The Fifth Estate Review ~ Denise Trailer: - TopicsExpress


The Fifth Estate Review ~ Denise Trailer: youtube/watch?v=YQOiS_l_0Jk So yesterday I saw the Fifth Estate at the Capitole in Ghent and I have to say that I am once more blown away by Benedict’s performance. I will not give away major spoilers, but if you want to keep completely neutral, then this is a friendly warning :) It was fun to take part of the filming process and then to actually see it on the big screen, well it’s really strange actually. It was also quite weird yet exciting to see myself in one of the shots at the Berlin Hacker Convention, only though it was only for like 5 seconds. So the movie starts what you might call a bit slow, but it didn’t bother me at all. In fact I was rather grateful because you get to process a lot of data. All these little facts that happened in the media and the very beginnings of WikiLeaks come rushing by and it’s a good thing they took their time to explain and let the audience chew on it for a bit. The second half of the movie is a lot more exciting and has a good thriller quality. I really liked the bright vibrant colours they used and how they visualised WikiLeaks. (You will see). Also the editing is very good, I hadn’t seen a lot of the techniques they used in any film before. Both the visualisation of certain parts and the angles they used, well I thought it helped telling the story in a way which could otherwise have been quite boring. But certainly isn’t now. You are focused on the screen, trying not to miss a single bit of information that leaps up. Benedic’t Assange is quite something too. The way he holds his back in a certain angle, the way he gestures his hands to the way that he controls his expressive mouth. I’ve seen a few documentaries about Assange and I think Benedict portrayayls him outstandingly. You forget you are watching an actor actually. They also show the human side of him which was often forgotten by the media frenzy, and I quite liked that. I can see why WikiLeaks might not have approved of making the film. It is afterall an adaptation of two books, which weren’t written by any current WikiLeaks members as far as I know. So yes there might be flaws in the story. But let us not forget it is a film and an adaptation. And I find it brave to make a film about this international crisis event which happened just a couple prior. Also the ending of the movie was not what I thought would happen. Overal, if you are interested in Assange, computers, hacking, modern warfare, journalism and or Benedict Cumberbatch I recommend this movie wholeheartedly. That doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t recommend to people not primarly interested in these subjects, but I could imagine that my grandmother and grandfather would be quite lost by the thread of the story. I on the other hand could hold track very well and was fascinated all the way through. I certainly want to see it for a second or third time. I think this movie will have the opposite effect of what the actual WikiLeaks will think it have, for it has certianly made me more understanding towards WikiLeaks and what they stand for.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 15:22:59 +0000

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