The Dos And Donts Of Getting A Deal by, Jonathan Sanderson I - TopicsExpress


The Dos And Donts Of Getting A Deal by, Jonathan Sanderson I had to go shopping for a cosplay outfit tonight. I was delighted when I was given a wicked deal. Fairweather outfitted me with Tomb Raider gear, for $22. Staff price, and two for one tops. I told them, that they helped me win my second singing competition, as Gwen Stefani. A welcome complement, which is also part of my secrets to getting a deal. I find myself getting deals quite often. Whether it be food, drinks, cloths, transportation, you name it, I usually get some kind of deal. So, I thought I would share my secrets, with you. I will start with the donts. These are the things I hear all the time. They make me cringe, and will not get you a deal. 1. Dont ask for a deal. If people think you are just out for a deal, they will not likely give you one. All businesses need to make some kind profit off of a sale, and cant just give things away. 2. Dont be rude. Thats not nice, and will get you nowhere. Do you know who I am? Do you know how much I spend here? Hmm, let me see. Unless you are Hugh Grant, or Julia Roberts, you are the same as any other customer. Even they are just another customer, like you. It may come as a surprise, but your money is worth just as much as the next persons. 3. Money is no object, until they mention it. Tell them what you are looking for, but leave price out of it. Let them show you the different options, then decide based on your budget. Saying something like, That one rocks, but is a bit out of my budget, lets them know youd pay more, if you could. That looks better, than coming across cheap. Now for the dos. My favorite part. Guaranteed to get you atleast one deal, or maybe more. 1. Be nice. Tell them why you chose them. Be complementary. Flattery goes a long way. Let them do their job, without jumping to conclusions. No. Not all sales people are evil, and out to get your money. They are just doing what they get paid to do. If someone gives you a deal, be sure to thank them. 2. Money is no object, until they bring it up. Being a hapless, bumbling, or, nieve shopper, when it comes to price can pay off. You can rock the Hugh Grant, or Julia Roberts vibe, while being poor. They will either find pity, or humor, in your misguided pursuits. Saying, Id really love to, but I just cant afford it. lets them know you would if you could. They will try to get you a deal, or something the same, but cheaper. 3. Be loyal. If you keep coming back, you are more likely to get a deal. Just remember not to ask for it, as I mentioned in the donts. They will also not welcome your return, if you behave like that. By being loyal, I have gotten a designers autograph, free drinks, a free lunch, and bus ride, discounted cab fair, and my current deal, plus an upcoming surprise, all within a month. There you have it, the dos, and donts of getting A deal. Those are my secrets. I hope you liked my article, and find it useful. I hope that you get to experience the pleasure of getting A deal, when you least expect it. Best of luck to you.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 03:30:28 +0000

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