpoenas! The result is a drip, drip, drip of scandals, lies, and growing mistrust that are seriously undermining the Obama Presidency.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 06:56:06 +0000

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