Terms of Use and Code of Conduct for The EPF Online Forums The - TopicsExpress


Terms of Use and Code of Conduct for The EPF Online Forums The Edo Political Forum (EPF) is a progressive forum and organization, committed to allowing freedom of expression, including maintaining a safe online forum and space for people with opposing views to express themselves. The EPF members are diverse and their views on Edo State, its politics, development, vision, history, human rights, religion, tribe and many other topics reflect that diversity. What we all share is the desire to talk seriously about issues that matter to us and Edo State. Everyone who contributes to these conversations should be able to express their views and beliefs in a safe environment, without feeling attacked or intimidated by others of a different opinion. In order to foster a safe space for intelligent and respectful dialogue, everyone who participates in our online forums automatically agrees to and abide by the following code of conduct: Debate is encouraged, but it must remain civil and respectful. We do not tolerate disrespect, discourtesy, vulgarity, or threats of violence on the EPF online forum / Organization. This means that the Admin reserves the right to remove all posts and comments, after consulting with the DRG, that have been seen to: Contain threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful, or otherwise objectionable content. Disrupt dialogue. EPF does not allow users to repeatedly post the same information to our online forums in a deliberate attempt to spam, clog or otherwise inhibit open discussion. Promote violent action, even in jest. This includes threatening or attempting to incite violence toward another user, person or entity for ANY reason. Engage in ad hominem attacks (i.e. attack a fellow user, rather than the content of the comment itself), stalking or otherwise harassing others on our forums. Attempts to impersonate or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent another user, person or entity. Violates existing copyright, patent, trademark or other proprietary rights. Threads entirely unrelated to Edo State, Politics, Business Opportunities, Culture, Human rights, the environment etc. Promote unsolicited or unauthorized commercial advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation. Please note: If a member of the EPF violates EPF Code of Conduct, an official complaint should be filed and sent to the Dispute Resolution Group, via a conversation/thread, to the members of the DRG. The DRG will investigate and provide recommendations to the Administrator the form of fines, suspension or both, and an outright ban of the offender(s) from the EPF. The Administrator reserves the right to ban the EPF Member from further participation on any of our online forums. Reporting Abuse: If you notice anything that you find offensive on EPFs online forums, we would appreciate it if you informed the DRG, immediately. The DRG will only open a case to be investigated, after a minimum of 3 EPF members have lodged an complaint about the same conversation, thread, picture or any form of posting on the EPF. Please do not encourage abuse by responding to abusive posts or otherwise engaging in the furthering of inappropriate topics and posts. Ownership of Content posted on the EPF You are solely responsible for all content, including without limitation, information, text, pictures, photos, messages, notes, videos, and other files, that you upload or post on the EPF, or communicate to other users through the EPF. If you did not create content that you post to the EPF, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary consents from the owner of such content. EPF does not share any form of responsibility for the comments of its members, posted on the EPF. When you upload or post your content to the Site you automatically grant us at no additional charge an irrevocable right to use, copy, publish, reformat, translate and distribute your content in whole or in part for any purpose, including third party websites, even if you have removed it from the Site. You must not, without our prior consent, copy, publish, download or modify our content or use any of the content either in whole or in part, without our written permission. EPF Comments/Threads Dos And Don’ts: Do Keep messages concise: Shorter posts are more likely to be read but when longer messages are appropriate, use paragraphs to break it up for easy reading. Keep posts to the site on topic within threads: Always try and refer to the first post in a thread and either respond to that or another post talking about the same subject. Ignore posts that are off topic, as we may remove them anyway to keep the threads on topic and to get the maximum use out of the information on the site. Remember this is all about building a body of knowledge to help each other and that means finding information quickly and easily. Post new threads within relevant forum topics: If you’ve got a subject to post about which doesn’t fit the existing topics, please post a new thread for your message. Don’t Use offensive or bad language: Please treat others with respect. All members should try to be constructive when exchanging their views. Any abusive, offensive or inflammatory posts or any comment which personally attack any individual will be withheld or removed without explanation. Spam the site with links to other sites: This includes sending unsolicited private messages to other members. We do not allow spam advertising of other commercial sites by reference or linking. Any post or comment which seeks to recruit members away from the EPF or promote a competitor will be withheld or removed. Please make sure your comments are in line with this code of conduct and relevant to the forum with which you are engaged. We hope you find these guidelines helpful and enjoy using the EPF forum. Edo Political Forum (EPF) Code of Conduct
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 14:31:10 +0000

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