The AGENTS OF IBLEES On Earth And In Your Own Lives. People Who - TopicsExpress


The AGENTS OF IBLEES On Earth And In Your Own Lives. People Who Make Sure That You Fail. So many times in life something bad happens and people get frozen in that time like somebody put them in a picture. Thoughts occupied, Body useless, Motivation NONE, Future outlook BLEAK, short of killing ones self, one is ready to do everything but do ANYTHING ABOUT THE SITUATION. May that set back is a personal, financial, professional or even a national incident. There are two types of human being in this world. Just two, The ones who feel the pain, assess the situation. Look at the set back as a lesson, re-strategise their journey ahead and go with a higher resilience than before. The second kind of people go through the EXACT same scenario, Store it in the mind as a FINALITY, change their entire view about their own future and the future of the society they are living in , into a PERMANENTLY Pessimistic view and never try to challenge the situation again. These are the same people who after pondering on negativity become so good at being CYNICAL ABOUT LIFE that they go around DISCOURAGING everybody from doing anything positive and give their own examples of TRAGEDY as a proof that you will fail just as bad as they did. These are the DEVILS ON EARTH, I call them that. There is no need for IBLEES sent from up there, these are the AGENTS OF IBLEES down here doing his job. Discouraging people, weakening their faith in Allah by killing POSITIVITY in a Human being, Being cynical about the opportunities Allah has given and instead of being thankful or let others be thankful, they argue that IT IS NOT AN OPPORTUNITY but rather a TRAP and if you take that opportunity you will ruin yourself. Thats exactly what IBLEES does when Allah SWT sends an opportunity to us humans, he discourages you, reminds you of the past BAD EXPERIENCE, shatters your confidence, Stops you from taking a chance and BELIEVING in the fact that Allah will guide me if i am working hardly and honestly. These negative people are so smart, so they think that they get you into their twisted way of thinking to the point that if you have one flat tire, they talk you into slashing the other three instead of fixing the one which is flat. Most of the talent, the zest, the positivity and the optimism of THE YOUTH is lost because of people like these...The IBLEESES ON EARTH. Dont you remember when you were in your teens, you were full of energy, positivity ready to try at anything without the FEAR OF FAILURE. Then you met some older person whom you declared YOUR MENTOR or YOUR ADVISOR just because he was older and SEEMED KNOWLEDGEABLE. And that is where your Death Began. Because you can not take advice from a person unless he has faced negativity over and over again and still remained positive and became more optimistic due to the fact that he overcame the toughest of odds. Do not run after people UNLESS you know their personal history to make them your mentor and if within that personal history there are not MORE FAILURES than SUCCESSES, leave them. Choose a person to mentor you who has FAILED NUMEROUS times but has come through and not only come through but come through with a BETTER SMILE for the next FAILURE, If Any. Until you distant your self from negative people, you CAN NOT ever get anywhere in life. So many times you may be living in an area where most people are cynical and negative, well,cut yourself off from them. Stay home. Read. Do something positive. Start a new hobby. Do anything BUT spend time with negative people or the AGENTS OF IBLEES on ground. MAYOOSI is HARAM in Islam and if any person who is promoting MAYOOSI is actually TAKING YOU AWAY FROM ALLAH. He is actually telling you indirectly that Allah is NOT RAHEEM and ALLAH is NOT MUSSABIB AL ASBAB and he will not help you. When this person is doing all these things, he is actually NOT BELIEVING IN the MERCY of ALLAH. Being in the Muslim country, he will never say that Allah is not Raheem, but he will say everything else bad and negative to discourage you without bringing the name ALLAH into it. You clean this mess of IBLEES from your life and you will see how many good things start to happen in your life with the next 6 months. How you become positive and confident and strong and optimistic and a person who thinks, visualizes, acts and creates his OWN FUTURE with the Guidance of Allah Away from the Advice of the Agents Of Iblees On The Ground. Dont ever let the TOXIC and NEGATIVE PEOPLE rent the space in your mind.... Have your RENT so HIGH that they can not afford to stay there.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 20:25:06 +0000

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