The Downside of Caves Bears Prospectors, treasurer hunters - TopicsExpress


The Downside of Caves Bears Prospectors, treasurer hunters and government agents. This is not the Lost Dutchman mine. Coronados treasure is not buried here. The cave is too small and shallow to store waste, radioactive or otherwise. Go away. Rockslides Showers. In winter there is too much water; in summer not enough. The waterfall is dangerous, slippery. Besides, you get used to your own smell. Bats. Web service is spotty, WiFi nearly non-existent. Cell phone service doesnt exist. The phone makes a good Christmas tree ornament. Spiders. George Pal size large spiders. News is difficult to get. Not the news you dont want like what blather comes from politicians and talking heads, but whats important: Who has moved on or refused to. Who know lives in a different House. Who has won awards. Who still dreams they will. Whats for sale at the Dollar Store. Cobwebs. Tunnels, especially long tunnels that descend deep into the earth. Sounds come emit from the tunnels that remind you of Jurassic Park or Barsoom. Its good that the tunnels are narrow Bear cubs. Light is provided by battery power. They dim to where a old man with bad eyes and double vision has trouble reading. And if your glasses break, you are left with writing your own stories, the first chapter of which plays over and over because you cant figure out the second. Rotting timbers. There are no bird calls, cherry blossoms, all the things that make poetry. Rock and dust might make a passable haiku but it does not work for longer works. As for sonnets... Campfire smoke. Loneliness sets in. Because theres no one to talk, you make a person out of rock, sticks and moss. You listen her, but when she starts to nag, you tear her apart and make another with no voice box. She always listens. Snakes, scorpions, fleas. First aid with primitive materials only goes so far. When its serious how do you get help? No one knows how to read smoke signals any more. And how will they get a broken leg down that narrow shaft? Spelunkers. The bottomless pit in the middle of the main cave. Be very careful. What will I do when they find me? TV and People magazine will hound me for stories. The Enquirer will just make them up. The World will marry me to Bat Boy. Ill have to bath and shave and comb my hair. Ill get marriage proposals and be the father of at least six kids I dont know. Its not worth it, Im going home dont tell anyone.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 21:33:15 +0000

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