Thanks to my friend Said ElSaid, who lives in Switzerland, for the - TopicsExpress


Thanks to my friend Said ElSaid, who lives in Switzerland, for the tag and very enlightening information. It is not surprising and unexpected news. I have been following the news surrounding Netanyahus visit to Paris/France, for the supposed March. However for Netanyahu the UNINVITED trip included other agendas. First and foremost his presence added to the hypocrisy of the march which was intended to augment the notion of free speech as Mr. Netanyahus government has killed 14 journalist in 50 Day war of attrition just in past August. Secondly for Netanyahuthe trip to France was mostly for PR opportunity. He packed his days in Paris with giving speeches, going from one synagogue to another, inviting French Jews to go home, home being the stolen land and occupied territory of Palestine. In fact Netanyahu has taken advantage of the recent attempt by ICC in opening an inquiry into possible war crime of Israel in occupied territory to present to the Jews around the world, that ICC probing into 7 decades of systematic Israeli genocide is yet another Europes aggression toward the Jews. He is indeed encouraging Jews to band together against ICC/Europes aggression and come home. While they are many people with Jewish faith whom have realized the clear distinction between Jewry and the Zionist vermin, likes of Netanyahu, who have been using Jewry as a shield to commit a systematic holocaust against Palestinians/indigenous people of the land, there are still others who would fall for the Zionist narration which has been grounded on lies and deceits for a century. I think everyone would benefit from exposing the nature of Zionism, through information like the one provided by my friend Said. In name of and for the sake of justice, human rights/life/dignity, it should be emphasized time and again that Zionism is incompatible with humanity and peace. It should be clear to the Zionists that WE THE CONSCIOUS PEOPLE OF THE WORLD who have been witnessing Zionist ideology at work would take a pledge to defeat this blight on face of humanity. Let it be clear that while Israel can CO-EXIST along side the state of Palestine, Israel would never be allowed to EXIST as purely Jewish State, as a purely Jewish State means one thing and one thing only. Purely Jewish State, which has been the aim of Zionism means a complete genocide and displacement of indigenous people of the land and THE WORLD WILL NOT STAND ASIDE AND BARE WITNESS TO ANOTHER GENOCIDE, ANOTHER HOLOCAUST, ANOTHER STATE OF APARTHEID. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Here id what my friend Said ElSaid shared; Watching a program on Swiss TV reporting on French Jews plans to immigrate to Israel. Commentator listed all the financial advantages when Jews move there. $15,000 per month for six months, rent paid, participation in purchase of a car. An estimated 15,000 will be leaving France. Natanyahoo declared he has given order to build new homes in settlements. I can see the Frenchies living among the Fanatics from Brooklyn. A few Jews interviewed (born and raised in France for generations) declared they are going HOME. Little do these ppl realize once they are paid they cant return when they want. In certain cases the state takes charge of their children, forcing the parents to stay or go though prolonged expensive periods in courts. Commentator mentioned that Israel is more dangerous for Jews than Europe.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 22:44:39 +0000

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