THOUGH I AM HIGHLY DISAPPOINTED IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE SIRLEAF REGIME, BUT I WANT TO SAY THANKS TO HER GOVERNMENT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE LIBERIA REVENUE AUTHORITY AND FOR APPOINTING MADAM ELFREDA TAMBA AS THE HEAD OF THAT ENTITY. Over the past years specifically in 2009 and during an inter-university debate held in Monrovia, there was a debate amongst college students as to whether the revenue collection function of the Ministry of Finance must be performed by the very Ministry of Finance or an Autonomous Agency of Government? As we have now seen, it is true that the revenue collection function of the Liberian Government will now be performed by an autonomous agency of government which in mind is commendable and timely because I see no reason why a ministry will collect revenue and the same ministry expends it. There will not be any accountability at all and thats why our state coffers have been depleting over the years. Similar thing should be applied to NOCAL as they now negotiate contracts and at the same time award contracts which is wrong. NOCAL should negotiate contracts and another body awards the contracts which I think its fine. Personally, I see the appointment of Madam Alfreda Tamba as a welcoming one given her past performance at the Ministry of Finance where she served as Deputy Minister for Revenue. As Deputy Ministry for Revenue, Liberia had to a greater extent a timely collection of revenue and we never had a budget short fall perhaps money was being collected on time. I just hope that she will be allowed to do her work interdependently and give full account of our revenue to the Liberian people without any interference from the Presidents office or from anywhere where she and her able lieutenants will be made to do things on the contrary as we have seen it in some areas. It is also my hope that Madam Tamba will swiftly, energetically, administratively and consciously placed people in that agency on the basis of competence and not necessarily political patronage as our eyes are widely opened to observe and to vehemently condemn when there is a default in ethics on her part. Again, I say thanks to you Madam President and Members of the National Legislature for this brilliant idea of establishing the Liberia Revenue Authority and for appointing this astute financier, Madam Alfreda Tamba as its head. Today, we are saying hallelujah because the system set to collect our revenue is good but it is also possible for us to say crucify when the system stops working.....
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 10:41:29 +0000

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