THIS IS WHY I HATE MADKHALIS. COURTESY ; Sajid Kayum. Brother - TopicsExpress


THIS IS WHY I HATE MADKHALIS. COURTESY ; Sajid Kayum. Brother Abu Jamiylah on the latest Madkhali slanderous video on brother Tahir Wyatt. >> Some men who define themselves as salafi are behaving worse than we accuse women of. They get into a beef and will do anything to rally people against someone. For those of you who dont know (oh the ignorance thats attempted in Ramadaan) here is a backdrop for those who dont know the history: Shaykh Rabi Hafidhahullaah once asked Brother Tahir Wyatt to free himself from a man name Abul Hasan al Maribi. As he wasnt a student of this man he asked other scholars about this the THEY TOLD HIM to disregard the request. (These other scholars were also major scholars of ahlus sunnah). With that said, he is guilty of nothing except deciding which of the people of knowledge to follow in that particular matter. THERE IS NO taint to his salafiyyah in that. Fast forward to the ignorance of today. Seems everything we emulate the Salaf on only works for those whom we like only against those whom we are against. Here we have a man who consults the scholars about things he does and is given a chair to teach in Saudi Arabia (which so many of us seem that we wont dare to establish the even the beginning of Ramadaan without their confirmation) and we dont think that when Shaykh ibn Baaz rahimahullaah said that only someone qualified should speak at functions of Ahlul bidah or deviants or even the kufar, that Tahir Wyatt is from the people qualified? Its pitiful enough that we dont even follow the simple principles of Ahlus Sunnah in this simple and easy to understand matter but consider the following. Allaahs Messenger salla llaahu alayhi was Sallam said: Was there not one rightly guided person from you? Subhaan Allaah I just say you Brothers Studying in Egypt and Saudi Arabia and almost anywhere other than the United States and the UK should consider yourselves fortunate. The Muslims in America and the UK are getting like the kufar with their love of evil speech against their Brothers and sisters that they wont make an excuse for their Brother or Sister who is accused of something but ignore or make excuses for the low levels their closer Brothers will sink to in order to do the accusing. I just saw, in the month of Ramadan a bunch of comments about Tahir Wyatts shameful speech blah, blah, blah. NO the ones who should be ashamed are the ones responsible for that hack job on Youtube pulling out all the stops to defame their Brother in Islaam. They play spin doctor and EVERY SINGLE person who defines themselves as from Ahlus Sunnah should be appalled and insulted that someone would insult their intelligence like this. Everyone knows that if you have ten people in a row and you whisper into the ear of the first person by the time it gets to the last person it will be twisted. So now everyone is repeating a LIE that our Brother Tahir Wyatt spoke in support of a Nation of Islaam Function. Subhaan Allaah. To show you the game people play: Point ONE: Abu Usaamah Ath Thaahabi gave a speech about how we should be proud of the Brother Tahir Wyatt for what he has been accomplishing and so they splice in the opening of the video Abu Usaamah introducing the Brothers name. This is because they are attacking Tahir Wyatt they have to take a cheap shot at Abu Usaamh Ath Thaahabi while theyre at it. Wallaahul mustaaan. Point TWO: Then the words that come on the screen identify him as from Madeenah dot com to take a shot at the website based on the attack they are getting ready to launch on him. Because Madeenah is an arch nemesis. Point THREE: They tell you clearly but dont expect you to see it clearly, that he is speaking on a radio station, that ALSO presents speeches of Louis Farrakhan. They want your mind to drift into the idea that he is speaking on a program to support Louie the Liar. The ones who are shameful are the ones reporting this nonsense. Point FOUR: Here is the other part of the game that if you were around in the 90s you would know how its played. The old tactic used to be publishing a 50 page PDF and saying this is a refutation on so and so and it has conclusive evidence that so and so is a deviant. But when you read it you would find that they spent 30 pages telling you about the evidence you are about to see, subhaan Allaah. Most people never made it to page 50 but repeated that proof was established against so and so. This new game is nearly a 4 minute video but they only bothered to give you 15 seconds or less in the whole thing of Tahir Wyatts actual words. The rest was devoted to filling you up with enough disgust about Louie the Liar that you would want to ever hear the name Tahir Wyatt although you never heard his speech. WAKE UP! This ignorance and craziness has to bother someone who is concerned with adl and not just clinging to the position of their crew. AND A Point of reference, keep your long distance inuendoes to yourself on this one. If you are not going to address me directly then be just and follow the statement of speaking good or being silent. If you care about people knowing the truth, dont be like these devilish cowards, speak directly to the person your issue is with and stop trying to poison people about others and Allaah knows best. So they put little comments in to prevent you from having husn ath than for the SHAYKH (I know hes not arab so it just does not gel the idea that he is one for some people). But consider this: Do we think that he knows the nation of Islaam and what it represents? Do we not know that Allaahs Messenger salla llaahu alayhi was sallam sent the daee who could best relate to the people they were calling to? Do you think anyone else would have been better to present dawah there? Maybe Shaykh Abdur Razzaq ibn Abdul Muhsin? Do you hear the Scholars who teach/taught him accusing him of anything? Who is actually telling you these things about him? Or dont you care that the people doing it actually have no authorization or right to do such a thing? People know that Shaykh Rabi hafidhahullaah has spoken clearly about a time he accepted an invitation of the people of innovation and some of the things that occurred and the level of good manners he showed no matter what. We would never say his doing so was shameful. What is shameful is how many people are eager to share that shameful gossip against the Brother. It really doesnt raise your eyebrow that for all that video they couldnt just let you hear his entire speech so you could judge for yourself if he was right or wrong? You dont see that you are being hit by spin doctors who are worse than the spin doctors of the American Media who make sure you see the news the way they need you to see it? Are we really that bad or that low that we feel no sense of horror that the Muslims have gotten to the place that defaming their Brother in Islaam is so crucial that they have to choreograph their report against him? Allaahs Help is sought.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 10:55:32 +0000

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