TNT Call notes 14-Jan-2015 Call Link: - TopicsExpress


TNT Call notes 14-Jan-2015 Call Link: events.instantteleseminar/?eventid=64627761 Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Wednesday, January 14, 2015. It’s going to be a special call, I think, depending on which way I can get DC to go… I have two PSAs to make first: it’s Brenda’s birthday, so Happy Birthday, Brenda! There are three Brendas on the board; she is one of Pam’s closest friends, and anything Pam doesn’t tell us, you can ask Brenda! That’s my gift to Brenda. Pam: Throwing Brenda under the bus is your gift to her?! Tony: Yup. And here is something really great for you all this morning. I was talking to my wife, and I told her I am having a baby! You should have seen her face! What I meant is that one of the members is planning to name her baby after me – I am so honored. I don’t know if she wants me to say her name, though; she is one of our transcribers, and she is due in 5-6 weeks. I did the same thing with Pam this morning, telling her, and Pam said she would slap my face if I were there. Then Pam said she has decided to name her next dog Winston, but I don’t think that really compares! DC: There are a lot of dogs named Winston, mostly bird dogs! Tony: I have a request here to please ask DC to go North to South rather than East to West for a change… DC: Okay! I’ll talk as long as I can, because I have allergies today. North to South – we’ll hit England first. They had more exchanges between $3.41-3.90 USD. The UK is getting as agitated as the rest of the world in terms of being ready to go, that Iraq has accomplished everything and let’s do this! IN NY, the UN Security Council are eager to get this doing, because this is funding ISIL, and the RV will stabilize the area. In China and Japan, they are very eager and pushing to get this done. Their contract rates are still ready to pay out. Also in New York, the banks HQs have had more meetings yesterday and Monday with all their executives to talk about their actual rollout plans – they expect those to get done during the rest of the week. Back to Washington DC, and we understand that some who had been delegated to run this RV are now very much onboard and ramping it up. They have asked the timing to be at night – our evening through 6am EST. So we’re looking at 4pm to 6am EST, that’s what the administration and UST are asking for, and everyone has agreed to that. Most of the resistance and undermining has evaporated from about an hour after our last call. They are ramping back up and trying to pick times. Now those delegates are now saying ”Go, go, go!”, which is kind of ironic. They are now on board. BIS and IMF are coordinating things and arbitrating between everyone in a thankless job; they are open to this happening in the next 4-5 days. The Fed, UST, IMF and BIS have tested all their systems, and that was successful. They don’t need anything else on that. Law enforcement agencies are ready, and some are in lockdown and/or high alert. That’s the DC area, as much as we’re going to get. IN the rest of the US, the banks are ready to go. A few have had folks in the southern states and are calling for more private exchanges. I don’t know how much of that have actually occurred – lots of talk but not a lot of confirmation on that. Tony: We’ve had wealth managers contacting people and scheduling them for Friday. WMs have leaking memos that they have received lately – they are getting excited now. That is all good news. The new window is in the next 4-5 days. DC: They are eagerly working towards that timeline. So I think we’ve worked down to the southern states. In Iraq, Kurdistan is ready, dealing with ISIL issues, and they are playing whack-a-mole there. A lot of the sectarian leaders are now working with the Abadi government, and ISIL is on the wane there. There is minor griping about exactly what villages were where and what other things count for Article 140, and that debate will continue for a while because it’s about where the oil fields are, and there is a ton of money involved in those decisions. Also, Kurds want more than 17%, and that goes back and forth, but they’ve already crossed the Rubicon on that. With respect the Syrian highway, there are still ISIL issues, but it’s covered by a lot of coalition reconnaissance. Coordinating the coalition is a serious pain in the ass and they are doing a wonderful job there. There are some ISIL attacks outside the Green Zone. IN Baghdad, the Parliament is out of their minds with agitation about why this hasn’t already happened. There is immense pressure to get this through right now, and Abadi is being tagged with the Maliki brush that he is doing everything the US tells him to do. Everyone is saying this has to done immediately; all the coins and lower denominations are out and good to go, no ramping up required. Last week Iraq put on a road show, with Abahi and Shabibi and their crew in the US, Europe and Asia, forcing the issues to be solved. Those meetings were successful, and why many thought