#TRENDING# Caterwauling, abuses, hurling insults, names calling - TopicsExpress


#TRENDING# Caterwauling, abuses, hurling insults, names calling and reminding the president that he had no shoes to wear is now the latest trend. In fact a few blogs have come up since last night JONA is a fool, clueless, the Otueke man is mad, he has no balls, he must resign and the story goes on and on. These are folks who can not control their little girl friends and boy friends, folks who cannot keep their fragmented lives and families together, folks who cannot manage four people successfully but would come insulting someone trying to keep a nation as convoluted as ours in one piece. A country with almost 170M different people, homo sapiens with convoluted ethereal religious inclinations, ethnic affiliations, cultural confusion and diversity in all facets of their lives, humans that thrive in nothing better than confusion and judder. Maybe i must take up ethnology as a career as i need to truly understand our brand of humans. The issue here is Nigerians are dying and lives are being cut short everyday by the most wicked acts as perpetrated by the most wicked people ever in the name of their most wicked god Allah the most merciful the most kind. SMDH! The words kind and merciful must have different meanings I am sure........ So confusing! Instead of folks talking about solutions everyone is trending sending insults and blame to the president. We are all now arm chair critics and social media activists, we must all be seen saying something negative then everyone would say yes we love our country and hate bad governance….no you are equally as bad because we are a reflection of our leaders sentiments aside. We are Nigerians it is easier to put others down because that is the only way we can feel good about ourselves. This is how we are stop the pretense because that is all you are nothing else. Yes we must blame someone and pass the buck that person is no other but the president he did not have shoes to wear now he has so he has forgotten the past little wonder why he is so clueless........ He is so happy Nigerians are dying everyday because he is clueless and wicked. He sent those boko haram members to go kill Nigerians because he wants to garner sympathy to win his next election. We are simply indefatigable. Now I am asking because some have called for what OBJ did to ODI and ZAKI IBIAM…..My question is are these two communities a state or just communities within a state? I remember what happened and what my people were saying especially the Northerners when the soldiers unleashed their venom on Baga community sometime ago and there were so many civilian casualties because the dreaded sect members used the civilians as their human shields to fight the soldiers. Many said it was an orchestrated, well planned genocide that Iherjirika the erstwhile chief of army staff should be tried at the Hague for crime against humanity. The clueless, wicked Northern elders even went as far as instigating that the man should be tried and filed a motion to that effect. Nyako is saying the president is on a quest to wipe out the North through genocide but when it was Christians that were killed, their Churches burnt and bombed every Sunday the senile geriatric man, with mouth dripping, saliva smelling, retired force man kept mute… What has changed now I am asking? Okay let me guess his boys have mutated from larva to butterfly and have flown away to become large snakes that he cannot control again and they are biting not just Christians again but all mere mortals. 70% of our armed forces from the army to immigration, to customs etc are made up of Islam worshipers known as Muslims and their first allegiance is to Islam and they have told us that in no uncertain terms that they are first and foremost Muslims before Nigerians and hence their loyalty is first to those that professed Allahu Agbar. Allah is the greatest. Then why are we wondering and asking why the emergency rule in the North is not successful or why the insurgence are gaining grounds more than the soldiers? Now you have the answer. Is it not funny that each time they send the Southern soldiers on a mission boko haram are laying ambush waiting for them? Have we forgotten how 170 soldiers were killed on their way to getting the bandits? Isn’t funny that it was when the soldiers were withdrawn from the school in Yobe that within 24 hours boko haram went on their blood sucking mission killing the young wards in their dormitories and also in Mubi? Isn’t funny that the Nigerian soldiers were sent away and used as reconnaissance and later others came in a convoy with trucks dressed in same army uniforms to pick the girls and we now know these others were boko haram? Who has been giving boko haram all these information? None other but the boko haram in the Nigerian army whose agenda is also to unseat the government of the day, the government they did not form because power must return to a Muslim from the North. Now GEJ must do Odi and Zaki Ibiam on the whole North the same people that cried Woolf regarding Baga are saying? He should wipe out all the Northern soldiers and bring the Southern ones some are calling…….. are Nigerians really thinking for real? If he does this what would you all say? I will help you out here…… it would be a case of people begging please take him to ICJ to Hague for he has committed a crime against humanity try him for genocide. Can we for once try and think of a solution to our problems and stop this blame game especially those of you that cannot control your little homes but expect one man you claimed has so much power to wipe us all out. Anyway boko haram is doing it already you may say and we are watching and doing nothing but rather blaming people that their homes are fortified with steels and balustrades. Who are boko haram? They are our brothers and sisters, they are peoples uncles, husbands and sons, fathers and nephews. Have you reported them? Senator Ali Ndume the one fingered as one of the sponsors of boko haram said he has been feeding the army with information about the whereabouts of the girls but which of the army officials has he been doing this laudable job on? The ones that are Muslims and boko haram members that he has been sponsoring in Nigerian army I guess......the ones that would not fight against their brothers but would rather encourage the girls to be ferried out of the country just to embarrass the government. I really wonder who is that one person on earth that can focus under these horrible, dastardly circumstances? Just your little girl friends and wives unsettling you…you cannot function. You would run around with a tail in between your legs looking for who would assuage the situation for you but you think it is easy for another human being to keep watch over the nation of animals in a zoo parading in human clothings? First and foremost he is also a man, a human being that has blood flowing through his veins. I am sure he has more sleepless nights and grief than all of us put together because uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Where are the governors of these states that are being under siege? Where are the governors of these states after all the emergency rule has not affected them? They have not suffered any interregnum. Are they sleeping whilst their states are burning and their girls and future mothers being taken away, raped and forced into illegal marriages? Has anyone called for their heads to be decapitated? No but the president must die because the governors were voted to sleep. Enough of the blame game, all hands must be on deck now. Think of what you must do to assuage the situation. It is us dying not them. It is our war not theirs. This is not me siding the president but rather me so grief stricken on hearing a tale of a wife that called her husband instead of the husband answering her call another person did telling her…..her one and only husband, the father of her children, the man she made those vows to be with for better for worse and till death do them part had been killed by a group of very bad people. How would I feel? I am just trying to empathize but there is no superlative that could rightly describe how I would feel right now the thought of it alone I am dead from inside out. This is me asking us to think of what to do since he the president does not know what to do. If you cannot bring out your sons and report them when they are killing other sons yours too would not live for you see their glory. We should all stop the pandemonium and uproarious noise and get on with helping our nation. The criminals live with us, they are one of us, they are not some spirits. It is not about the president but about us...we are the ones dying not him nor them. I will report any suspicious movement around me even if it’s from my brother or husband I swear I would. Also swear you would stop shielding them. Enough now. #bringbackourgirls# Until they are back safe and well there would not be peace.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 02:49:59 +0000

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