The Blessing Series HARMONY A PERFECT NOW... - TopicsExpress


The Blessing Series HARMONY A PERFECT NOW... FRIENDS May Each Moment Only Bring Richard Thomas Rev. DEACON Stankey and HIS FRIENDS Greater: Abundance - Forgiveness - Gratitude - Guidance - Harmony - Harmony - I have typed and back spaced for 45 minutes now. And, what I have come to realize, is that I do not have myself around Harmony. I do not understand what harmony really means. I know that I have had it. I sort of remember the feeling associated with it. But, I cannot quite get it together yet. I guess we can say that I am in disharmony with my thoughts on harmony. Yesterday, I went to church with my girl friend. I remember thinking how together this all seemed. We were holding hands leaning against each others shoulders and listening to this fabulous speaker share his idea of spirituality with us. There was definitely an energy of spiritual love radiating from us. Is this being in harmony? Or, sometimes I will start a sentence and she will finish it. Is this being in harmony? I believe so. Next day... Well, I needed to go where I was supposed to be for the day, so this was delayed a day. However, I was more aware yesterday afternoon with regards to all the disharmony that was around me. I came to realize that humans cause the disharmony. No matter what the action is... there is always harmony in it as far as Spirit. If a mountain is having a land slide, there is harmony in the way the rocks are falling and the dirt is sliding. It is not until we move the human mind into the scenario and its way of looking at it that it may become disharmonious. Some would say Wow to the land slide and stand there in amazement... seeing it as beautiful. And, it certainly would be if that landslide put out a fire below it that was threatening a great forest land. Yes... we are the cause and the disapproval that brings about Harmony or the lack of it. I say, We dont need to kill the ego like so many say we need to do. We need to bring it into Harmony with the Spiritual side of ourselves. (I believe that there is basically four parts that make us up... the physical... the intellectual... the emotional... and, the Spiritual. I have hints of a fifth part from time to time; but, cant seem to intellectualize it. So, I am ready to accept that there are more and we just may not be ready for the awareness of them.) But back to the subject matter. And, I have found that many agree with my ideas of bringing the ego and spiritual into harmony. So, we do at least have some kind of idea what harmony is. It is easier for us to see and experience dis-harmony. I think that most of us have spent a large portion of our life experiencing dis-harmony. Take a moment and think about it... be aware of it... realize it... take a moment and realize how much disharmony has been in the past. It is okay to leave the now for this. Now, that you have felt it... know its destructive abilities... I have realized the unhappiness of living in dis-harmony. Must do the Karmic Law Statement ( theiamproject/daily-affirmations.htm ) and heal it. Hmmm... just came to realize I need to write an affirmation for the Minute Meditations about Harmony. Anyway, take this moment and start fresh on your ideas of harmony. That is unless you are living a wonderfully harmonious life?... But, I think it is smart to start fresh at least each day with thoughts about myself. Thats part of the reason I decided to write this series in regards to the blessing I always use. Now, bring yourself back into the now by doing an Affirmation on harmony. Accept the past with its dis-harmonies is over and you are starting from the now with a new experience of an abundance of harmony. I am becoming aware that Harmony can mean in the flow. Am I fighting the currents, or riding with the currents. Harmony means at peace. Am I a bundle of nerves worried all the time, or am I enjoying my experience in calmness. Harmony means order. Did I put the telephone back where it belongs or do I get to loose my cool... scream some... and frantically go in the direction of the ring hoping I get it before the answer machine kicks in. Harmony means friendship. Not just with everyone else; but, with yourself too. Harmony means joy. There is a joy to this experience when I am living in harmony with myself. Harmony means love. Living in harmony opens the capacity to love and to be loved. Harmony means Namaste... when you are in that place within you, and I am in that place within me, then we are ONE. Wow!... I just realized that the scales weigh a little more with harmony than I believed. I have never realized the experience of Namaste like I have with my girl friend. I have matured immensely in all ways with myself during our togetherness. So, harmony also means room to grow. Get the mind-chatter stopped and one has the time to focus on an area of growth... and grow. Thank You Mother-Father Spirit... for this harmonious moment of realization, understanding, and growth in regards to harmony (Life). I still need to learn more about this; but, right now I set in motion that I will learn more about harmony with good scenarios. I choose not to learn by experiences of dis-harmony any more. I know that it is more peaceful to me... more fun to me... more joyous to me... and more healing to me to learn from positive experiences. I also set in motion that those that are my friends and those that come near me will experience more harmonious experiences with me and with whoever else they come in contact. NOW, I know and accept that Harmony is very firmly set and is my experience. I AM IT! IT IS I! And, IT IS SO! Health - Inspiration - Joy - Love - Passion - Peace of Mind and Wisdom. And, SO IT IS!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 15:07:19 +0000

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