The Bible says we are made in Gods image. This means mentally, - TopicsExpress


The Bible says we are made in Gods image. This means mentally, physically, and spiritually. Gods greatest command in the Bible is to Love one another. The Bible also says to forgive. This does not mean forgive only who we think is worthy of forgiveness, or who we think deserves it. If that were the case, why did Jesus come. He came to save us not condemn us. Think of that day on that cross, if Jesus decided to pick and choose who deserved Love and forgiveness. Think if He backed out because of his own selfishness, or fear or even because He was bitter at how He was treated by others. He didnt, because he was obedient to the Father and His purpose. He loves us and unselfishly out of Love and obedience took on ALL the sin of the world in one single moment. Think about it, a man who knew no sin, the spotless lamb, in an instant felt all the perversion, sorrow, agony, pain, hate, bitterness, greed, envy and so on. Could of stopped it at any moment, but loved us to much not to save us. What did Christ say hanging there on that cross for all of humanity, FORGIVE THEM FATHER. WOW. Think about this the next time your harboring so much bitter and hate over anything big or small. Jesus did not save this world for us to live the way we are. I beg you today, to let go and let God. We are only on this earth for a twinkle of an eye. Find that love of God that dwells in us all, turn that switch on to CONSUME ME, and i promise you, you will not want to turn it off. God is everywhere and lives in everything. Gods perfect unfailing Love is wonderful. Its time we all dig down deep hit the switch and show our Love back to God, through our actions. Worship, fellowship and church do not have certain times to happen, THEY HAPPEN EVERY SECOND OF EVERYDAY WHEN YOU TRULY PLUG IN TO GODS GREAT LOVE. GOD BLESS US ALL. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 12:36:48 +0000

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