this would go down on Monday once Dr. Shabibi got back to town. Tony: All this is great, so let’s have a little discussion for a moment. Why has the dong dropped so much? Is the dong likely to increase with hedge fund trading? Has the China contract pool been enlarged? Which hour tomorrow will we get the 800 numbers. How will the RV squeeze Russia, the BRICs, and ISIL? Let’s address all those… In the beginning, we saw this as happening instantly, and one thing affects another like dominoes. As we watch what is occurring in the background, and the US wants a slow rollout to the general public… but could this whole thing have been a slow rollout? Because they keep saying it’s happening, and then it’s another couple of days while they accomplish another few points. Is that something that happened and we’re just noticing. DC: Pretty much it’s already occurred – the US didn’t want to do this right now, so they let more cards go, more people to exchange, more countries to be involved. This is hardly a grand Master Plan – we’re not that good. Tony: Some dominoes have fallen, but not the main one. Iraq keeps saying the 15th, the 21st, whatever… without mentioning dates, we know the budget has been done and documents have been signed. The rest of this is theatre so that they don’t have riots in the streets until the final decision is made. All the rest has been done and it’s a signed document that our sources have seen. There is a underlying reason for this being dragged out this far, and I do have a theory about that. I had a call from Canada asking why oil is at $45; why is OPEC increasing theirs as the price goes down? Who does that affect? Why is that happening? I’m not trying to cause controversy, I’m just looking here. My theory is… DC? DC: As to the oil prices being low, there is a classic school of economics that says Europe looks bad, Russia’s in a depression, so neither is buying much gas or building a lot of projects. Also, it’s been a mild winter, so there hasn’t been as much demand for heating oil, so prices go down as well. The US is the best-looking girl at an ugly-girl dance, so prices are going down. Why is OPEC cutting back? They are not that coordinated these days, plus there are outliers that don’t play well with others, such as Russia and Venezuela. Saudi Arabia used to tell people to cut back and everyone would, but now they don’t even try. In fact they are increasing production for three reasons: Iran’s budget is based on $90 per barrel, and Saudi and Iran do not get on at all well. Iran tried to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in DC a few years! Secondly, there is shale oil in the US that has a $60 break-even point, because that technology is riskier and more expensive. So this is diminishing the shale oil production in the US. The third aspect is Russia; they are getting more imperious these days, and don’t play well with others. They have an oil-based economy and they need $70 or so per barrel. So really, this is Saudi seeking to weaken Russia and Iran, their main competition. No one is going to look to Russia for more oil when it’s more expensive to produce the oil and nobody gets on well with Putin. Finally, the US wants oil prices to come down because it’s much more expensive to run SUVs when we’re in a depression. The US is getting much more efficient in its car production, on a fleet level, under pressure from the Obama administration. Because the automotive fleets are getting more efficient, we don’t need as much oil. There are also a lot of oil growth hedges will buy oil futures, betting on the potential growth; if the hedge funds don’t believe there will be much economic growth, they won’t invest in that sector. The RV is still safe with all of that. Iraq did all their planning for this when oil was $20-30; they simply have to adjust their budget downwards because oil is now $50 instead of $100 per barrel. Iraq is doing that successfully and showing the world that they are mature in responding to the drop in oil prices. Tony: I have got to say, DC will make a great politician one day! Wow! Besides that, we know it won’t affect the RV either way, just the date when it goes live. Oil production is up but the price is lower, so they are storing that oil until the price goes up again. They’ll wait until requests go up. The benefit of oil going down right now, is that the ruble has lost 50% of its worth and their economy (and Putin’s ratings) are also going down. Sooner or later, it will be like the Arab Spring – things look good until you can’t buy a loaf of bread. I think that Russia will be so far down that the RV will not benefit them for years to come. They don’t have the resources to overcome that at that point in time (like we do and like China does). Usually, when the demand for oil is lower, production also goes down to stabilize the prices, but this time they are deliberately reducing oil prices to set up further machinations. Nobody wants further confrontation, but this is a way of controlling the world economy without