The Book of Enoch. As the Dead Sea scrolls have established, - TopicsExpress


The Book of Enoch. As the Dead Sea scrolls have established, there are various accounts of human spiritual and religious history. Differences between versions can be established when various documents from the same period or regarding the same phenomena are uncovered and but which may differ in recollection of fact. Canonical documents are those that allegedly comply with Christian law. But, as in the example of The Book of Enoch, there now exist various versions of the same document, and there is a separation between interpretive understandings. Thus, there are those who say that only one version can be true, and those that say that all versions are true … but herein is the rub: Two opposite versions cannot coexist, and only one can be called canonical at a time! The Book of Enoch is an ancient work of the Jewish Religion, it appears. Enoch though, although the great grandfather of Noah and the ascribed source of the book, has not received the mainstream orthodox Christian regard. Only a few distant African Christian forms of Christianity recognize the Book of Enoch as a canon. Additionally, there appears to be several hundred year period over which the book was written which either tells the researcher that there were multiple authors or that people did indeed live several hundred years once upon a time. The book appears to have been written in both Aramaic and Hebrew, as well as Greek and Latin. Curiously, it appears that the Essene also favored the The Book of Enoch and describe Enoch himself as not only Noah’s Grandfather, but as Adam’s seventh son. Noah - Official Trailer (2014) [HD] Russel Crowe, Emma Watson https://youtube/watch?v=_OSaJE2rqxU As scholars and researchers have uncovered, not unlike the story of Noah which has been in motion pictures in this year, the year of our Lord, two thousand and fourteen A.D., the Book of Enoch has been edited across time. This process creates a phenomenon has also been called etymologically as drift, Chinese Whisper, “The Grapevine,” and/or mission creep (Heal, 2012; OCAOSC, 2006; Heckerling, 1984). Johnny Dangerously – The Grapevine https://youtube/watch?v=aFII-edH-Yo History and the facts show that various versions of the Books exist and indeed, they show that one version, an edited version, is kept in The Vatican, which differs in content from the actual work. But there have been many versions as common knowledge allows: The most extensive witnesses to the Book of Enoch exist in the Geez language. Robert Henry Charless critical edition of 1906 subdivides the Ethiopic manuscripts into two families: Family α: thought to be more ancient and more similar to the Greek versions: • A – ms. orient. 485 of the British Museum, 16th century, with Jubilees • B – ms. orient. 491 of the British Museum, 18th century, with other biblical writings • C – ms. of Berlin orient. Petermann II Nachtrag 29, 16th century • D – ms. abbadiano 35, 17th century • E – ms. abbadiano 55, 16th century • F – ms. 9 of the Lago Lair, 15th century Family β: more recent, apparently edited texts • G – ms. 23 of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 18th century • H – ms. orient. 531 of the Bodleian Library of Oxford, 18th century • I – ms. Brace 74 of the Bodleian Library of Oxford, 16th century • J – ms. orient. 8822 of the British Museum, 18th century • K – ms. property of E. Ullendorff of London, 18th century • L – ms. abbadiano 99, 19th century • M – ms. orient. 492 of the British Museum, 18th century • N – ms. Ethiopian 30 of Monaco of Baviera, 18th century • O – ms. orient. 484 of the British Museum, 18th century • P – ms. Ethiopian 71 of the Vatican, 18th century • Q – ms. orient. 486 of the British Museum, 18th century, lacking chapters 1–60 Often, scholars will offer the issue of objectivity and subjectivity and assert that there is no single interpretation of reality, but a mass of various opinions and experiential understanding. This world view also allows for subjective filtering to have been and to be intentional also, and which points to a wholly new interpretation of what could be called antagonism of meaning. Now, as the 1984 feature film, Johnny Dangerously ascribes, even the ancient Latin can get new meaning in this evolutionary/de-evolutionary procedure. Anti Meridian and Uncle Meridian https://youtube/watch?v=wS1NEBWPgK4 “Awe Thor” will allow the wisdom of the Enoch books, if it will, to flow through him and into these pages. The works are from The Book of Enoch and are called The Book of The Watchers, The Book of Parables, The Astronomical Book, The Dream Visions, and The Epistle of Enoch. It appears that the scrolls found in Qumran, and therefore The Book of Enoch in at least one of its most prominent versions, depicts that it may have origins