THIS IS A REPOST FOR MY MUSLIM FRIENDS To My Fit Muslimah Fan - TopicsExpress


THIS IS A REPOST FOR MY MUSLIM FRIENDS To My Fit Muslimah Fan Page: WHY I SHARED MY DAUGHTERSS Video. Yesterday I shared the video of my daughters performance at school and got lot of haram police commenting. So instead of keep deleting unnecessary comments I wanted to share my thoughts. WARNING: This may be a long post. I have been the admin this Fit Muslimah page for 5 years. Most (90%) of my post is about health, fitness and how it relates to women and in particular us a Muslim women. Every so often I share a little about my life so you will get to know the source of your information. Over the last couple weeks I have had several very proud moments in my life. One of them was my daughter standing up in front of a her entire school and their families as the ONLY Muslim Hijabi in her school and with confidence and pride displayed her talent and passion (And did darn good job if I must say so myself). I teach my children that our Dowah responsibility as Muslim in America is display the best character, be a contributing member of the society and be the best example of a Muslim we can be. Not perfect but the best we can be. My experience and life journey in this time and this place is a very unique one. I am African American, I am a woman and I am a Muslim. And I take all those blessings and challenges of each of those unique experiences and I do my best to raise well rounded Muslim children who are proud of who they are, their ethnic and religious history and try and focus them to make the world a better place. BEING A MUSLIM PARENT in America is a delicate balancing game and often I find that I have to find that balance between teaching them to be sincere in their deen (Religion) and at the same time not have them feel that Islam is all about rules that choke your individuality. Most important they should want to be no only a contributing member of their community (school, masjid, city) but AN ASSET. I consciously chose to allow my daughter to sing in band in public. I am aware of SOME of the tabieen having the opinion (NOT HADITHS) about the voice of a woman being her arwa. However, I chose to allow her to sing AND post it on the Internet. I am a honest and truthful person and I make effort not to disguise who I am even when I am online. I am NOT a perfect Mother, a perfect Muslim or a perfect human being. And sometimes I make decisions that others dont agree with but they are decisions I feel appropriate for my life at the moment I make them. You dont have to agree with me or make the same decisions for your kids and your life. You can take the good from what I share and leave the bad. I do ask that you respect me and my choices. If you feel you CAN NOT do that then I ask that you say a dua (prayer) for my guidance and then click that button that Unlike and/or Unfriend. ---- Either way Say the Dua anyway. I can always use more of those :) Masallamah
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 22:52:46 +0000

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