affecting the RV as such. They will be able to adjust the budget as soon as this goes, whatever the oil prices. This is affecting everyone in the world, because oil is definitely going to go back up, but will that be because they accomplished their goals, or because we will be buying more cars and demanding more gas? The rates is going down and they are still producing more, which doesn’t make sense! So I’m looking at the possible effects, and asking why they might be doing it this way. DC: I believe that by the nature of the stimulus this will bring in – the consumption side – will be incredible. I am still arguing for 8% rise in the GDP, which puts oil at $1.25 a barrel. In the US and the rest of the world, that consumption will naturally bring up the price of oil and let Iraq have massive budget surpluses. Tony: So why don’t we have the RV today and start doing that? Some folks wanted to drag it out, I guess. Why is the US holding this back? DC: The more altruistic answer is that this is such a big deal they want Iraq to be 100% ready. That’s why they have not been ready to make the decision, but my understanding is that those people have now made that decision are now saying “Go, go, go!” Some of this has been personal gain, power politics, “I told you so”, etc., but now everyone is on board to get this going already. Now they are arguing about timing… 650 caller: It’s dragging out and even though a lot has been accomplished, it seems like no one cares where the goal posts are. China said a new reserve currency is needed, and that is a bold statement from them. What will push this over the goal line? Tony: You have to realize that China put out that opinion five years ago – there is nothing new to what they are saying. They have always wanted to replace the dollar as the world currency. Yes, they are upset that this hasn’t been done, but that is not new. DC: It is when the US says that they will let CBI and IMF and Iraq move forward. They can call each other names, but no one will move without the US. When the US says Go, they can go, and we’ve talked about the reasons why. As of this morning, the guys resisting this finally said, “Let’s go, let’s be done with this.” Will they think of something else at the last minute to hold this up? Well, at some point they realize this has to be done because they have exchanged so many people and many have bet their political future on this. Caller: Of course, this weekend is a three-day weekend, which means the banks are closed for a longer period of time. But I think you said there is a bigger issue? Tony: I just did – there is an economic war going on, and I believe we are intending to change the economies of certain countries to change their leadership or agree to some things that we don’t want to fight about but do want to influence in this manner. That is the only thing I can see that affects the global economy. That’s the only reason I can really see for everyone allowing Washington to delay this now that Iraq has done every single thing that they have been asked to do by all the other parties. I think that what DC is saying – that this is why today is different than last week or last month or last year. Pam has said it is One-question Wednesday to get to more callers… 707 caller: The tweet with the YouTube video really messed me up – you should preface that kind of message by saying “this is something you might enjoy”, not just say “you should watch this!” We all expected an 800 number at the end!! Tony: That tweet will say upfront “This is your RV notification!” Caller: You said on Monday that “it has to happen this month”; can you elaborate? DC: I don’t believe there is an absolute back wall or last date. There are different shouts from the UST, CBI, political groups and whomever saying we have to have this by X date, and so some guru then says it will happen by then. Because of history, I no longer believe those back dates matter. Every couple of days they try again, and someone throws another spanner into the works. So I don’t think we can promise any time; it’s a day by day event when everyone is on board. They do seem to be on board now, and I am only hearing positive things even from those who like to resist things. They have screwed it up every other time, but at some point they have to allow this to go through and be finished. Tony: Pam does a very good job and we will try not to put her under the bus at all today, for those complaining about that. When I sent out a tweet, make sure it is from me before getting agitated. Some people have pretended to be me, sending out local area code numbers. We’re not going to send you to a local number to call from everywhere in the US! These twidiots have sent these out with Okie’s phone number, and Okie has asked us to mention this because he keeps getting these stupid calls. If this happens, complain to Twitter immediately, and they will block those tweets. I have been warned this idiot is planning to send out fake tweets again, so I am warning you. 602 caller: I’m a little