that are indeed far more ancient even than the Hebrew! Enochic Judaism may offer the oldest known versions of the Enoch’s worldview, and the various and multiple coincidences between The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Essene, and The Book(s) of Enoch offer further corroboration if not confusion. Enochic Judaism • the idea of the origin of the evil caused by the fallen angels, who came on the earth to unite with human women. These fallen angels are considered ultimately responsible for the spread of evil and impurity on the earth; • the absence in 1 Enoch of formal parallels to the specific laws and commandments found in the Mosaic Torah and of references to issues like Shabbat observance or the rite of circumcision. The Sinaitic covenant and Torah are not of central importance in the Book of Enoch • the concept of End of Days as the time of final judgment that takes the place of promised earthly rewards; • the rejection of the Second Temples sacrifices considered impure: according to Enoch 89:73, the Jews, when returned from the exile, reared up that tower (the temple) and they began again to place a table before the tower, but all the bread on it was polluted and not pure; • a Solar calendar in opposition to the Lunar calendar used in the Second Temple (a very important aspect for the determination of the dates of religious feasts); • an interest in the angelic world that involves life after death. Most Qumran fragments are relatively early, with none written from the last period of the Qumranic experience. Thus, it is probable that the Qumran community gradually lost interest in the Book of Enoch.[50] The relation between 1 Enoch and the Essenes was noted even before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.[51] While there is consensus to consider the sections of the Book of Enoch found in Qumran as texts used by the Essenes, the same is not so clear for the Enochic texts not found in Qumran (mainly the Book of Parables): it was proposed to consider these parts as expression of the mainstream, but not-Qumranic, essenic movement. The main peculiar aspects of the not-Qumranic units of 1 Enoch are the following: • a Messiah called Son of Man, with divine attributes, generated before the creation, who will act directly in the final judgment and sit on a throne of glory (1 Enoch 46:1–4, 48:2–7, 69:26–29) • the sinners usually seen as the wealthy ones and the just as the oppressed (a theme we find also in the Psalms of Solomon). • WARNING! Extremely Powerful Brainwave Binaural - Mind Control Power - Alpha https://youtube/watch?v=yHTb4fUHUT4 The Book of The Watchers appears to have been written somewhere around the 4th or 3rd century BC. The Watchers have also been called The Fallen Angels and also, the parents of Nephilim or Elohim. The book depicts the fates of the Righteous as well as The Wicked, The Fall of the Angels, the demoralization of Mankind, The Angels’ intercessions on behalf of mankind, and the Doom pronounced By God upon those mischievous, although at times curiously heroic, “Angels.” Synaxis of the Archangel Michael (Собор Архистратига Михаила). An Eastern Orthodox Church icon of the Seven Archangels. From left to right: Jegudiel, Gabriel, Selaphiel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Barachiel. Beneath the mandorla of Christ Emmanuel are representations of Cherubim (in blue) and Seraphim (in red). • XII–XVI. Dream-Vision of Enoch: his Intercession for Azazel and the fallen angels: and his Announcement of their first and final Doom. • XVII–XXXVI. Enochs Journeys through the Earth and Sheol: • XVII–XIX. The First Journey. • XX. Names and Functions of the Seven Archangels. • XXI. Preliminary and final Place of Punishment of the fallen Angels (stars). • XXII. Sheol or the Underworld. • XXIII. The fire that deals with the Luminaries of Heaven. • XXIV–XXV. The Seven Mountains in the North-West and the Tree of Life. • XXVI. Jerusalem and the Mountains, Ravines, and Streams. • XXVII. The Purpose of the Accursed Valley. • XXVIII–XXXIII. Further Journey to the East. • XXXIV–XXXV. Enochs Journey to the North. • XXXVI. The Journey to the South. Within the books, Enoch’s eyes were opened by God. It tells of The Lord’s arrival on Earth at Mount Sinai. It describes the flow of life as a constant despite the seasonal changes and apparent opposition to this statement in the multitude of the faces of change. It speaks of joy, light, and love for the good and great while doom for sinners. Observe and see how (in the winter) all the trees seem as though they had withered and shed all their leaves, except fourteen trees, which do not lose their foliage but retain the old foliage from two to three years till the new comes. According to the books, The Fallen Angels would take human brides and would create the giant human hybrid species called Anakim, or Nephilim, as they have also been called. And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three hundred ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one anothers flesh, and drink the blood. It also discusses the teaching of humans by the fallen angels chiefly Azâzêl: And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, taught astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiêl the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and Sariêl the course of the moon. Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel appeal to God to judge the inhabitants of the world and the fallen angels. Uriel is then sent by God to tell Noah of the coming cataclysm and what he needs to do. Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spoke, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, and said to him: Go to Noah and tell him in my name Hide thyself! and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it. And now instruct him that he may escape and his seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world. God commands Raphael to imprison Azâzêl: the Lord said to Raphael: Bind Azâzêl hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dûdâêl (Gods Kettle/Crucible/Cauldron), and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire. And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azâzêl: to him ascribe all sin. God gave Gabriel instructions concerning the Nephilim and the imprisonment of the fallen angels: And to Gabriel said the Lord: Proceed against the biters and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle Some,[citation needed] including R.H. Charles, suggest that biters should read bastards but the name is so unusual that some[citation needed] believe that the implication thats made by the reading of biters is more or less correct. The Lord commands Michael to bind the fallen angels. And the Lord said unto Michael: Go, bind Semjâzâ and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. 12. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated. 13. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: (and) to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations. In The Book of Parables, the ill fate of the evil kings of the earth as well as the fallen angels is chronicled. The “Son of Man” is called forth as the essential protagonist who is also known as “The Righteous One” and “The Chosen One.” XXXVIII–XLIV. The First Parable. • XXXVIII. The Coming Judgement of the Wicked. • XXXIX. The Abode of the Righteous and the Elect One: the Praises of the Blessed. • XL-XLI. 2. The Four Archangels. • XLI. 3–9. Astronomical Secrets. • XLII. The Dwelling-places of Wisdom and of Unrighteousness. • XLIII–XLIV. Astronomical Secrets. XLV–LVII. The Second Parable. • XLV. The Lot of the Apostates: the New Heaven and the New Earth. • XLVI. The Head of Days and the Son of Man. • XLVII. The Prayer of the Righteous for Vengeance and their Joy at its coming. • XLVIII. The Fount of Righteousness: the Son of Man -the Stay of the Righteous: Judgement of the Kings and the Mighty. • XLIX. The Power and Wisdom of the Elect One. • L. The Glorification and Victory of the Righteous: the Repentance of the Gentiles. • LI. The Resurrection of the Dead, and the Separation by the Judge of the Righteous and the Wicked. • LII. The Six Metal Mountains and the Elect One. • LIII–LIV. The Valley of Judgement: the Angels of Punishment: the Communities of the Elect One. • LIV.7.–LV.2. Noachic Fragment on the first World Judgement. • LV.3.–LVI.4. Final Judgement of Azazel, the Watchers and their children. • LVI.5–8. Last Struggle of the Heathen Powers against Israel. • LVII. The Return from the Dispersion. LVIII–LXXI. The Third Parable. • LVIII. The Blessedness of the Saints. • LIX. The Lights and the Thunder. • [Book Of Noah fragments] • LX. Quaking of the Heaven: Behemoth and Leviathan: the Elements. • LXI. Angels go off to measure Paradise: the Judgement of the Righteous by the Elect One: the Praise of the Elect One and of God. • LXII. Judgement of the Kings and the Mighty: Blessedness of the Righteous. • LXIII. The unavailing Repentance of the Kings and the Mighty. • LXIV. Vision of the Fallen Angels in the Place of Punishment. • LXV. Enoch foretells to Noah the Deluge and his own Preservation. • LXVI. The Angels of the Waters bidden to hold them in Check. • LXVII. Gods Promise to Noah: Places of Punishment of the Angels and of the Kings. • LXVIII. Michael and Raphael astonished at the Severity of the Judgement. • LXIX. The Names and Functions of the (fallen Angels and) Satans: the secret Oath. • LXX. The Final Translation of Enoch. • LXXI. Two earlier Visions of Enoch. TO BE CONTINUED
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 18:18:08 +0000

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