The Benevolent Church Acts 4:32-37 32 All the believers were - TopicsExpress


The Benevolent Church Acts 4:32-37 32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. 33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. 34 Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, 35 and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need. 36 And Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement), a Levite of the country of Cyprus, 37 having land, sold it, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet. Introduction; Today’s lesson opens up for us a powerful picture of benevolence in the very first Christian church. We get to see their hearts, heads and hands in action. It is from this passage that we learn to understand what true biblical stewardship and benevolence comes from. The Holy Spirit was at work in this church, He was free to move its members, and no one shackled God’s Spirit from blessing others. They simply obeyed His promptings to give and support one another. This enabled her (the church) to meet the needs of the community) She was impacting those who God had entrusted to Her. God is revealing in this passage the stewardship-plan, purpose and power of the Church when all of the body is on one accord. Observation: When the church is on one accord you can find Joy in the ministry. When the church is on one accord you can find the Joy of serving. When the church is on one accord you can find The Joy of giving. When the church is on one accord you can find the Joy of being like Jesus and watching the work of the ministry excel in the community, because it’s members have obeyed Gods word and joined Him in what He is doing in the earth. A Unified Church (vs.32) All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. Note: Here we discover that there is a distinct feature about this church that is rare in the eyes of the reader. Luke says that “all the believers” were one, in heart and mind! They were together in all things… their hearts all agreed… Their minds were made up to agree together… In their mission, they were all one… In their vision they were all one… In their purpose they were all one… In their outreach they were all one… In Christian education they were all one… In discipleship, they were all one… In administration, they were all one… In their common prayers, they were all one… In their worship expression they were all one… In their living and giving, they were all one… In their stewardship they were all one… Application: I find this to be amazing, because it is really possible for the whole church to be one in their hearts about something It is possible for the church to be one in their minds about something… This oneness will produce a unity that the world knows nothing about This oneness will produce a mission that cannot be stopped This oneness will never let dissention take place This oneness will summons love to flow from heart to heart and breast to breast [They were a Unified Church] Part B No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. Note: We learn from this verse that the first century church cared for her members As a unified church she was an unselfish church: As a unified church She watched over one another’s needs As a unified church She was concerned for one another As a unified church She had no divisions, no schisms, As a unified church She was of one accord As a unified church She cared and shared one for another (same mind) As a unified church She loved of all her members (same heart) As a unified church She was a church that was for “one another” As a unified church church No one had a need to go unmet. As a unified church People were inspired to give to meet all the needs in the body. They unselfishly gave up their possessions to help someone in need. Observation and Question: Where did this come from? It was the Spirit of God that caused this level of service, Love and mission to be born in them It was the Spirit of God that caused this fellowship to blossom in generosity It was the Spirit of God that caused this body of Baptized believers to give of their possessions to help each other It was the Spirit of God that caused these saints to trust one another enough to serve one another It was the Spirit of God that caused, this church to see that it was her responsibility to care for the community It was the Spirit of God that caused everyone to carry the load of burdens for one another. Note: Giving like this does not happen by osmosis, this has to be born by the Spirit of God. This type of giving comes from a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving for what God has done for you. This type of giving is extreme giving, because it recognizes that we have an extreme God who has done extreme things and has given us extreme grace, and extreme mercy with extreme love. And He expects extreme worship from those who have a Heart for HIM, and are truly grateful for all He has done. This church gave out of her heart because of what God had done for her. She saw the needs of this great congregation and knew that God had called her to serve each other on earth. This church had a sensitive heart for God and for service. The more she gave the more she wanted to Give. Giving made this church prosper, giving made her grow, giving made her develop and mature, giving gave her a heart to give. Note: In her giving she developed a heart to trust God to replace what she gave away. In her giving she got to see God bless their numbers and meet the needs of the members. In her giving she got to see God prosper the entire body with what she needed to give testimony to the works of Christ. This church was blessed because she held nothing back from God. This church was blessed because God answered prayer in the body and met those needs through their giving and sacrificial behavior. [They were a Unified Church] A Unselfish Church 33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. Note: Here I discovered that you cant have the actions of verse 32 without the actions of verse 31 happening first. In other words, because of what happened in the previous verse, the following acts occur in the following verse… Watch: Because of her unselfishness, God gave the leadership power and grace to open the scriptures and testify of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The giving and loving of this church help the preaching of the Gospel to live. Because they freely gave, God gave back to them the ability to testify of His wonderful power over death. In addition to this He also gave “great grace” to the whole congregational community. Because their unselfishness, the Spirit of God did miraculous things among them! Because they were unselfish, The Apostles were free to preach the word in power Because they were unselfish, They had power (dunamis-ability) to do good works Because they were unselfish, the church became powerful because of the grace she received from God. Note: Together they took care of one another and gave as the Lord moved on their hearts to give. They were big givers in every way. God will bless a church that gives in this manner. The bigger they gave the more grace they received from God. Because of their giving God Gave DUNAMIS-ABILITY TO THE LEADERSHIP to preach and teach with power! There was never a dull sermon or lesson in the house! Their giving triggered God’s giving! Their Giving received more giving! Their giving caused the windows in heaven to open up and the blessings of God to fall on the congregation. Observation: “They testified of the