The EPA says they have lost text that are being subpoenaed for an - TopicsExpress


The EPA says they have lost text that are being subpoenaed for an investigation. They are laughing in our faces. The IRS says emails are lost and hard drives are crashing,destroying evidence and defying subpoenas and laughing in our faces. The FBI and NSA violate our private conversations and emails completely ignoring our 4thAmendment Constitutional rights as they laugh in our faces. The President blatantly lies and misuses Executive Power to circumvent Congress, the Constitution and the Separation of Powers Clause and misuses Executive Privilege to keep from turning over documents that could potentially prove that his Attorney General lied under oath to Congress and violated the law. They just laughed right in our face. The Government ordered the Border Patrol to stand down and allow a Foreign Invasion across the Texas border, trampling Federal Law, Texas Law and the Private Property Rights of Texas Landowners. All the while, they laughed in our face. They send our sons and daughters to fight in Middle Eastern wars and then tie their hands behind their backs with absurd Rules of Engagement that dont even allow our kids the opportunity to protect themselves. When they return home in Flag draped coffins or roll home in their wheelchairs do they and their families get their needs met? No, many languish in the VA system while the Government laughs in our faces. They call us Free men and women yet they tell our children what to eat, tell us what size drink we can have, what we can smoke, where we can smoke it, if we can smoke it at all. They tell us when we can pray and worship, to whom we can pray and worship and even if we can pray and worship. You MUST wear your seatbelt, you WILL buy health insurance, hey man do this, dont do that cant you read the sign? Who in Washington stands for us, who fights for the People, who is willing to risk all for Our Children and Grandchildren, who will put God and Jesus and Country before their career... No one in Washington that is for certain. They are laughing in our faces. So, as we approach another year , another blip on the Radar of History, we must ask our selves . Is this it? Do they win? Do we allow a few to control the many? Are we really just sheep and cattle following a pick up truck full of range cubes through the pasture of life until the rancher decides to take us to slaughter. Will we be the Generation who throws away the Legacy that the greatest Generation bequeathed to us only 70 years ago through their blood, sweat and tears, their mighty sacrifice that none of us has ever had to remotely comprehend because of their actions. These scumbags in Washington who could not hold a candle to real American men and Women have forfeited their Privilege to lead, they have been found to be liars, manipulators, malingerers, weak, spineless invertebrates who will not even stand up for our Children to an overtly corrupt, incompetent and blatantly racist and unAmerican president. The time draws very near for real Hope, Real Trust, Real Faith and Real Change! Not change and fundamental transformation in American values and principles,but a sweeping change in the base of power in America, who leads and who sets the course!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 14:48:30 +0000

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