THE WISDOM OF BEING. Violence on Earth is entering a new phase - TopicsExpress


THE WISDOM OF BEING. Violence on Earth is entering a new phase that erupts in a rolling boil spreading everywhere like bush fire. Everybodys blaming everybody else, forgetting that the only one we may be able to bring to the right tracks is oneself not others. And, brainwashing, coercion, condemnation, sanctions, threat, violence, etc., all this will only make the situation worse. Just open your eyes and see by yourself. So, stop. We are all the same kind of chickens and there is not one better than the others just because s(he) would hold the right, miraculous, thought-system, like Islam, Democracy or whatever. Stop this game right now. Our problem is, we are all identified with our thoughts and therefore disconnected from BEING in us which is Realitys INFINITE essence. And Realitys essence holds the intelligence and the wisdom were so cruelly lacking today. Just look at animals. They do not have our sumptuous brain with its 100 billion neurons. They do not have our gorgeous culture and do not master mathematics yet, they manage succeeding where we are pathetically failing: they respect Realitys order. Animals function well because they are not cut off from BEINGs intelligence which expresses itself freely through them .. this is what we, humans, are lacking today. And no culture, no ideology, no religion, no technology, can ever dyke the madness caused by the disconnection from BEING in us. You might say: yes but animals have no other choice than obey Realitys order. To which I reply: is it because we have a choice that we should believe our thougths, which are but limited constructions, can do a better job than Reality which is INFINITY and has an INFINITE intelligence ? So, we should all sit down first and feel our hidden and unresolved pains that, blocking our sensorial window, disconnect us from Reality. This would prevent us throwing our cognitive misery onto others and fuel the fire that through retaliation burns all of us alike, harder and harder. The only way out of this quagmire is the way back to BEING in us. This return to BEING inside is what Jesus, the Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Krishna, the White Buffalo Woman, the Dagda, and many, many other spiritual instructors, brought to the world. They havent brought this common message through ages and from every part of the Earth, out of a whim and for fun, there was a purpose to it. And today, through the mass destruction we are causing, we should be able to realize this purpose. Indeed, we are facing the insanity that comes out of not behaving from the wisdom of BEING in us. Patrick Ali Pahlavi
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:32:51 +0000

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