Team Beau - we posted a legal update last night and it is pinned - TopicsExpress


Team Beau - we posted a legal update last night and it is pinned to top of page and more explanations will be coming on regular basis. To answer some of the questions and dispel some of the misinformation floating, please refer to Bryan Mauldins comments. We hope you realize that everything is being done to save Beaus life, but the road ahead is not easy. What we need most is visibility and pressure from people to ask the city to explain why they have spent nearly $20,000 for 4 attorneys to fight against Beaus freedom. These are TAX dollars that are being spent to fight, while Beaus team works pro-bono. The statements by the mayor about moving Beau are just simply not true. Beau has been deemed vicious cannot be fostered or adopted with this tag. Citizens in Dyersburg should be greatly upset by the amount of tax dollars being used to kill a dog, and now with an appeal in process, they will spend even more. Please understand that Beau cannot be moved, Danny cannot surrender Beau, and the appeal is the only shot Beau has at living. We will be providing more in depth explanations when received from legal and will keep you updated every step of the way. About donations---the go fund me was set up by legal and taken down when it was deemed there was enough to move forward. Danny at NO TIME received these funds. Funds were however donated to the city, and those funds were not seen by our legal team or Danny. If the appeal needs more funds for filing or issues, we will address that, but for reasons of transparency, we have been clear from the beginning that the funds were handled by legal. The misinformation continues to spread in some areas. But we ask that you follow Brayn Mauldins information as we post it. As a consultant on the legal team, she is aware of all of the legal pleadings and the truth. Please continue to share to media and ask how the city can afford already nearly $20,000 in tax dollars to kill Beau. If you know taxpayers in Dyersburg, please let them know how their money is being spent. And most of all, please refer to Bryan Mauldins comments, as she has answered the misinformation. In summary, Beau is on a stay of execution, Beau cannot be moved, fostered or adopted as a vicious animal, the city is expending large amount of TAX dollars to have FOUR attorneys work against Beau, and without your support and drive, we would not have made it this far. *****a rule of the page - Yes some posters have been blocked. We will not allow defamatory, racist, or obscene comments. Please keep the discussion civil and about Beau. ****** Our web page is Please keep praying as we move forward and please, please help get the word to the media and continue to put pressure on city officials. Most of all keep sharing and keep Beau in the forefront.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 17:53:01 +0000

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