TWO policemen are stabbed in Melbourne after offering to shake the - TopicsExpress


TWO policemen are stabbed in Melbourne after offering to shake the hand of a Muslim terror suspect and who do Muslim leaders attack? Yes, the police. Again. The Islamic Council of Victoria’s reaction yesterday is a disgrace and only too typical of the Muslim leadership that has so betrayed Australia. Here are the facts about the incident in Endeavour Hills on Tuesday, in which one officer was nearly killed after being knifed in the head, stomach and arm before the attacker was shot dead by the other officer, also wounded. The dead man was Numan Haider, an 18-year-old Afghan refugee who attended an Islamic college and joined the radical Al Furqan Information Centre. On Facebook he claimed the Australian Federal Police and ASIO were “declaring war on Islam and Muslims” and posted photographs of himself in military camouflage and balaclava, holding a jihadist flag. Then last week the Islamic State urged supporters to behead Australians, drape an Islamic flag on their bodies and post pictures on the internet. Also last week, police heard Haider was issuing threats and had brandished an Islamic State flag at a shopping centre. His passport was cancelled and he was asked to come chat to police at Endeavour Hills.Haider brought two knives and an Islamic flag. It seems impossible to deny the role of Islam in this confrontation. It seems implausible to blame anyone but Haider himself for what followed. Yet the Islamic Council of Victoria’s secretary, Ghaith Krayem, announced he was “disappointed” that police “almost have said it was the young man’s fault”. Pardon? Who else’s fault could it have possibly been? The ICV compounded that implied slur of the police by demanding “a full and objective investigation into this incident to ensure that such a tragedy is never repeated”. If it were calling for an investigation into Islam, Islamic radicals and apologists in bodies like the ICV, I would agree. Let’s get the role of Islam out in the open. But, no, for the ICV the fault lies not with Islam but a few criminals it claims misrepresent the faith — and especially with Australian society, which had “to deal with the root causes of alienation and disaffection of people such as this”. The Lebanese Muslim Association yesterday agreed Muslims were feeling marginalised and “picked on” and “root causes” here needed addressing. Our fault, then? That’s an excuse jihadists would want to hear. But how strange. We actually have about as many Buddhists as Muslims, yet only Muslims warn they are so “alienated” that we must expect terror attacks unless we change. This absurdly inflamed sense of victimhood — this blaming of non-Muslims — is now so common among Muslim leaders that we must conclude it is not just a misjudgment but a tenet of their ideology. Consider, after police in Sydney and Brisbane last week broke up an alleged terror plot to behead Australians, Muslim representatives on the ABC’s Q&A insisted the “root causes” of the trouble included Israel, US drone strikes and Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s talk of “Team Australia”. Indeed, Muslims at a Sydney protest were told by the radical Hizb ut-Tahrir’s Wassim Doureihi that “even if a thousand bombs went off in this country, all that it would prove is that the Muslims are angry and that they have every reason to be angry”. Likewise, on the day the Islamic State released a video of its beheading of US journalist James Foley more than 60 of our Muslim leaders issued a statement condemning ... Tony Abbott. “We are not fooled by those who speak against violence and terrorism but are its proponents at an institutional level through military and foreign policies.” And on the day we learned the Islamic State had beheaded a second US journalist, the Australian National Imams Council and Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohamed again blamed Abbott for creating radicals. “One of the main causative factor (sic) for local radicalisation in the West has been the western governments’ military involvement in the Middle East.” And there was this warning: “If the Australian Government is serious about reducing the terror threat locally, then it must review its foreign policy decisions with regard to this region.” Yes, for our Muslim leaders it seems the root cause of Islamic terrorism is never Islam and always the West. And so often there’s the same implied threat: change or risk death — said either as a demand or prediction, depending on whether the speaker is an extremist or moderate. Or as the Koran puts it: “Slay the idolaters wherever you find them” and “fight them until there is no more fitnah (disbelief) and worship is for Allah alone.” True, the Mufti yesterday insisted Islamist terrorism was nevertheless un-Islamic, an interpretation most Muslims would endorse and which we must hope will prevail. But shifting blame on to the police? On to Australia? The ICV has betrayed us, like too many Islamic leaders before. What must we conclude? That their foolishness is talking — or their faith?
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 07:15:04 +0000

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