frustrated not for us, so much, as because Iraq has to be paid first. We still hear people are exchanging here but that is not doing anything for the people of Iraq. Their cards are loaded, but can they spend their money? Tony: They are doing private exchanges over here. In Iraq, the people are not going to benefit until it’s public with the international rate. The general public in Iraq do have this on their cards, and some privileged people have been able to exchange. They have got some people out of the way and they didn’t think we would be so far behind, but they found ways to prolong this process. They didn’t want Maliki to have all this money, so that was the best reason until Abadi came into power. Even though Maliki pretended to do the right things and we pretended to agree, the US was never going to let him and his buddies have access to that amount of money. We came and helped with ISIL, so now we are heroes; Iraq doesn’t want to tell their people that the US is blocking this, because that undermines the Iraqi trust in the US and our soldiers over there. We are going to benefit and so will Iraq, so WHY has it not got done? All I can see is my perspective… Caller: A year and a half ago the rich and powerful were exchanging, with a pool of 1.5 trillion for the contract rates. It doesn’t make sense why the US is still blocking something that will benefit everyone. Shame on them! We’re all holding our breath here! Tony: All that didn’t go out and they put some more in. The benefit is never going to go away, so what we have to look at is the reason it is being prolonged. Does that reason make sense? And is it worth the downside, the frustration and anxiety and loss? We are never going to know for sure, but we have common sense, we can look at the news and see the effect that it’s having, and then ask if that is for the greater good. Then we have to ask how much longer it will be until they reach their goal. And I’m not going to have that discussion here. Guys, remember this is just OUR opinion. 803 caller: Happy New Year! My questions have been answered. [Appreciation] Is there any one place we can exchange ALL the currencies, in general? Tony: I think the banks will exchange all the currencies, plus Travelex. Look in your area; there will be other places. Most banks will take any legally traded currencies. [Tony and DC have said in the past that WF will probably exchange for everyone.] Thanks for your prayers. I see two preachers almost every day, and they say “I will hold you under the water until the bubbles come up!” Caller: If you were to put us ‘aunties’ on the front line, you would have fewer headaches. 843 caller: I told someone special about this 18 months ago, and now this person thinks I’m an idiot for holding onto this. I try to listen to all the nuances, but it always seems that there is no way to get a timeframe on this thing. How do you actually ask for the contract rate? How do you do that in a way that you can get it? Tony: Let’s go to your first part. You told this to someone near and dear to you, and now you look like a fool in their eyes. Thousands on this call feel the same way, and some of us told people years ago. I told everyone on this call and everyone I know. I am going through the same thing with 30,000 people, and you’re going through it with one person. They are constantly asking me, every single day, asking what happened to that RV thing! When I said next week, next month or whatever, you should know that it’s GOING to happen because Iraq cannot survive without this happening, and the Paris Accords won’t function without this happening. Look at yourself in the mirror and know that you did the right thing, because they may be laughing now but you’ll be laughing for the rest of your life. We’re taking the heat now to enjoy the success later. Even though we get a lot of the pieces of this puzzle, we are not high enough up to know the exact moment – they don’t want us to know that moment, because Forex, etc., can all be manipulated. They don’t want most people to go two weeks afterward. We have most of the package, but it changes so often that we cannot be sure that we have the final version. We have to get the final package and training and then they will tell us what they want us to tell you. Even if we don’t agree with it, we will tell you the process when we get the package. I know how it’s supposed to come out [the contract rate], but I’m not going to explain it to you now unless/until the package comes out. When I tell you, I want to tell you the right thing, and not have people go to the bank and say “Tony said…” when it’s wrong or been superseded. Kuwait went quickly, but that was a whole different animal. Their President, government, and banking system were all in place. In Iraq, we are rebuilding a whole country to mirror OUR government and financial system. We don’t even do it right ourselves, but we expect Abadi to do it in six months! DC: Tony and I are both volunteers, and we are happy to help people by giving everyone up