The Best Upper Body Workout HOW IT WORKS A moderate number - TopicsExpress


The Best Upper Body Workout HOW IT WORKS A moderate number of low-rep sets provide a blend of intensity and volume, which has always been associated with size and strength gains. Almost any combination will work: five sets of five, six sets of four, or eight sets of three all allow you to put some work in with big, challenging loads, and that’s as much math as any meathead should have to do in the gym. DIRECTIONS The first time you perform the workout, you’ll hit 25 reps for the main lifts by completing five sets of five, as shown. If you repeat the workout, perform six sets of four reps. In the next session, do eight sets of three. Do not perform this workout more than twice a week, and allow at least three days before repeating it. On each lift that you use the 25-rep rule for, spend the first three or four sets warming up so that only the last two are done with heavy weights. THE WORKOUT OPTION A 1. OVERHEAD PRESS Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 90 sec. Set the bar up in a squat rack or cage and grasp it just outside shoulder width. Take the bar off the rack and hold it at shoulder level with your forearms perpendicular to the floor. Squeeze the bar and brace your abs. Press the bar overhead, pushing your head forward and shrugging your traps as the bar passes your face. 2. INCLINE BENCH PRESS Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 60–90 sec. Set an adjustable bench to a 30- to 45-degree angle and lie back on it. Grasp the bar just outside shoulder width, arch your back, and pull it off the rack. Lower the bar to the upper part of your chest and then drive your feet into the floor as you press it back up. 3. DIP Sets: As many as needed Reps: 50 total Rest: 60 sec. Suspend yourself over parallel bars and then lower your body until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. 4. PULLUP Sets: As many as needed Reps: 50 total Rest: 60 sec. Hang from a pullup bar with hands just outside shoulder width and palms facing away from you. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 07:54:48 +0000

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