THIS WAS PASSED ON TO ME FROM A FRIEND. i WILL POST MY REBUTTAL AT THE END OF THE RANT OF MARIE MACCORMACK: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Lisa Layton continues her rant about the horses and slandering my name all over Facebook. Again I will say I loved my animals, I take care of my animals and anyone who actually takes the time to know me knows I do extensive research and trials on them. I am a firm believer in allowing horses to be horses that their overall health and well beings is best served with a natural environment, with a diet of many hay and grasses and the ability to drink from naturally filtered water sources. That when available they should have free range of different terrains and shelters, that a horse when given the choice will take to the trees and hills for shelter over a run in every time and if you are fortunate enough to be able to provide that for them you should. We as human beings try to conform all to our convenience and when it is not convenient or a so called invisible standard it becomes a problem. The true problem lies with our belief that what is natural is wrong. I have been fortunate to have had horses running my properties for 16 years now and never have i called the vet because my horse had colic or a broken leg or needed stitches. I believe in alternative medicines and treatments and have applied them in my life my whole life with my children, myself, my friends, my family members, and my animals. I have no problem calling my Vet, I just dont waste her time with things that I can accomplish myself. As a farmer I have the right to raise my animals how I see fit, As a farmer I have the right to raise my animals how I see fit, there are no minimum standards with the law, the standards are standards you can not discriminate against someone. I do not know what else to say to my friends other than search your heart and make up your own mind. If someone such as Lisa Layton and Janet Lewis and other anonymous complainants can verbally assault me with this garbage they can do the same to you I would reconsider my friendships with them and watch what I say...just a friendly reminder that it is a shame that these two people feel it is a First Amendment right of theirs to purposely attack another human being. FIRST::HORSES BEING HORSES INCLUDES HUMANS W/ COMMON SENSE, MARIE MACCORMACK KILLED A 5 WEEK OLD COLT 2ND::NEITHER GIZA NOR ABBY WERE IN A NATURAL ENVIRONMENT THEY WERE BOTH CONFINED IN 8 X 8 FOOT STALLS, TO GIVE BIRTH??? HORRIBLE. 3RD::THEY COULD NOT LEAVE SOLITARY CONFINEMENT IN THE 8X8 4TH::DRINK??? SNOW IS NOT DRINK--SNOW FOR A NURSING MARE IS GROSSLY INADEQUATE. 5TH::MARIE IS NOT A FARMER, SHE IS A HOARDER 6TH::LISA LAYTON AND JANET LEWIS DID NOT HAVE SOMEONE ELSE STEAL HORSES FROM THEM, NOT EVEN PAY FOR THE TRANSPORTATION; THE GAS OR TOLLS, OR EVEN A CUP OF COFFEE; LISA LAYTON AND JANET LEWIS HAVE NO NEED TO MALIGN OTHERS , OTHERS DID NOT KILL A FOAL OR TRY TO STEAL OUR HORSES, AND NEGLECT THEM TO DEATH. OTHERS DID NOT HAVE THE HORSES AND COW CONFISCATED BY MAINE STATE POLICE. OTHERS ARE NOT RAMPANT LIARS. 7TH:: FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT? DONT NEED THAT FOR THE TRUTH. TRUTH WILL OUT. 8TH:: I AM NOT A FELON, NOR AM I ON PROBATION OR PAROLE, NOT CONVICTED OF FRAUD, OR WHAT EVER ELSE MARIE SAYS. AT THIS POINT I DONT EVEN HAVE A PARKING VIOLATION,,, SO ASK ME ANYTHING. I DO NOT LIE. I TELL IT LIKE IT IS. THIS IS THE BABY MARIE KILLED. ASK TRUE LYNN WHAT MARIE DID TO HIM. SHE WAS THERE. SHE TRIED TO HAVE MARIE DO THE RIGHT THING, AND MARIE REFUSED AND STOPPED PAYING HER ALSO. ASK JANET MOXLEY, MARIE OWES HER MONEY ALSO. ASK JANET LEWIS. ASK JESSICA FROM CLOUD CASTLE HOW LONG MARIE KEPT HER ON THE HOOK FOR A STALLION, AND REFUSED TO PAY HIS BOARD OR PAY THE INSTALLMENTS. LOOK AT ALL THAT, AND DECIDE IF IT IS ME, JANET, AND ANONYMOUS OTHERS, OR IS IT MARIE MACCORMACK? 9TH:: THIS IS THE BABY MARIE KILLED. ASK TRUE LYNN WHAT MARIE DID TO HIM. SHE WAS THERE. SHE TRIED TO HAVE MARIE DO THE RIGHT THING, AND MARIE REFUSED AND STOPPED PAYING HER ALSO. ASK JANET MOXLEY, MARIE OWES HER MONEY ALSO. ASK JANET LEWIS. ASK JESSICA FROM CLOUD CASTLE HOW LONG MARIE KEPT HER ON THE HOOK FOR A STALLION, AND REFUSED TO PAY HIS BOARD OR PAY THE INSTALLMENTS. LOOK AT ALL THAT, AND DECIDE IF IT IS ME, JANET, AND ANONYMOUS OTHERS, OR IS IT MARIE MACCORMACK?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 04:13:35 +0000

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