The Anointing Power Of The Holy Spirit. “SALVATION” - TopicsExpress


The Anointing Power Of The Holy Spirit. “SALVATION” Part#4 Dear Friends. We have just re-posted this contribution from our fellow laborer Rev. Frank R. Parrish just to show some of us that the “Ministry” has been high jacked by the professionals. And we have been deceived for long (this is where some few people would be dictating for us by telling us what to do to be saved which may be contrary to the Biblical truths). And in the other way round they can know who is a good Christian and who is not a good Christian by sight. This is done even when they can quote this passage from the Bible without opening their Bibles: For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the hearth (1Samuel 16:7). Now, we would like you to read this again so you can weigh into some recent debate. Education and administrative skills can be good and helpful. However, they are limited in what they can help the leader to accomplish. When we rely upon our education, the best result we can hope for is the limit of our education. When we rely upon our eloquent speaking or other skills, we are limited to what those skills can accomplish. However, when we rely upon the Holy Spirit, we are limited only by what the Holy Spirit can do! Whatever we choose to rely upon, or place our trust in, in order to accomplish the call to ministry – that is what will set the limits of what we are able to do. How much limitation do you want on your ministry? With God, there are no limits! (See Luke 18:27.) The debate had come in focus when the editor of the “ChurchLeaders” (Churchleaders is one of the leading Christian online blogs forum where people can share their views on the current affairs, and the events that were happening in our Churches today) had picked a comment from a well known controversial preacher by the name Pastor John MacArthur. Pastor John MacArthur has been constantly attacking the Pentecostal Churches and their Pastors, anybody which he may not like his or her face, and everyone who does not operate according his theological view. He always labeled anybody that falls into any of these groups a non-Christian. So the current attack has taken place in his conference where Bishop T.D. Jakes and Pastor Joel Osteen was his target. And this was my personal contribution since I have known Pastor John MacArthur…. There is no need for Pastor MacArthur to be condemning other preachers when he has no command over the Word of God. And there is no way everybody is going to follow his theological views. When the Bible teaches about the Ministry and Spiritual Gifts (Ephesians 4:11-12)(1Corinthians 12:1-11,27-31). It means that in the Body of Christ, God will assign each and every one of us different roles to play in the ministry. Personally, I have been able to listen to Pastor MacArthur, and I can sense that in his ministry he is centered on scholastic and persuasive knowledge more than Revealed and Declarative knowledge. With this reason, he cannot fully understand what the Holy Spirit is doing in this Dispensation. I have heard a man who wants everybody to believe that he alone has the full knowledge on how the ministry should operate saying, That when one attributes the works of Satan to the Holy Spirit, that the person is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. And when one has attributed the works of the Holy Spirit to Satan, then the person is blaspheming the Holy Spirit which is the unpardonable sin (Mathew 12:31-32). Then, the same man went on to say that speaking in tongues has to do with demonic spirit just because his denomination has intellectually disapproved it. He went on to give some details, and why speaking in tongues is the work of the demonic spirit even when the Apostle Paul had said in same chapter 14 of the book of Corinthians that I thanked my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all (V18). Here we can see that too many of us in the Evangelical... who were against some certain GIFTS were doing it out of ignorance of the scripture. What do I mean by saying this? Too many of us cannot differentiate between praying in the Spirit and praying in words. These are two different kinds of prayers. Praying in unknown tongues (Praying in the Spirit) is a different thing while praying in words means saying, what God had said in His Word back to Him. In other places, most of the Evangelicals do not believe that miracles are possible in this age based on the teachings most of us have received. Yet when a member of our congregations has lost his or her job, has a matrimonial problem etc. We agree to pray for the person so God can intervene. Now, if God can alleviate someone`s financial or matrimonial needs; then, why is it impossible for God to heal the sick? When I look back at all these I believe that we in the ministry still have great works to do instead of bringing others down. In view of your salvation and my salvation, always cross check what you hear from any preacher with what the words of God were saying.... This is the only purpose for this message. We will get back to our lesson.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 22:20:53 +0000

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