That thing you are worried about that seems like the end of the - TopicsExpress


That thing you are worried about that seems like the end of the world. Im sure it means the world to you. But in the grand scheme of things its absolutely infinitesimal. Your job, your socioeconomic status, your religion, that girl/guy that wont give you the time of day, and that neighbor that pisses you off. It means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of randomness that is our reality. Within the next minute, hour, day, or year. A meteor, comet, X class solar flare, or mad man with his finger on the button can change all of that. Everything thing we have built, everything we have known, and our imagined self importance can be extinguished in the blink of an eye. Well how profound Bryan. You might be saying. How absolutely morbid. No doubt on the surface that you would be right. But there is more to this silly Facebook message than doom and gloom. I ask if only for the duration that you indulge this message that you imagine a world that we allow all that separates us to go away. Religion, money, borders, and even sports teams (although within that context the Cowboys, Rangers, and Red Sox will always suck.) Imagine that if even for a single year all that could be accomplished if we allowed all of the things that separate us to fade away. Imagine if it was for a decade...a lifetime. Right now we are a type 0 civilization. If you dont know what that means than Google is your friend. All of things that plague our species and planet can be eliminated through cooperation. If we could as a collective achieve a type 1 or 2 civilization than even things that seem outside of our control now can be conquered. So in this new year. Try and think a bit outside the box. Try and think a little bit bigger. Our world and reality extends beyond the three inches in front of your face and you actually have the power to make things better. Dont allow that politician, religious figure, or talking head on the news to tell you whats best for you. Lets for a change come together and take control of our collective destinies. At worst, it would only make tomorrow a slightly better day. Happy New Year Facebook friends. The world is yours.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:28:15 +0000

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