TIME TO CLEAN UP FOR THE UPCOMING THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY: Dont be caught with a messy kitchen. Here are a few tips to help get you started. Cleaning Kitchen Countertops Use a mild dishwashing liquid for plastic lamination and rinse well afterwards to prevent residue from getting on food. Cleaning Vinyl Floors Mop with a mild detergent and wait awhile to allow it to penetrate the ground-in dirt. Cleaning Safety Tip Dont mix cleaning products like ammonia and bleach. They can be toxic. Cleaning with Automatic-Dishwasher Detergent. Automatic-dishwasher detergent works well on refrigerators, stoves, floors, walls and glass. Dissolve 1/4 cup in one gallon of very hot water. Wipe with a dry cloth afterward. Wear rubber gloves and test first to make sure that what youre cleaning is colorfast. Glassware Use the bartenders method for speedy stemware washing. Holding the base, pump the glass vigorously in very hot sudsy water, then quickly pup it in hot clear water (cooler water may shatter it) Dry upside down on a cotton towel. For extra-shiny, streak free glasses, add a little vinegar or borax to the final rinse water. If glasses have hard-water stains, rub them with a scouring pad dipped in vinegar. Never use hot water, harsh soaps, ammonia or washing soda on silver or gold-rimmed glasses. A well-lathered shaving brush cleans deeply etched or hobnailed glass especially well. If eggs have dried on your patterned glass tableware, rub off the residue with a slice of lemon. Refrigerator Odors A little vanilla poured on a piece of cotton and placed in the refrigerator will eliminate odors. After cleaning the refrigerator add a dash of lemon extract to the rinse water for a fresh scent.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:25:48 +0000

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