to date information about of this RV. We do the best we can, and others do a good job as well. We don’t come on the phone to give you platitudes; we give you the best info we can without violating someone’s trust. Someone might say “You can’t say this, but X is what’s happening in my world.” We attempt to navigate the minefield, and we are being shot at every day for antics that we don’t control. We are highly frustrated by this process, too, but until the folks that the President delegated to deal with this say Go, this won’t go. The CBI, IMF and BIS has demonstrated they will not move forward without at least tacit approval from the US. We understand that those gentlemen have said Yes, and Iraq is very eager to get this done. They could still say, “Stop, wait” and regardless of what we think, it would stop. We understand that these gentlemen are now saying they want this done in 4-5 days – but don’t shoot the messenger, meaning us! Tony: Everyone is excited right now. We have been here before, yet this morning was a little bit different. There wasn’t a window on Monday when we did the call; by Monday evening, there was at least a window. The banks are not on lockdown because they have done everything they need to do. Our understanding is that none of those other pieces will be notified until after the fact. We are being brutally honest with you, that’s all – why it has been held up and might continue to hold it up, and why, and how that could affect the global economy. We are in a great, great place, really we are. 727 caller: I heard DC mention that in NY we might have to put aside up to 60% for taxes. But I heard that in other places, no taxes might be involved. How does that work? Will there be somewhere to exchange around Buffalo? DC: I’m not saying it’s fair or defending what has already occurred. They are preparing for most of us to pay normal tax rates – long term or short term capital gains. There are some people who won’t be paying any taxes because they had special contracts that have tax rates pre-arranged – for instance, 30% already goes in taxes, some to China and some to the US. Some are not being treated equally because the contracts are not equal. We understand that 35% of the contract pool will go to ordinary people, and the rest to the privileged. Any town of over 100,000 will have one or more exchange centers. 602 caller: Have you discussed rates today? DC: On the cards, the Iraqi dinar is $3.58; we have heard other rates on general exchanges from $3.11 to over four dollars. All four currencies are still in the basket. We don’t understand that there is a minimum to get the contract rates; they may have moved the cap to 20 million dinar, to allow more people access to the contract rate. I believe the dong is also coming down from 50 million to possibly 20 million. So more people should get the contract rate. So if you have UP TO 20 million dinar, you will have access to the contract rate for as long as that pool is available. 954 caller: Do you know if the dong rate has been reduced recently? Tony: Not that I know of. DC: The posted (pre-RV) rate has been reduced, to encourage exports, and to throw people off the scent. That has nothing to do with the post-RV rate. 703 caller: it makes me a cringe a little when DC says everyone is singing Kumbayah – you know, it’s like that cycle of abuse, when they say “I’m sorry” and you let your guard down and then they start to abuse you again. How confident can we be in their intention to really let this go? Tony: DC, in your heart of hearts, do you believe that lying cheating guy again? DC: That cycle of abuse is rough, and all of us are saying “Come on!” This is brutal, but we do believe enough… maybe not wholehearted belief that they will do what they say they’re going to do. I want to, but politically speaking this is now costing them much more than they are gaining at this point. There are only two years left in this administration, and power/influence is waning on a daily basis. They really only have a year to do what they want to do. Tony: As you say, DC, “actions, not words”. We have heard this story before, and they lie to each other, so they surely don’t mind lying to us. We are watching what Iraq is doing, how prepared they are, what’s happening in the banks, Parliament and CBI, and we know they can truly go on a moment’s notice. They only have to change the rate. Over here, we hear what comes out of the meetings, but that’s not as important as what happens after the meetings – are they showing up at the banks, calling the right people, getting the right folks into position. There are some things they HAVE to do to let us know that this is really happening, even if some things will only come out afterwards. Caller: What made me nervous is that if your theory is correct, then the situation with Russia could stretch out forever. But everything is crossed that this really is IT. 409 caller: I finally learned how to raise my hand, after two years of listening to the calls. We live in a city with 150,000 