The Big Picture It’s very obvious, particularly this morning - TopicsExpress


The Big Picture It’s very obvious, particularly this morning with the colder temps, that we are heading into the season of fall. The leaves have begun to show a bit of color fade here in the mountains of Central Virginia. Charlottesville is a beautiful place, even more so when the leaves become very colorful. The picture of the landscape begins to burst with the colors of fall. The bigger picture starts to change, allowing us to see God’s glory and His grace through His change in the seasons. “He appointed the moon for seasons; The sun knows its going down.” Psalm 104:19(NKJV) The colder temps this morning reflect the slow change into another season in the year, and another opportunity for change in our lives. Every new day is an opportunity for change in our lives. We have a new set of 24 hours in which we can choose to simply do the same thing, be the same person and have the same attitude we had in the previous 24 hours. But we like to think in “big picture” terms, so we look at months and years, giving us more time to actually do something about it. Our “big picture” thinking often leads to the ugliness of procrastination. We feel we have enough time to continue to do the same things, feel the same way and go to the same places in our small, protected, safe little world. We like to apply this big picture option only when there is an action that is required of us. When it comes to having things done for us, meeting our expectations and completing life’s transactions, we all want to ignore the big picture because it’s convenient to do so. We have an obligation to live out God’s big picture of our lives. “And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.” Acts 1:7 We cannot change the seasons, or the transition in and out of them. But we do have His Holy Spirit to guide us through them. It’s in this that we have the ability to change. We have the ability to both look at the immediate, and at the future. We just need to do this realizing that it is God who brings about the change. It’s time that we allowed Him to change us as well. Giving our lives over to God, living the life He has prescribed in His Word, can be extremely helpful when we are dealing with a bigger picture. Things can be overwhelming and frightening to those who feel they need control. This leads to the procrastination and the frustration that comes with putting things off, or feeling that we have all the time in the world to do something. There is only one who can say that they have all the time in the world, because He does. We have to learn to be aware of the big picture, but not to fear it. We have to understand how the big picture mode of thinking affects our lives, but we do not have to be stressed out about trying to change it. God will make the change as He sees fit, blending colors just as He does in the fall, in order to proclaim His mystery, His majesty and His glory. We need to relax for a bit and enjoy His gift. “in the world, not of the world”
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 14:14:00 +0000

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