The Dog and Pony Show or the truth? The last paragraph tells the - TopicsExpress


The Dog and Pony Show or the truth? The last paragraph tells the truth of the situation. This came from POLITICO News Agency: American warplanes conducted their first air strikes in Iraq since President Barack Obamas decision to authorize them, the Pentagon said Friday. Two F/A-18 Hornets attacked a mobile artillery piece that was shelling the Kurdish capital, Erbil, home to U.S. allies and a cadre of American diplomats and special operators, the Defense Department said. The decision to strike was made by the U.S. Central Command commander under authorization granted him by the commander in chief, said Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby.?? The 85 International Trillionaire Bastards (85 ITBs) are loosing control of trillions of dollars of wealth in Iraq. Obama nd Congress are puppets to these 85 ITBs and are following orders. These 85 ITBs have controlled this resource (oil) since they put Saddam Hussein in power and when they replace him with another puppet of theirs. Remember, the first war in Iraq was for WOMD, that were never found. The second was for Humanitarian Rights and to take Hussein out. Both were a lie to the people of the USA and the world. These wars and puppet replacement are to give these 85 ITBs control over these resources. These wars cost you and I over 2 trillion dollars and these 85 ITBs made billions because of them. To Get The Corruption Of Of Washington DC all we need to do is enact the 12 Presidential Agendas at electcwspada
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 02:53:37 +0000

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