Thank you Holly and Skinny Fiber!! This is my story!! :) I have - TopicsExpress


Thank you Holly and Skinny Fiber!! This is my story!! :) I have been fighting this weight battle for about 12 years...about the time I hit 30 and my metabolism decided to reside in the basement. It is true what they 30 our bodies start to do weird things. Anyway, I gradually started to see the scale creeping up as I progressed through my 30s but since I was still in denial...I pretended it wasnt happening. Pound by pound it inched up. Now I know where I come from and am fully aware of it, however, it still didnt get my rear in gear to lose the weight I was gaining. My family health history reads like a medical journal. Both my mom and dad had heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and my mom had diabetes and it ran back a few generations on her side. So one would think this knowledge alone shouldve been all I needed to get moving. I really dont even have the same kind of excuses that so many have such as stress of job, job loss, care giving for an ill relative or weight gain from childbirth. It just happened. BOOM! There is was!! Extra pounds that just crept on when I wasnt paying attention. And Hey? Guess what? It sure doesnt come off as easily as it goes on! Now I can sit here and say I had this big epiphany or eye opening A-HA moment...but that would be a lie. There was no one moment where I was like WOW I really need to lose this weight and get healthy. Over the course of my 30s as the weight was creeping on I tried every diet plan/pill on the market (some of which I am sure I shouldnt have as I am sure they were not safe by any means) WW, Atkins, South Beach and every diet pill Dr Oz ever recommended. Needless to say I would lose a little and then hit a plateau or decide the side effects of whatever pill I was trying at that time werent enough to justify the means of continuing to take it. If a side effect of any pill was may cause headaches you can bet I was getting the headache severely. During my 30s I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol and was on medication for these. In August of 2011, we got dear sweet Max, our Golden Retriever puppy, anyone who has ever had a golden knows they are high energy dogs that require much exercise. So thus began my real journey. I started walking Max 2 miles every day. Turns out I needed it as much if not more than he did. When we first started, I didnt think I would make it the 2 miles and returned looking very tired and really flushed...but we kept pushing on and pretty soon we could both make that 2 miles without any trouble and started adding on to our distance. At this point I had lost about 15 pounds on my own with good food choices and all the walking Max and I were doing. Because of that small weight loss I did get my blood pressure and high cholesterol back under control and no longer needed the meds. At the beginning of 2012 we had some major life changes and my good intentions were soon derailed for pretty much that entire year...I was more focused on so many other things and the little progress I had made with our walking soon didnt exist. I was back to being out of shape and back to having gained back the little weight I had lost. So here I was on the roller coaster of yo-yo dieting. Thankfully my BP and Cholesterol did not go back up! February of 2013 I decided I needed to step things up a bit. I had always tried to eat healthy and make healthy food choices but ya know how that is...not every one was great and during 2012 some of them were just plain BAD!! Anyway, my family doctor asked what I was doing about my weight... Well nothing really I had to say other than trying to make good food choices and get out and walk the dogs as much as I could. He prescribed me a RX diet pill and a diuretic for one month along with a very strict diet and 1 hour of cardio every day. At this point, we had had some health issues happen that really made us feel like getting and staying healthy was very very important to us. So I made up my mind to stick to his plan for 30 days and imagine my surprise...It worked!! LOL!! I lost 25 pounds! That was what I really needed to jump start things. Then at the end of March life decided to hand us one more change...Sudden job loss and a rapid move back to Lancaster. Needless to say...the stress of this derailed all my good intentions...somehow and Im not sure how...I was able to maintain my weight loss from February. We spent 4 long months trying to secure employment...Finally in July we were offered a position in Corpus Christi, TX. One more life changing event...a cross country move. I left Lancaster at the end of July wearing a loose size 22 pant. Three months later, thanks to Skinny Fiber, I am HAPPY TO SAY I JUST BOUGHT A SIZE 16 PANT!!! When we arrived in Texas at the beginning of August I was on facebook and Skinny Fiber and the many success stories of other people on SF kept crossing my newsfeed. I read them and was very skeptical but at that point I figured Whats one more? I had tried pretty much everything else out there...I decided I would give just one more a try. And man am I happy I did because I finally found the one that worked for me!! I feel so much better physically, I am sleeping better and just seem to have better moods! Im not saying SF is for everyone or that you will get the same results but really what do you have to lose but pounds and inches! If you are like me and feel like you have tried every thing out there then just give one more a try like I did! I dont think you will be sorry!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 21:25:19 +0000

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