Taking an early walk along the shore awaiting for the royal - TopicsExpress


Taking an early walk along the shore awaiting for the royal entrance of the new day through His Love Divine--- I hear the whisper of the cold and gentle wind into my ears saying: the arrival of your majestic prince of the universe has now begun excitements I feel deep down in my heart giving a fleeting glimpse at the side of the ocean there lies the long ranges of mountain-tops seems as if they hide him from me giving me suspense on his final exquisite appearance as the ebbs move gracefully on their way back… carpeting his path waves all arise welcoming him with their loveliest prelude the cold breeze gently wafts the perfumes as peaceful as they could a scent of the blue ocean-potpourri filling the air up to the clouds then down to my mood as my prince finally ascends unto the clear sky through his radiant rays he sends me right away his glowing smiles descending his loving touch mellowed by God’s Loving Embraces from my face creeping down to my whole being all I feel is his warmth: an assurance that forever He cares a very wonderful feeling I can’t explain I close my eyes and raise my gentle face towards his rays trying to absorb all the blessings and graces he brings Oh, what a great and wonderful feeling! keeping still my chin up on high exposing to him my rosy cheeked face as I close my eyes then I protrude my lips As I want to finally feel my Prince Sun’s warmest kiss a kiss of my Darling Sunshine a sweet kiss of love the greatest and eternal love from up above
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 11:54:59 +0000

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