THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE MUST READ If I was looking for a - TopicsExpress


THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE MUST READ If I was looking for a great group of friends to depend on I probably wouldn’t choose any of Jesus’ disciples, they all ran from Him when He needed them the most. (Matthew 26:56) If I was looking for someone to represent our nation in public, I probably wouldn’t choose Moses. He had a speaking issue and didn’t do well in front of crowds. (Exodus 4:10) If I was looking for someone to defend and fight for my country I probably wouldn’t choose Samson, he got sidetracked and distracted by women a little too easily. (Judges 14:1-2, Judges 16:1, Judges 16:4) If I was looking for someone to be the next president I probably wouldn’t choose David, the only thing he had experience in leading was sheep. (1 Samuel 16:11) If I was looking for a missionary to send out to preach the gospel I probably wouldn’t choose Saul, the man who was persecuting the missionaries already preaching the gospel. (Acts 8:3) If I was a person in a position of authority and any of these men’s resumés ended up on my desk… well, they would probably find their way to the recycle bin pretty quickly. But although by worldly standards they don’t even come close to measuring up and meeting the requirements of being chosen by God for any special task, God chooses to use every single one of them for His glory. Why? I think the answer can be found in what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” Sometimes NOT meeting all the requirements for something is the best qualification you can possess because only then can all credit go to God for working through you to achieve something you could never achieve on your own. These great men from the Bible did extraordinary things. Not because they were extraordinary… but because they had a God that was extraordinary. And because of this they had a testimony to share. Moses: “I didn’t get a degree in public communications and I don’t know how to speak well in front of crowds, but with God’s help I was able to speak to the Israelites and lead them out of slavery in Egypt” David: “I never took any classes on leadership and the only thing I could lead was sheep, but with God’s help I was able to lead the whole nation of Israel into victory” Saul: “I graduated with ALL the degrees and all the right classes, but it wasn’t until I was taught by God himself was I able to achieve anything great for His kingdom by spreading His gospel to all the gentiles” And YOU can have that same testimony as well. Whether it’s in your personal life. In ministry. In your career. There is no limit to where you can go or what you can do with God’s help. In this world it’s not always about what you know but rather who you know. Don’t worry if you don’t have the most amazing resumé, IQ or network circle because you have a connection to the greatest source of all: God - Creator of the heavens and the earth. If you obey and trust Him He will open doors you’ve never expected, take you places you’ve only dreamed of, and put the right people in your path to get you exactly where He wants you to be. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go to college and earn a degree. If you have the ability to do so, you should. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to connect with people in fields you’d like to work in or in places you’d want to be. You should meet them and learn from them. All it means is that if you don’t measure up… it’s ok. God can still use you where He wants to. He can still do something great through you. Because it glorifies Him to use us when we are unqualified by the standards of the world. It glorifies Him to use us when our resumés seem to always find their way into the recycle bin. So remain faithful to God with where you are at today. Maybe all you’re doing right now is watching after sheep. Maybe you’re just attending college classes and you don’t know if there is even a job lined up for you when you graduate. Maybe you’re just working at a job that you would trade in for something better in a minute if you could. Don’t lose heart. Obey God where He has placed you at this moment, but if you are looking to do something more and you have no clue how in the world you’re going to get there, don’t be discouraged. God sees your heart and your desire and He will get you there when it’s time (if it’s His Will of course). If you remain faithful to Him to where He has called you to be and what He has called you to do today then He will be faithful in making sure you get exactly where you need to be in life so that you can glorify Him even more. God can and will use you no matter how unqualified you seem. The only qualification He is looking for is a heart that is willing to serve, hands that are willing to give, and a life that can be willingly laid down for His glory. Maybe you are “too young” like Mary…. don’t be discouraged, age isn’t something God looks at. He chose a young virgin to bear His own Son. Maybe you have a past that haunts you every day just like Paul who persecuted the same group of people he would one day come to love and sacrifice his life for to share the gospel to. But God can help you move forward and create a better future with Him no matter how dark your past is. Maybe you are un-educated, un-trained, and un-prepared to be a leader of any sort, but so were Jesus’ disciples whose training was mostly in catching fish and doing ordinary jobs. God will train you, educate you, and prepare you in the way only He can for the task He calls you to do. There are no excuses you can use for not believing and allowing God to use you for His kingdom. He used the most ordinary men and women in human history to do extraordinary things for His kingdom. To change the world. And He can without doubt use you. Your resumé doesn’t limit you. Your background doesn’t limit you. Your job doesn’t limit you. Your history doesn’t limit you. Your age doesn’t limit you. Only you can limit you. So today… don’t limit yourself to what is written on your resumé or to how ordinary and insignificant you think you are. Allow God to show you exactly how He can use you to fulfill His purposes. How He can help you do the impossible with Him. You can stick to being ordinary and do nothing because you are too afraid to trust God or you can choose to do extraordinary things because you will walk with faith with Him. Choose to be extraordinary.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 13:02:59 +0000

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