The 4 WODs that everyone will participate in during the Southside - TopicsExpress


The 4 WODs that everyone will participate in during the Southside Throwdown are listed below. The final workout will be announced just before the workout is to begin. Use the next week to prepare for the workouts and also have any modifications ready in case you cannot complete a movement to the full standard. You will need to notify your judge before your workout begins so that we can move through everything in a timely manner. Please contact Coach Mike if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you and looking forward to a fun event! WOD #1 (Franklin Farmer’s Market) 6 min AMRAP Ascending ladder (3 reps): 3 Burpees to a 45# plate 3 KB swings (53/35) 3 Abmats 6 Burpees to a 45# plate 6 KB swings (53/35) 6 Abmats . . . *Increase 3 reps at the start of each new round *Standards for movements: - Burpees: Starting from a fully extended position, individual must go to the ground and touch both the chest and thighs to the ground. Once that has been maintained, s/he must jump onto the plate with both feet and fully extend hips and knees. - KB swings: This is a vertical swing where the kettlebell must come to a position overhead where the knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows are all locked out. Also, the bottom of the kettlebell must be facing the sky so that there is no folding over of the kettlebell. - Abmats (there will be an additional mat to set the Abmat on): Athletes will maintain a butterfly stretch position and lay back and touch both hands to the ground and then sit-up so that both hands touch the toes. Touching mid-foot or the heels will constitute a NO REP. WOD #2 At the conclusion of WOD #1, athletes will have 2 minutes to recover before they begin a 2.5 mile run. This run will begin at the Franklin Farmer’s Market and continue from Main St, to Graham Rd, and then finish down Commerce Dr to JoCo CrossFit. *During the 2 minutes between WOD #1 and WOD #2, athletes will have the opportunity to change shoes if they would like. We will transport your equipment back to the gym if you decide to switch. There is the option to modify the run with a 3k row (3000m). WOD #3 Clean and Jerk Ladder Mens’ weights: 95, 115, 135, 165, 185, 205 Womens’ weights: 55, 65, 75, 85, 105, 125 *There will be six weights set out in the increments mentioned above. The first athlete will step up to the first weight and must complete 3 full reps of the clean and jerk inside of one minute. If the athlete is successful, s/he will then step up to the second weight and attempt to complete the same task (3 reps) inside of the next minute. At the start of each minute, a new athlete will begin the ladder and will move to the next weight as long as s/he can complete the requirements. If an athlete makes it to the last weight of the ladder (205/125), s/he will perform max repetitions during the last minute. There will be a ten second transition period between weights and your score will be total reps completed. *Standards for clean and jerk: - Barbell must start from the ground. At this point, an athlete must clean the weight to the shoulders in one movement (cannot deadlift, hang clean) in either a squat or power variation. Once the barbell is setting on the shoulders, the athlete can use whatever overhead movement (shoulder press, push press, push jerk, split jerk) necessary to complete the clean and jerk. In the overhead movement, the bar must be directly overhead with the knees, hips, shoulders and elbows all locked out. Also, the feet must be together before dropping the weight back to the ground. WOD #4 21-15-9 Wallballs (20/14) Pull-ups *50 double-unders must be completed at the end of each round *Standards for the movements: - Wallballs: With the medicine ball held in an athlete’s hands, s/he must travel into a full squat position, hip crease below the top of the knee, and then continue the squat into a fully extended position while accurately tossing the medicine ball to a 10’/9’ target. If either standard is not maintained, it will result in a NO REP. - Pull-ups: From a full hang position from the pull-up bar, athletes must pull themselves up so that the chin is completely above the bar that the hands are maintained on. Any type of pull-up (butterfly, kipping, strict, etc) and grip (over-over, over-under, under-under) is allowed. - Double-unders: In one jump, the jump rope must pass under the legs 2 times. If athletes scale to singles, they will complete 2 to 1, singles to doubles (100 singles) WOD #5 Final WOD – TBA
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 16:33:44 +0000

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