The Free Syrian Army, the American Moderate rebels are - TopicsExpress


The Free Syrian Army, the American Moderate rebels are sectarian. Christians in Syria and Iraq have been targeted and raped, maimed and killed and made homeless. The Radical Islamic terrorists of Free Syrian Army and others have been making this a sectarian war all along. I can remember the first banner of the Free Syrian Army here in Latakia in 2011: they wrote on a white bed sheet: “Christians to Beirut and Alowis to the grave”. That was the official goal of the US sponsored FSA. The Catholic Church here in Latakia, it had a sign on the door in 2011: “You are next”. The FSA blew up and destroyed every church in Homs, they wore the priest’s clothes after killing him and took photos of themselves posing in the Priests garb, and holding a big cross looted from the church. They stole the Priest’s funeral car, like a hearse, and drove around shooting obscenities. In March 2014 the FSA destroyed all 3 churches in Kassab, and painted on the door of the Protestant church “Be Muslim or die”. The Free Syrian Army is 100% supported and sponsored by USA. In fact, the President of the FSA greeted his troops at Kassab, where they had beheaded 13 Christians, and massacred 88 total Christians; on April 1, 2014 and by May 26 he was at the US White House meeting with Pres. Obama and US Congress, Sec of State Kerry, Susan Rice and members of Congress. He was promised more support, and in fact the FSA is receiving more support from USA as we speak. They have kidnapped nuns, kidnapped Bishop and Archbishop, destroyed churches, and murdered and maimed Christians, including kidnapping and torture. All the while, the American taxpayer is sending their hard earned tax dollars to Free Syrian Army. One 16 year old Christian girl in Homs was kidnapped and raped by all the Free Syrian Army for months. She finally was rescued. According to Mother Superior Agnes Miriam, the girl has lost her mind. This was written about at Easter 2012 by Mother Superior. I know the girl’s name, but I never write the name out of respect for her and her family, but I do mention it as an atrocity of the Free Syria Army, and their American backers in the United States Congress. It is a war crime and a crime against humanity. Some people wrote they wished the girl would die, so as to end her suffering.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 12:15:42 +0000

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