people; will there be a place to exchange here? My friends look at me like an alien because of this. However, I went to WF to talk to a WM who called me back, and they said they wouldn’t be exchanging at that bank, but when we do RV, that branch would like to do business with me. So it gave me the feeling she did know something that she couldn’t tell me yet. That gave me a lot of confidence, that she called me back and said they would like to invest that money with them. The hair stood upon the back of my neck and it solidified that situation for me. Tony: For two years, every time they didn’t do it, they blamed me and this call – that they stopped it because of something I said on the call. I got tired of them acting like one guy had the power to stop this global process. I’m not that good! Caller: So those who are monitoring this call, I hope they don’t block my exchange because they don’t like you! 610 caller: Professor Renfrow and Ambassador Winston – hello! If I can go back with some global information, I think we want to see oil go down to $35 per barrel and then we will see this RV happen – what do you think? [Appreciation] DC: Nobody is that influential, and I don’t think it’s really tied to oil prices. I think we’re just waiting on the few people the President delegated this to. 936 caller: Could it be one of the reasons this has been delayed is to bring the value of the US dollar so that we get less when we exchange? Tony: That has not affected the rate one bit. That gives credibility to my theory, even if DC disagrees. It is only affecting what’s going on other there. Some people say that the dinar is going to come out 1:1, but we know the rate in the system, and so many people have exchanged that are NOT going to give that money back! DC: And we understand that the US is insisting that this RV happen 4pm to 6am EST, so that it doesn’t interrupt the markets more than necessary. Everyone has agreed to that. I really do think they are pushing this and it could happen any time. 301 caller: Will everyone who gets the contract rate get the same rate? Or will it be in different stages, and will there be different NDAs for each of those rates/stages? DC: There are different contract rates, because the middle man is trying to make money, and there is no shame in that. Regardless of rate, the NDA is the same: don’t talk about this RV or the rate, or else. Caller: Even if a person received 20:1 rather than 10:1, they are under the same NDA? DC: Yes. 313 caller: [Appreciation] You’ve really lifted our spirits about this! The Iraqi people should not have to suffer any longer. I believe PM Abadi is that person who came along to make a huge difference, and he has done a wham-bam job. I wish he were running our government. We’ll probably never see this again our lifetime. I’m glad we are going to be part of this tremendous history and do well financially as well. I think of those young men over in the Middle East who are snookered into this. I will be helping our soldiers who are out there fighting while some are making a lot of money. I want to help those who have been crippled and mentally disturbed. DC: It’s been a frustrating time for all of us, but hang in there; it will be solved. Iraq is ready, they wanted this at any time, and some of those holding it back in the US are now supporting this getting done. We are in a nice window to get this done in the next 4-5 day. We are watching actions, not words, and everyone is getting ready for this. Please have your plan together to make sure this money lasts as long as it can. Pam: I don’t have a plan. Make sure you have your professionals, and have pros to watch your professionals! Happy Birthday to Brenda! You are very special! Ray: We are at the any-minute stage on Wealth-seeking Wednesday, and after 4pm it could turn into Wealth-receiving Wednesday! Tony: Minnie Pickles is the one having the baby she is naming Anthony – make sure to check with your husband first! We made our calls this morning, and especially what was different about it today – that the guys who had been holding it up are now saying, “Okay, let’s do this”. They just had the meeting yesterday, and all the people in all the countries were involved. It was a conference saying “enough is enough”, that their people had been dragged through it, and they need to go now. From the highest authority, they are now saying “Let’s go.” The window started last night, and they don’t want us to know the exact day or time. All we can do is look for it right now, at any time. I will send out a tweet, and it will ONLY have the 800 number for you to call – that’s it – not a local area code number. If they give me anything else, we’ll talk about that after you’ve made your appointment. Don’t call Okie – leave him alone! We’re feeling good. Our information is good and we told you a bit about why we think certain things are happening. Enjoy the rest of your day!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 20:26:28 +0000

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