resurrection: This is what they Preached” They were able to tell the story that they saw him after the resurrection, they spent time with him, they saw him take a cloud and go back to the right hand of the Father! They were able to tell all that He was coming back again! They preach the resurrection with GREAT POWER! This kind of preaching empowered the church for whatever would come their way! Dying or persecution could not hinder them, because what ever happened they were made sure of the resurrection Part B. The Bible say’s that; much grace was upon them all. Note: Here in this passage we find a powerful Mystery! The word Grace here in the greek is pronounced as charis (khar-ece); It is properly defined as a gracious act (of divine favor and influence upon the heart Somebody once described Grace as GOD’S RICHES AT CHRIST EXPENSE…. I LIKE TO CALL IT, GETTING FROM GOD ‘STUFF I DON’T DESERVE” Note: Several things arrest me about this grace in this text: Grace comes upon the church-body after the Power to testify of the resurrection has been released in the lives of the Apostles! Grace comes to fill the church-body with joy after they have decided to trust JESUS with all of their possessions Grace comes to reveal unto them WHO is responsible for their immediate BLESSSINGS Grace comes to keep the CHURCH alive Grace comes as a KEEPING agent to stir their hearts one for another Grace comes as a blessing of Benevolence from the FATHER Note: This gift of grace was given by God to sustain their desires while living on earth. See you don’t know that Grace is all you need, until Grace is all you got! They received Much-Grace because they obeyed and submitted to the will of the SPIRIT. When they trusted in GODS plan for the Church, Much-Grace was made evident! They ended up getting what they did not deserve! [Much-Grace] They ended up getting what they could never had imagined.[ Much-Grace] They ended up Getting more than enough![ Much-Grace] They ended up getting extras upon extras, because Much-Grace was present! Part C 34 Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, 35 and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need. A Unselfish Church, always benefits from Much-Grace! Note: One friend of mine commenting on this passage suggest that When Luke describes the action of the Christians, ver. 34, 35, the main focus is on the provision which was made for the needy in the church; the giving was so that no one suffered, ver. 34; The wants of every individual-member were supplied, [ver. 35]. This result was due to the sale of property on the part of all the members of the church (ὅσοι) who were owners of lands or houses; the funds from this action were laid at the feet of the apostles (who sat when they taught), and were entrusted to them as the keepers of the church. Note: This appears to be a one time act in the new ministry It was sort of a campaign to get the resources needed to serve the body. They were not required to give all that they made off of their sale. They gave what God placed on their hearts to give! It was giving that was designated for the work of the ministry… Observation: It was this type of designated giving that led to this special case and this special giver that arises in the last 2 verses, that Luke wants us to pay attention too! A Uncommon Church 36 And Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement), a Levite of the country of Cyprus, 37 having land, sold it, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet. Note: Here we discover an unusual giver who emerges out of the shadows. He is identified whereas the other givers are not! He stands out in the biblical record and has his name mentioned, while the others do not! He is uncommon for several reasons… His name means one who is an encourager He is a Levite by birth, and they were customarily not able to have land or possessions (in the old testament because they were called by God to serve and live of the temple) He has money and lots of it (his life has been fruitful-financially) Another scholar commenting on this passage suggest the following thoughts: “Levites were not to hold land in Israel, According to Numbers 18:20-24, but they could own land elsewhere. Apparently Barnabas, being from the island of Cyprus, owned land there.” “ It is also possible that his wife owned land in Israel and that they together sold it. Most probably the restriction in Numbers 18:20, 24 was no longer observed, as seen in the case of Jeremiah (cf. Jer. 1:1; 32:6–15).” In any case he was a uncommon giver, doing an uncommon thing at an uncommon time! Another thing about Barnabas is that his ministry is about to take off in ACTS he will continue to do uncommon things for the kingdom! Barnabas was a nickname meaning “son of encouragement.” Later on in the book, he “uncommonly” stood up in defense of the young man, John Mark. He “uncommonly” persuaded the Jerusalem disciples to receive Paul (9:27). He “uncommonly” was sent to receive the Gentiles at Antioch (11:19–24). And Just Like Barnabas what we need today in the benevolent Church is “The ministry of encouragement”! Have you ever noticed… Young people need a Barnabas to encourage them. New converts need a Barnabas to strengthen them. Preachers, teachers, and missionaries need a Barnabas to stand by them. New beginnings needs some barnabas types who can “uncommonly”give to support this ministry… We need some Barabbas’s to give sacrificially so we can do all that God is calling us to do… Because of Barnabas, Paul was accepted into the church Because of Barnabas the church of Antioch was organized Because of Barnabas John Mark was accepted into the work Because of Barnabas many were encouraged… Where did this come from? It was the Spirit of God that caused this level of service, Love and mission to be born in Him. It was the Spirit of God that caused his fellowship to blossom in generosity It was the Spirit of God that caused Barnabas to give of his possessions to help encourage people It was the Spirit of God that caused barnabas to serve others It was the Spirit of God that gave him the responsibility to care for his community It was the Spirit of God that caused him to carry the burdens for other believers Barnabas looks a lot like Jesus… The Fathers-Son of Encouragement… As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He died to lift my burdens As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He died to relieve my debt As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He died to bring me into relationship with God As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He died to minister to me As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He died to encourage me Didn’t He die! As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He rose Early Sunday Morning As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He rose to encourage me As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He rose to lift me from sins grasp As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He rose to lift me from hells hold on me As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He’s all the encouragement I need! As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He’s all the encouragement I want As the Divine Son of Encouragement, He’s all the encouragement I live for As the Divine Son of Encouragement, If Christ is for me He is more than all the world against me.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 07:21:39 +0000

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